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Matcha: dating website made with NodeJs -- 42's project



1. Clone the repo: `git clone`
2. Install packages: `npm install`
3. Edit the database configuration in `config/db.js`, 
	add your 42's API credentials in `config/passport.js` 
	and add your Google Maps's API key 
	in `view/Connected/private.ejs` (line 1) 
	and in `scripts/seed.js` (line 35)
4. Create data schema: `node scripts/main.js`
5. Add fake profiles: `node scripts/seed.js 500`
6. To get all emails sent from the app: `sudo npm i -g maildev && maildev -s 1050`
7. Launch: `npm start`
8. Visit in your browser at: `http://localhost:6969`


This project is about creating a dating website. 
You will need to create an app allowing two potential lovers to meet, 
from the registration to the final encounter. 
A user will then be able to register, connect, fill his/her profile, 
search and look into the profile of other users, like them, chat with those that “liked” back.
Look at `subject.pdf` for more details.

Key concepts

* Front-end framework
* Build tools
* Micro-framework 
* Advanced user registration and sign-in
* Real-time application
* Geolocation 
* Security (XSS, SQL injection..) 
* Data validation
* UX / UI Design 

My stack

* Node.js
* Express (+ middleware)
* JavaScript ES6+
* OAuth
* Fakerjs

Project’s constraints

Mandatory tools: 
	* Relational database 

Forbidden tools:
	* MVC framework
	* Validators 
	* Registration / Authentication library