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Dotfiles management using Chezmoi

To use Chezmoi on another system, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Install Dependencies:

    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh # Install rust
    cargo install sccache # install sccache to build up cache for rust packages that will speed up build times
    cargo install cargo-binstall # install binstall to not have to build every crate
    cargo install bat rg cargo-update # install better alternatives to cat and grep and update utility
    sudo apt install fish chezmoi  # use appropriate package manager
    curl | fish # install ohmyfish
    curl -sL | source && fisher install jorgebucaran/fisher # install fisher
    fisher install edc/bass # install bass for fisher compatibility with bash
  2. Install Chezmoi: Install Chezmoi on the new system by following the installation instructions specific to your operating system and instantly link to this repo:

    sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init --apply Tanguille

    2b. Apply Dotfiles: If you are unsure about immediatly applying all dotfiles to your system, apply your dotfiles to the new system by running the following command:

    chezmoi apply

    Chezmoi will create the necessary symbolic links to configure your dotfiles based on the repository's contents.

  3. Update Dotfiles: If you make any changes to your dotfiles on the new system, you can synchronize them back to the repository by running:

    chezmoi diff  # View the differences
    chezmoi update  # Update the repository with changes

    The chezmoi diff command shows the differences between the repository and your local dotfiles, while chezmoi update updates the repository with the changes you made.

By following these steps, you can easily use Chezmoi to manage your dotfiles across multiple systems, ensuring consistency and easy synchronization.


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