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aiohttp-oauth2-client: OAuth2 support for aiohttp client

This package adds support for OAuth 2.0 authorization to the ClientSession class of the aiohttp library. It handles retrieving access tokens and injects them in the Authorization header of HTTP requests as a Bearer token.



pip install aiohttp-oauth2-client


Begin by importing the relevant modules, like the OAuth2 client and grant. Also import asyncio for running async code:

import asyncio
from aiohttp_oauth2_client.client import OAuth2Client
from aiohttp_oauth2_client.grant.device_code import DeviceCodeGrant

Then create an OAuth2Grant and OAuth2Client object and perform a HTTP request to a protected resource. We use the Device Code grant in this example:

async def main():
    async with DeviceCodeGrant(
    ) as grant, OAuth2Client(grant) as client:
        async with client.get(PROTECTED_ENDPOINT) as response:
            assert response.ok
            print(await response.text())

For more advanced options and a complete overview of the available OAuth2 grants and their configuration, see the documentation.


To start developing on this project, you should install all needed dependencies for running and testing the code:

pip install -e .[dev]

This will also install linting and formatting tools, which can be automatically executed when you commit using Git. To set up pre-commit as a Git hook, run:

pre-commit install

You can also run the pre-commit checks manually with the following command:

pre-commit run --all-files