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Releases: Xiphoseer/sdo-tool

Release 0.3.2

11 Feb 18:52
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  • Replaced an assert in the CHSET loading code with a parser check to get better error messages on corrupt files.

Release 0.3.1

01 Mar 12:00
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  • Minor improvements to the CLI experience
  • Converting (B)IMC files now requires a --format argument

Release 0.3

28 Feb 07:59
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  • adds an HTML export (sdo-tool --format html <file>)
  • adds support for images in the PDF export
  • can use mapping tables next to font files (e.g. GRIECH.TXT)
  • multiple bugs fixes

See for details.

Release 0.2

18 Feb 21:47
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This is the first full release of the SDO-Toolbox. There should be no more "dump" sub-command. If you find any trace of it, please file an issue.

New tools

Use sdo-tool <file> [out] to convert a single Signum Document or font file. Add --format pdf for a PDF file, --format png for a sequence of PNGs. Otherwise, it prints markup to the console.

Use sdo-batch <script> for generating a PDF from multiple source file or to embed page numbers or an outline. This remains to be documented.

Use st-convert <file> to decode ATARI ASCII to UTF-8 files

Use chset-kb <FONT>.E24 to generate a font keyboard image


12 Sep 15:00
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2020-09-12-Preview Pre-release

This release includes the first major feature: Printing documents to a sequence of png-Images using the printer fonts.

Use the sdo-tool FILE.SDO dump --out some/path command to use it

Initial public release

01 Sep 11:26
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This is the first public version of the Signum! Document Toolbox.


  • Load Signum! 1/2 documents (*.SDO, sdoc0001)
    • Print all kinds of data from the files to a console, but most importantly
    • Print a list of charset names
    • Print some global formatting options
    • Print a list of pages with additional formatting information
    • Print text to the console, including page breaks, and some HTML-like format annotations
      • Fonts that match the default ATARI keys are translated to the appropriate unicode characters
      • Documents that use only the ANTIKRO font have working space detection. This is a WIP
    • Print a list of image names
  • Load Signum! editor charsets (*.E24, eset0001)
    • Print height and width for each character
    • Print ASCII art for each character bitmap
  • Load Signum! images (*.IMC, bimc0002)
    • Produce a PNG for monochrome images exported from a document
    • NOTE: It's a tiny step from there to exporting images from a document on the fly.