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Native time Unity package for burst compatibility

Why is this needed?

Due to limitations in Burst, you cannot use Stopwatch or any of its function to calculate elapsed time. You also cannot use Unity's Time.realtimeSinceStartup.

Burst does however let you call native functions so this package includes a native plugin that returns the number of nanoseconds since startup, which is converted to ticks (100ns) and passed to TimeSpan.

How to use

Create a new ValueStopwatch using ValueStopwatch.StartNew()

var sw = ValueStopwatch.StartNew();
var elapsed = sw.ElapsedTicks;

To reset, just reassign from ValueStopwatch.StartNew()

var sw = ValueStopwatch.StartNew();
var elapsed1 = sw.ElapsedTicks;

sw = ValueStopwatch.StartNew();
var elapsed2 = sw.ElapsedTicks;

You can also get the raw time in nanoseconds using ValueStopwatch.GetTimestamp()