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Generate async redux action types and creators


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Async Redux Action Creators

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  prefix: String,
  states: [...String]
}) => ({ entity: String }) => {
  ...[String]: ReduxAction


yarn add -D async-redux-actions redux-actions


async-redux-actions is a small helper that uses redux-actions to create a set of action creators and action types that you can use for all of your app's actions. It helps you by taking an object of actions and returning a set of action creators and actions types.


I like using redux-actions in conjunction with redux-promise-middleware, but felt icky about writing things like ${userActions.signIn.toString()}/RECEIVED.


// user.js

import createActions from 'async-redux-actions';

const actions = createActions({
  prefix: '💎',
}); // returns an function that is waiting on an entity and an object of actions.

export default actions({ entity: 'user ' })({
  PROFILE: promiseApi.getProfile,

That will create these action creators and types:

action creators

  • profile.requested()
  • profile.received()
  • profile.rejected()
  • profile()

along side of redux-promise-middleware, dispatching profile will kick off each action according to it's state, just like normal.



here's a full sample