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Ansible Role: mirsg.provision

This role sets up for a specific distribution for CentOS (mirrorlist and locale) or Rocky8 (disable postgres), upgrades all packages and ensures epel is installed.


If you would like to run Ansible Molecule to test this role, the requirements are in requirements.txt.

Role Variables

postgresql_rpm_gpg_key_pgdg: the postgresql key. This is not needed for CentOS 7.

server_locale: the sets the user's language, region, etc. This is set to "en_GB.UTF-8"

external_storage_drive: path to mounted storage. By default this is undefined.


There are no Ansible-Galaxy dependencies for this role.

Example Playbook

This role will perform provision tasks on a managed host. To use this role, add it to the list of roles in a play:

- name: Provision
  hosts: all
    - mirsg.provision


BSD 3-Clause License.

Author Information

This role was created by the Medical Imaging Research Software Group at UCL.