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A logger for use in tests so that the messages logged can be examined in tests.

Current version supports: 6.0, 7.0 and 8.0

.NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5.0 support was dropped as of v2.0. Use v1.x when targeting .NET Core 3.1 or .NET 5.0.

Why test logs?

This was originally developed to test that background services were emitting logs in certain scenarios. Since the logs are the one of the primary views of how a background service is working it is essentially a first class output of the service. The user interface of the service, if you prefer, where the user is the developer or support technician attempting a diagnose an issue.

It can also be useful to test that structured logs emit the correct values so that values used when querying a logging sinks (such as ElasticSearch or New Relic) are available and correct.

Other reasons to capture logs

This library also supports rendering the logs it captures, filtered in any way you see fit. This can be useful in scenarios, such as calling an ASP.NET application that will emit a deluge of logs that you are unlikely to be interested as it spins up the hosted server within the test.


For details on usage see the Stravaig Logging Diagnostics documentation.

Example project

In this repository there is an example project showing how this may be used in NUnit tests.

Feedback, Issues, and Questions

You can create a GitHub issue to leave bug reports, ask questions, or feature requests.

Contributing / Getting Started

  • Ensure you have PowerShell 7.1.x (or higher, except Windows) installed.
  • At a PowerShell prompt
    • Navigate to the root of this repository
    • Run ./Install-GitHooks.ps1
  • Name the branch after the issue number. e.g. #1234/fix-the-thing. The Git Hooks will prefix each commit with the issue number.