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Basement API

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Welcome to the Basement API docs!

Special thanks to Terri Chu for the doc template.

Welcome to Basement, where you can keep your group organized! Basement is a small-group event management system designed with bands in mind. Using Basement, you can keep track of your groupmate's schedules as well as your own. Compare calendars to get optimal availability without having to get everyone in the same room! Get text alerts for important events like practice and gigs, raids, etc.

Future releases will include searchable group databases for finding like-minded groups to party with, one-stop booking and scheduling, and social media connectivity!

These docs are intended to assist front-end developers interested in integrating with the Basement database. They are organized according to table methods. Any questions or bug-fixes may be emailed to insert somebody's email here.


Items marked with (a) are admin commands

##Registrations and User Methods

###Register New User

This allows the creation of a new user with default permissions.

URL /signup

Method POST


Parameter Type Description
email String ​*(Required)*​ Unique email that actually works
password String ​*(Required)*​ Password for the user
username String ​*(Required)*​ A username that you can remember and will identify you throughout the site
phone String A contact phone number with text capabilities. THIS MUST BE SENT TO THE SERVER AS A STRING IN THE FOLLOWING FORMAT: "+14045551234"


If successful, you will receive:

Status Code: 201 - Created
    { "user": 
            { "user_id": 1,
              "username": "username appears here"
              "email": "email appears here"
              "phone": "+14045551234"
       "access_token": "The Access-Token for the Owner"

​*As long as you get the above, the user is succeesfully created and stored.*​

If unsuccessful, you will receive:

Status Code: 422 - Unprocessable Entity
                "Username/Email has already been taken",

###Login User

This allows an already registered user to login to the system.

URL /login

Method POST


Parameter Type Description
username String ​*(Required)*​ The username you registered with
password String ​*(Required)*​ Password for the user


If successful, you will receive: A redirect to your profile page

If unsuccessful, you will receive:

Status Code: 422 - Unprocessable Entity
                "Incorrect username/password",
    Or something like that.

###Logout User

This allows an logged-in user to logout, ending their session and making the server pixies very sad :(

URL /logout

Method GET


Just click the button.


If successful, you will receive:

A redirect to the Welcome page.

###Editing User Info

This allows you to update critical user info such as username, email, phone and password. Eventually, this will also be the route

URL /signup

Method PUT


HEADERS: Access-Token

Parameter Type Description
email String ​*(Required)*​ Unique email that actually works
password String ​*(Required)*​ Password for the user
username String ​*(Required)*​ A username that you can remember and will identify you throughout the site
phone String A contact phone number with text capabilities. THIS MUST BE SENT TO THE SERVER AS A STRING IN THE FOLLOWING FORMAT: "+14045551234"


If successful, you will receive:

Status Code: 200 - OK
    { "user": 
            { "user_id": 1,
              "username": "username appears here"
              "email": "email appears here"
              "phone": "+14045551234"

If unsuccessful, you will receive:

Status Code: 422 - Unprocessable Entity
                "<Param> not valid.  Please stop breaking the server.",

###Deleting A User

This allows the currently logged in user OR a site admin to delete a user from the database entirely.

URL /users/:id



HEADERS: Access-Token


If successful, you will receive:

Status Code: 200 - OK      

If unsuccessful, you will receive:

Status Code: 400 - NOT OK
                "You ain't even authorized to do that, shawty.",

###(a)List all Registered Users

This allows the site admin to request a list of ALL registered users to the site.

URL /users

Method GET


HEADERS: Access-Token


If successful, you will receive:

Status Code: 200 - OK
    { "user": 
            { "user_id": 1,
              "username": "username appears here"
              "email": "email appears here"
              "phone": "+14045551234"
       "access_token": "The Access-Token for the Owner"

If unsuccessful, you will receive:

Status Code: 400 - NOT OK
                "You must be a site admin to do this!",

##Group Methods

###Create a New Group

This allows a registered user to create a new group calendar with themself as the group owner.

URL /group

Method POST


HEADERS: Access-Token

Parameter Type Description
name String ​*(Required)*​ Name for group. This does not need to be unique.
category String A category type. Not yet implemented
join_password String An optional password for allowing users to join the group
public Boolean Defaults to true. Turns to false if join_password is given


If successful, you will receive:

Status Code: 201 - Created
    { "group": 
            { "group_id": 1,
              "name": "group name appears here"
              "owner": "owner's username"
              "owner_id": "owner's username"

If unsuccessful, you will receive:

Status Code: 422 - Unprocessable Entity
                "Username/Email has already been taken",

###Edit Group Info This allows the owner or admin to edit the basic information of a group, including changing the join password.

URL /group/:id

Method PUT


HEADERS: Access-Token

Parameter Type Description
name String ​*(Required)*​ Name for group. This does not need to be unique.
category String A category type. Not yet implemented
join_password String An optional password for allowing users to join the group
public Boolean Defaults to true. Turns to false if join_password is given


If successful, you will receive:

Status Code: 200 - OK
    { "group": 
            { "group_id": 1,
              "name": "username appears here"
              "owner": "owner's username"
              "owner_id": "owner's username"
       "access_token": "The Access-Token for the Owner"

If unsuccessful, you will receive:

Status Code: 422 - Unprocessable Entity
                "Username/Email has already been taken",

###Delete a Group

This allows the group owner to delete a group from existence, which will also delete the group calendar and all events for group members.

URL /group/:id



HEADERS: Access-Token


If successful, you will receive:

Status Code: 200 - OK
    The group was deleted. 
    Redirect-to User Profile  

If unsuccessful, you will receive:

Nothing because how can you screw this up?

##Membership Methods ###Create a new Member

This creates a new member of a group, linking a user to a group through a join table. NOTE: Owners are added to the table by default

URL /group/:id/members

Method POST


HEADERS: Access-Token

Parameter Type Description
user_id Integer ​*(Required)*​ The ID of the user being added to a given group.
group_id Integer ​*(Required)*​ The ID of the group the user is being added to.


If successful, you will receive:

Status Code: 201 - Created
    { "Member": 
            	 "id": 1
              "user_id": 1,
              "group_id": 2,

If unsuccessful, you will receive:

Status Code: 422 - Unprocessable Entity
                "That group/user does not exist.",

###Remove a Member

This removes the given member from the group.

URL /group/:id/members

Method delete


HEADERS: Access-Token


If successful, you will receive:

Status Code: 200 - OK

If unsuccessful, you will receive:

Nothing because that's what you deserve.

##Event Methods ###Create an Event This is the route used to crete events for both users AND groups! When an event is created, the user that creates the event is automatically associated with the event, and it will fall under that user's index. When an event is created for a GROUP calendar, the event will contain both the id of the user who created it AND the id of the group it was created for. The only difference is that in one case you send only the user_id, and in the other you send both the User_id and the group_id.

URL /events

Method POST


HEADERS: Access-Token

Parameter Type Description
user_id Integer ​*(Required)*​ The ID of the user being added to a given group.
group_id Integer ​*(Required)*​ The ID of the group the user is being added to.
group_id Integer ​*(Required)*​ The ID of the group the user is being added to.
group_id Integer ​*(Required)*​ The ID of the group the user is being added to.
group_id Integer ​*(Required)*​ The ID of the group the user is being added to.


If successful, you will receive:

Status Code: 201 - Created
    { "Member": 
            	 "id": 1
              "user_id": 1,
              "group_id": 2,

If unsuccessful, you will receive:

Status Code: 422 - Unprocessable Entity
                "That group/user does not exist.",


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