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Fix border global style hasValue checks
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aaronrobertshaw committed Jul 29, 2021
1 parent 18b29d0 commit c641f4b
Showing 1 changed file with 35 additions and 45 deletions.
80 changes: 35 additions & 45 deletions packages/edit-site/src/components/sidebar/border-panel.js
Expand Up @@ -69,36 +69,34 @@ export default function BorderPanel( {
} ) {
// To better reflect if the user has customized a value we need to
// ensure the style value being checked is from the `user` origin.
const createHasValueCallback = ( feature ) => () =>
!! getStyle( name, feature, 'user' );

const createResetCallback = ( feature ) => () =>
setStyle( name, feature, undefined );

const handleOnChange = ( feature ) => ( value ) => {
setStyle( name, feature, value || undefined );

const units = useCustomUnits( {
availableUnits: useSetting( 'spacing.units' ) || [ 'px', 'em', 'rem' ],
} );

// Border width.
const showBorderWidth = useHasBorderWidthControl( { supports, name } );
const borderWidth = getStyle( name, 'borderWidth' );
const resetBorderWidth = () => setStyle( name, 'borderWidth', undefined );
const hasBorderWidth = () => !! borderWidth;

// Border style.
const showBorderStyle = useHasBorderStyleControl( { supports, name } );
const borderStyle = getStyle( name, 'borderStyle' );
const resetBorderStyle = () => setStyle( name, 'borderStyle', undefined );
const hasBorderStyle = () => !! borderStyle;
const showBorderColor = useHasBorderColorControl( { supports, name } );
const showBorderRadius = useHasBorderRadiusControl( { supports, name } );

// Border color.
const colors = useSetting( 'color.palette' ) || EMPTY_ARRAY;
const disableCustomColors = ! useSetting( 'color.custom' );
const disableCustomGradients = ! useSetting( 'color.customGradient' );
const showBorderColor = useHasBorderColorControl( { supports, name } );
const borderColor = getStyle( name, 'borderColor' );
const resetBorderColor = () => setStyle( name, 'borderColor', undefined );
const hasBorderColor = () => !! borderColor;

// Border radius.
const showBorderRadius = useHasBorderRadiusControl( { supports, name } );
const borderRadius = getStyle( name, 'borderRadius' );
const resetBorderRadius = () => setStyle( name, 'borderRadius', undefined );
const hasBorderRadius = () => {
const borderRadius = getStyle( name, 'borderRadius', 'user' );

if ( typeof borderRadius === 'object' ) {
return Object.entries( borderRadius ).some( Boolean );
Expand All @@ -107,10 +105,10 @@ export default function BorderPanel( {

const resetAll = () => {
setStyle( name, 'borderColor', undefined );
setStyle( name, 'borderRadius', undefined );
setStyle( name, 'borderStyle', undefined );
setStyle( name, 'borderWidth', undefined );

return (
Expand All @@ -121,69 +119,61 @@ export default function BorderPanel( {
{ showBorderWidth && (
hasValue={ hasBorderWidth }
hasValue={ createHasValueCallback( 'borderWidth' ) }
label={ __( 'Width' ) }
onDeselect={ resetBorderWidth }
onDeselect={ createResetCallback( 'borderWidth' ) }
isShownByDefault={ true }
value={ borderWidth }
value={ getStyle( name, 'borderWidth' ) }
label={ __( 'Width' ) }
onChange={ ( value ) => {
setStyle( name, 'borderWidth', value || undefined );
} }
onChange={ handleOnChange( 'borderWidth' ) }
units={ units }
) }
{ showBorderStyle && (
hasValue={ hasBorderStyle }
hasValue={ createHasValueCallback( 'borderStyle' ) }
label={ __( 'Style' ) }
onDeselect={ resetBorderStyle }
onDeselect={ createResetCallback( 'borderStyle' ) }
isShownByDefault={ true }
value={ borderStyle }
onChange={ ( value ) =>
setStyle( name, 'borderStyle', value )
value={ getStyle( name, 'borderStyle' ) }
onChange={ handleOnChange( 'borderStyle' ) }
) }
{ showBorderColor && (
hasValue={ hasBorderColor }
hasValue={ createHasValueCallback( 'borderColor' ) }
label={ __( 'Color' ) }
onDeselect={ resetBorderColor }
onDeselect={ createResetCallback( 'borderColor' ) }
isShownByDefault={ true }
label={ __( 'Color' ) }
value={ borderColor }
value={ getStyle( name, 'borderColor' ) }
colors={ colors }
gradients={ undefined }
disableCustomColors={ disableCustomColors }
disableCustomGradients={ disableCustomGradients }
onColorChange={ ( value ) =>
setStyle( name, 'borderColor', value )
onColorChange={ handleOnChange( 'borderColor' ) }
) }
{ showBorderRadius && (
hasValue={ hasBorderRadius }
label={ __( 'Radius' ) }
onDeselect={ resetBorderRadius }
onDeselect={ createResetCallback( 'borderRadius' ) }
isShownByDefault={ true }
values={ borderRadius }
onChange={ ( value ) =>
setStyle( name, 'borderRadius', value )
values={ getStyle( name, 'borderRadius' ) }
onChange={ handleOnChange( 'borderRadius' ) }
) }
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