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Releases: Valkryst/VTerminal


06 Mar 17:35
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3.2.0-BETA Pre-release
  • Adds the id variable to the Component class.
    • Automatically initialized to a unique UUID value on creation.
    • Can be set to any string by the user.
  • Adds the getComponentsByID function to both the Screen and Layer classes.
    • Allows the user to retrieve a list of all components, using a specific ID, which have been added to the Screen or Layer.


06 Mar 17:16
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3.1.0-BETA Pre-release
  • Removes the use/need for the LayerBuilder class.


06 Mar 16:47
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3.0.1-BETA Pre-release
  • Adds the setPosition(x, y) function to the TileGrid class.
  • Adds 12/14pt font sizes for the DejaVu Sans Mono font.


05 Mar 18:29
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3.0.0-BETA Pre-release

This release is a major rewrite from the 2.x.x-BETA releases.

If you're updating from a previous version, it will help to view the Wiki's updated code samples. I haven't found it too difficult to update from 2.20.0-BETA to 3.0.0-BETA, but there are definitely enough changes to warrent re-writing most code written for 2.20.0-BETA.

  • Added support for GUI color themes, known as ColorPalettes in VTerminal.
    • A number of palettes have been added, you can view them here.
  • Added support for Full-Screen Exclusive Mode, so you can run VTerminal fullscreened.
  • Added sub-character printing for the ImagePrinter class.
    1. The image is split into 2x2 chunks of pixels.
    2. The 2x2 chunk is checked to ensure that it only contains two colors.
    3. The 2x2 chunk's pixels are mapped to one of the pixel characters, such as ▘, ▀, and ▚.
    4. A Tile is set to use the approprate fore/background colors as well as the appropriate pixel character to represent the 2x2 chunk.
  • Components:
    • Removed the TextField component and TextFieldBuilder class as they were almost identical to TextArea and TextAreaBuilder.
    • Removed the dynamic feature of the TextArea component. You can no-longer insert more text than is visible on the screen. This may be re-implemented in the future.
  • Fixed all known bugs from version 2.20.0-BETA.
  • Removed all usage of the Observer Pattern along with dependence on VRadio.
  • Removed the AsciiString class as well as all of it's helper functions.
  • Removed the Ray/Glow shaders.
  • Removed the RetroDays and FreeMono fonts.
  • Renamed AsciiCharacter to Tile and AsciiTile to GraphicTile.
  • Rewrote all code to work with the new TileGrid class.
  • Simplified the use of EventListeners.
  • Rewrote code to use AWT components only, rather than combining a JFrame with a Canvas.
  • Rewrote the color swapping algorithm, in the ImageCache class, to allow for antialised fonts.


09 Feb 14:51
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2.20.0-BETA Pre-release

First release in a while, unsure of all the changes, but one major bug was fixed and there are a number of smaller bug fixes, optimizations, and function body changes.


01 Nov 12:16
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2.17.0-BETA Pre-release
  • Added a number of shaders.
    • CharChromeShader
    • CharEdgeDetectionshader
    • ChromeShader
    • EdgeDetectionShader
    • EmbossShader
    • OilPaintShader
    • PixelateShader
  • Renamed CharacterShader to CharShader.


01 Nov 01:01
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2.16.0-BETA Pre-release
  • Added the CharacterShader interface and reworked the existing shaders, so that they either implement directly from Shader or from CharacterShader.
  • Reorganized shader package structure.
  • Rewrote a small portion of the AsciiCharacter and AsciiTile classes Draw function in order to prevent some unnecessary re-generating of sprite images.
  • Updated the AsciiTile class to only allow shaders that do not implement CharacterShader.


31 Oct 15:53
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2.15.0-BETA Pre-release
  • Adds the TintShader and ShadeShader classes.
  • Removes the dynamic redraw flag from the Panel & PanelBuilder classes.
  • Misc bug fixes, code changes, and JavaDoc improvements.
  • Rewrites the tint/shade function of AsciiString, so that they use the new TintShader and ShadeShader classes.


30 Oct 18:53
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2.14.0-BETA Pre-release
  • Adds constructors to the FlipShader to make it a bit easier to use.
  • Adds the removeAllShaders function to both AsciiString and AsciiCharacter.
  • Removes the flip-related functions from the AsciiString class as flips can easily be done as a one-liner with the FlipShader.
    • asciiString.addShaders(new FlipShader(isFlippedHorizontally, isFlippedVertically));
  • Rewrites all of the Shader classes, so that their run function takes in an AsciiCharacter. This removes the need for an overly complicated, and potentially incorrect, function used to guess the fore/background colors.


30 Oct 17:43
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2.13.1-BETA Pre-release
  • Adds the FlipShader and TextBoldShader classes.
  • Rewrites the way AsciiCharacter's are flipped. They now use the FlipShader.