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Category: Accounts
Category: Accounts
This issue is related to our account system and related websites
Category: Art
Category: Art
This issue requires work by an artist.
Category: Audio
Category: Audio
This issue requires work by an audio designer.
Category: Balance
Category: Balance
This issue is a balancing problem that can affect game experience in a negative way.
Category: Cloud Worlds
Category: Cloud Worlds
This issue is related to cloud worlds.
Category: Design
Category: Design
This issue needs a design decision before it can be continued.
Category: DevOps
Category: DevOps
This issue requires work to be done by our DevOps team.
Category: Ecopedia
Category: Ecopedia
This issue is related to the Ecopedia.
Category: Elections Website
Category: Elections Website
This issue is related to the elections website
Category: Gameplay
Category: Gameplay
This issue is related to the functionality of gameplay features.
Category: Laws
Category: Laws
This issue is related to the laws feature.
Category: Localization
Category: Localization
This issue is related to localization.
Category: Modkit
Category: Modkit
Category: Optimization
Category: Optimization
This issue is related to optimization.
Category: Refactoring
Category: Refactoring
This issue requires refactorization work to be done.
Category: Tech
Category: Tech
This issue relates to a tech subsystem: server functionality, graphics, migrations, database, etc.
Category: UI
Category: UI
This issue is related to the UI.
Category: Web
Category: Web
This issue is related to the Web UI of the game.
China Release
China Release
Issues to go in the China Release build
Community Manager
Community Manager
This issue is recommended to be taken care of by the Community Manager due to popular demand.
Eco Infinite
Eco Infinite
This issue is an exploit that can affect game experience and balance in serious negative ways.
Needs Task Plan
Needs Task Plan
Mark this on bugs that need a task plan created in the Tasks google drive folder.
OS: Linux
OS: Linux
This issue impacts Eco users running on Linux.
OS: macOS
OS: macOS
This issue impacts Eco users running on macOS/OSX
Priority: Critical
Priority: Critical
Urgent issues that need immediate attention.
Priority: High
Priority: High
This issue is preventing a feature from being used or extremely annyoing.
Priority: Low
Priority: Low
This issue is annoying but does not interfere with gameplay.