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UQCS Payments

The online membership form for the UQ Computing Society.

This repo has been archived in favour of our newer UQCSPay platform, which is a fork of this repo. We’ve opted to keep this repo in its current state for any club that is interested in a simple signup system that they can self-host.


Env Vars


API keys can be found in these places:


Database Setup

  1. PostgreSQL is needed for the database backend, download from here.

  2. Open a psql shell.

  3. Create a database for signups if it does not exist:

    CREATE DATABASE <uqcs_database_name>;
  4. Load the UUID extension in this database:

    \connect <uqcs_database_name>
    CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp";

NOTE: The database to be used is specified in an environment variable as an SQLAlchemy database string. This should be set before running, e.g.

   export SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=postgresql://postgres:password@localhost:5432/<uqcs_database_name>
  1. Run the signup sheet to create the tables

Signup Form

  1. Windows machines will need the Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools, which can be found here.

  2. Using Python 3, run:

    python install --user
  3. Run the signup form with

    python -m uqcs [host]

    where [host] is the IP to bind to. For example,

    python -m uqcs localhost
  4. The form will be available at port 9001 of the given host.

Useful Tasks

Generate a bcrypt hash, then add it to the adminuser table with, for example:

INSERT INTO adminuser VALUES ('admin', 'Admin', '$2y$12$uIcgKDdPYiiEaYKpWqYFXul1aOJrE3CUnbI/XfxgUhPQUu6u0a/ZC');

This adds an admin user with usernamen "admin" and password "test".

Program Data

Read through details for updating student program data here.

Database Migration

If you are committee and looking for how to move the database, or how to create a new database for a new year, you're looking in the wrong place. Look at infrastructure notes for the membership database.

If you are not committee, then hi. Banana.