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FAF Site

Official website

What is FAF?

FAF represents an English Taught Honor's Program in Computer Science at the Technical University of Moldova. Basically we are a group of enthusiastic and proactive students that try their best.

In order to share things and promote ourselves we decided to launch our website.


In order to setup and run the project follow the steps:

  1. Ensure that you have any Python version from 2.6.5 to 2.7. For this run python -c 'import sys; print(sys.version_info[:])'
  • Also you should have pip installed. Run easy_install pip or sudo apt-get install python-pip

  • Install virtualenv if you don't have one: pip install virtualenv

  • Clone project git clone

  • After cloning fafsite project, create a virtualenv inside the project and activate it.

     $ cd fafsite
     $ virtualenv env
     $ source env/bin/activate
  • Run pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Set up MySQL on your machine. Make sure that you have mysql_config. If you encouter an error that says that mysql_config not found, then you must install libmysqlclient-dev for debian systems. Also you may need python-dev.

  • Install system wide tinymce - a web based JavaScript HTML WYSIWYG editor.

  • Copy the stagging settings to the settings file and edit if necessary.

     $ cp fafsite/fafsite/ fafsite/fafsite/
  • Create the tables in the database: python fafsite/ syncdb. When prompted for a superuser, create one. These are the credentials you are going to use for logging in to the admin panel.

  • Run the wsgi server: python fafsite/ runserver

  • Run the tests: cd fafsite; python test (if you run the tests from the upper directory, then django-nose can't discover them). Note: please run the tests every time you make a change.

Developing front-end

We do use technologies that have to be preprocessed (e.g. Stylus, LESS< CoffeeScript).

In order to automate front-end building and keep it cross-platform we use Gulp.js. The structure of folders is as follows:

  • src/components - Used components (e.g. Bootstrap and jQuery)
  • src/script - JS sources (Coffee)
  • src/style - CSS sources (Stylus)
  • src/style/bootstrap - Bootstrap overriding (LESS)

In order to be able to build front-end you'll need:

  1. Node.js how to install. If it is already installed then ensure that you have latest version
  • Install Gulp globally (one time) npm install -g gulp gulp-util
  • Install Bower globally (one time) npm install -g bower
  • Go to project folder in your favorite terminal cd fafsite
  • Install packages npm install
  • Install bower components bower install
  • Run gulp development for development version
  • Run gulp build for build version

In order to recompile sources live you'll need:

  1. Install LiveReload in Google Chrome
  • Run development watch task gulp w or gulp watch
  • Start python server python fafsite/ runserver
  • Open the page in browser
  • Activate LiveReload in browser

Now any change in sources should recompile the project front-end and reload the browser automatically.

Before commiting stop Gulp task (Ctrl+c) and run gulp build. This way project will be prepaired for production.


For everyone who is willing to contribute please check our Contribution Guidelines.