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Stream edited this page Mar 20, 2024 · 9 revisions

Here are some of the frequent asked questions, more complicated questions can be found in sidebar.

Route or config not found after installation

Run php artisan route:clear and php artisan config:clear.

Limitation of SVG files

SVG files cannot be cropped or resized.

Image source not readable

Please enable exif PHP extension.

Missing translation

Please check the customization document. Pull requests are appreciated!

Can't upload large files

Modify memory_limit and upload_max_filesize directives in your php.ini. If you see the exact error message "File size exceeds server limit (2M)", this is usually related to php.ini configuration. The 2M is the default value for post_max_size and upload_max_filesize.

To debug if php.ini is set properly, you can use the following line somewhere in your view or controller:

dd(ini_get('post_max_size'), ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));

If both values are 2M, please check if php.ini configuration is in the right place.

Method request() not work

Use laravel-50 branch of this package.

Invalid upload request

Enable exif PHP extension