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Virtual Coffee Hacktoberfest Initiative (vchi)

Local Development Setup

Steps to run the site locally for development or curiosity

1. Fork and clone the repository

Follow these steps to create a fork of this repository and clone it to your local machine.

2. Navigate to the repo directory

If you have just run git clone ... , the next step would be to move into the cloned repo:

cd hacktoberfest

3. Install dependencies

This repo requires node, pnpm, and the Netlify CLI to get started.

Installing node:

The best way to install node is to download the installer from their site. This repo requires node version 18.16, which is the latest LTS version.

If you already have a different version of node installed, but don't want to update globally, you can install a package called nvm, which will allow you to easily switch node versions. Once you have nvm installed (or if you already have it installed), you can run nvm use in the main directory and it will install the proper version of node.

Installing pnpm:

pnpm is a package manager that is used to install the rest of our dependencies.

Read more about pnpm on their docs site.

The best way to install pnpm for this project is by using Corepack, a new feature bundled with Node.

Install pnpm via corepack with the following commands:

corepack enable
corepack prepare

Setting up your .env

Use the following command to create a local .env file. Then open the new file (.env) and adjust any settings that are needed.

cp .env.example .env

Installing package dependencies

Once you have node, pnpm, and the Netlify CLI installed, you're ready to install the local dependencies! Run the following command:

pnpm install

At this point you're ready to roll! Run the following command to get rolling!

pnpm dev

Read more about what pnpm dev does in the following section.


The following commands are available for your use. Most of the time you'll only ever need pnpm dev.

pnpm dev

pnpm dev

This is the only command you need to do normal local development.

Starts a local server and watches your source files for changes. Use this to preview local development.

Once you run this command, a local server is running at http://localhost:3000! Any changes you make to the src folder should also re-build the site and re-load your browser.

You should see something like 'Server now ready on http://localhost:3000' below, which means the watcher is waiting to build your awesome changes!

Use ctrl-c to quit the server when you're done.
