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Flare for Bukkit

Downloads can be found under releases.


There are two primary things that should be setup in order to optimally use Flare, however they are not required.

1. Add the Java flags

-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+DebugNonSafepoints

These two flags will ensure that you are getting the most accurate data in your Flares.

2. Use a JVM with debug symbols

Most JDK distributions include debug symbols for Java 16+, but some distributions do not. You can test with the following command:

gdb $JAVA_HOME/lib/server/ -ex 'info address UseG1GC'

If the UseG1GC symbol is found, then the debug symbols are present and you can use memory profiling.

3. Add Flare token

Once you subscribe to the Patreon you can find your token here. Put this inside plugins/FlarePlugin/config.yml like so:

  token: "mytokenhere"

Finally, you can run /flare in-game to start profiling!
