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This is the public and Official repository for the ReynbOS distro, a lot of work is being done configuring it at the moment, so more information will follow.


ReynbOS is a debian based distro with emphasis on script first mindset, recipes will be added later, but you'll have a basic distro with an i3 window manager, firefox, vscode, drivers, utilites and system tools.

As this is a live distrobution we need a release schedule, which will be put up soon using github actions to get a CI integration going for weekly updates.

Buy Me A Coffee


I've made it easy for you to join in and start tinkering with ReynbOS and start submitting pull requests note that as of now, the build process as only been tested on Debian and Ubuntu since the distro is debian based its recommended to build and test it on a debian based distro.

sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/reynbos

install the required packages

sudo reynbos requirements

To build the iso, note that this process can take a while, since its downloading all the required debian packages to build an entire distro.. Note that in the example below we install the "Hacker" edition, at the moment we have Developer & Hacker

sudo reynbos bootstrap Hacker

after you've generated the iso, you can go ahead and test it.

sudo reynbos test

Key bindings

Key Binding Action
Alt+Return open a terminal
Alt+Shift+q exit window
Alt+d application launcher
Alt+c vscode
Alt+b browser
Alt+f full screen

for more information on keybindings please refer to i3 Configuration File if you wish to change the key bindings, please refer to the i3 Manual


Before we can move to an offical release, these need to be implemented.

  • Implement the Recipe Fetching.
  • Create basic Recipes.
  • Documentation.


Please refer to the github Discussions alternatively you can check out the over-the-raynbow discord server i'll be posting some developmental post on my blog at @theoistic