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This work was heavily inspired by

I would also like to thank several individual contributors who have contacted me with suggestions and improvements.


This service is part of my example for enterprise microservices in go.

The business scenario is rather contrived and not really the point here:

  • go-mailer-service (this service) offers a REST API to send an email given an email address, a subject, and a body. When an email is sent, a Kafka message must be sent to inform some hypothetical downstream service, but only if a feature toggle is switched on
  • go-campaign-service offers a REST API to plan a campaign (really just a list of email addresses, plus a subject and a body) and execute it, using the mailer service

But here's the catch, I am pretending to work in some hypothetical enterprise that deploys its services as docker containers into seperate kubernetes installations (dev, staging, production).

Also, there are all kinds of compliance rules to follow.

Effectively, that adds lots of nonfunctional requirements concerning:

  • configuration for multiple environments, with part of the configuration injected by the environment
    • kubernetes provides configmaps and secrets, but we need to implement loading configuration either from yaml files or from environment variables
    • for simplicity we assume that we can accept rolling restarts for configuration changes, so no hot reload mechanism must be provided
    • feature toggles
  • API docs (swagger/openapi v3) must be offered and kept current
  • messaging (Apache Kafka, separate installations per environment)
  • discovery (done using kubernetes standard features in our example)
  • resilience
    • kubernetes provides scaling and availability, but for that to work, we must support health and readiness probes
    • all cross-service calls must use circuit breakers
  • persistence (mysql, separate installations per environment)
  • security
    • transport layer security
      • exclusively communicate via https between services (except on local developer machines), so outgoing calls go to an external load balancer and then through an ingress
      • SSL termination for incoming calls is done using said load balancer (you don't even get to have the certificates for production!)
    • authentication and authorization
      • authentication ("who is making the request") is provided by an external IAM solution that includes an OAuth2, OIDC-compliant Identity Provider. From our perspective, the request includes a signed JWT in the Authorization header. The signature must be validated for every request and the user information extracted. Also, the token must be passed on in outgoing calls, but only to other internal services participating in the auth domain.
      • part of the authorization ("are they allowed to do what is requested") is also derived from claims in the JWT. I am going to use a namespaced roles claim with the url pointing to this github repository.
  • logging must be JSON structured logging to the console, except on local developer machines, where this would reduce readability. When running in kubernetes, I assume we want to log to console using Elastic Common Schema, so that log output can be shipped directly to logstash.
  • monitoring
    • health and readiness end points must be provided
    • prometheus endpoints must be available and provide appropriate metrics
  • tracing
    • OpenTracing support
    • More specifically: In order to allow request tracing across the many existing Java Spring Boot/Spring Cloud services, every service must propagate (and possibly create) a zipkin/sleuth compatible Request Id, which must therefore be picked up from and placed in the "X-B3-TraceId" header on each response and outgoing call.
  • automated testing
    • unit tests cover all significant logic (examples only)
    • acceptance tests for all endpoints
      • including negative/positive security acceptance tests
    • consumer driven contract tests for all interactions between services
      • including security contract tests that ensure tokens are not propagated where they should not go
    • performance testing
    • load testing

The following requirements will not be covered here, either because our business scenario does not need them, or because this is after all a contrived example:

  • we won't do client side load balancing for additional resilience, mainly because for that to make sense, it would also require to move parts of discovery away from kubernetes standard service and ingress features.

    In a real world scenario, this could easily happen though. Just think of scaling out the mailer service to some cloud provider, so that some of its instances run there while others are run on premise.

  • my use case does not require service node coordination beyond sharing the same database, which is simply assumed to be clustered

    • e.g. partition tolerance is not considered here beyond the standard kubernetes features
  • we assume no need for caching (although this service might benefit drastically from e.g. memcached integration under high load)

  • in a real world scenario, there are many additional security considerations not taken into account here. Some examples:

    • security logging
    • dependency and vulnerability scanning
    • access revocation in a shorter time span than the expiry time of the token
    • ...

For each of the requirement areas written in bold face above, you will find a section below detailing what go libraries I have looked at, and which one I have ultimately decided to use, and what I have learned in the process.

I have a fair bit of experience with Spring Boot / Spring Cloud, so I will occasionally make notes of what I am missing coming from that perspective. If you find I just haven't found a library that does just that or something similar, do send me a message. I am very happy to learn.

Developer Instructions

Development Project Setup

This service uses go modules to provide dependency management, see go.mod.

If you place this repository OUTSIDE of your gopath, go build and go test will clone all required dependencies by default.

If you change or add a dependency, you will need to do go build main.go to clone or update dependencies.

You can find more details about go modules in this detailed article, including a description of the GO111MODULE environment variable and how its meaning changed across go versions.

Running on Localhost

On the command line, go build main.go will download all dependencies and build a standalone executable for you.

The executable expects two configuration files config.yaml and secrets.yaml in the current directory. You can override their path locations by passing command line options as follows:

main --config-path=. --secrets-path=.

Find configuration templates under docs, copy them to the main directory and edit them so they fit your environment.

Running the Automated Tests

This service comes with unit, acceptance, and consumer driven contract tests.

You can run all of these on the command line:

go test ./...

In order for the contract tests to work, you will need to perform some additional installation:

Consumer Driven Contract Tests

This microservice uses pact-go for contract tests.

This is the producer side.

Before you can run the contract tests in this repository, you need to run the consumer side contract tests in the go-campaign-service to generate the contract specification.

You are expected to clone that repository into a directory called go-campaign-service right next to a clone of this repository. If you wish to place your contract specs somewhere else, simply change the path or URL in test/contract/producer/setup_ctr_test.go.

See the readme for go-campaign-service for installation instructions for the required tooling.

Selecting a Web Framework/Library

There are three possible approaches:

  • use a full fledged RPC/Event Driven Architecture Framework
    • micro/go-micro, which focuses on gRPC (google protobuf), and supports discovery via multicast DNS and etcd → not a good fit
    • NYTimes/gizmo, which has many of the features we need. Ultimately I decided against it because the documentation is just too thin for my taste, and so I had a hard time finding my way into it, given my time constraints.
  • use a Web Service Framework
    • gin-gonic/gin, a very active MIT licensed framework with lots of good documentation and stackoverflow answers. This framework was recommended multiple times at a recent go conference I went to, and I could easily find example code for most of the requirements that aren't directly supported.
    • I found some other frameworks, but they are either outdated, or aren't nearly as active as gin.
    • go-chi/chi, another very active MIT licensed framework that already includes middlewares for many of our nonfunctional requirements.
  • use just a Router
    • gorilla/mux, this is a low level choice that only has a http request router, but if you find you are using fewer and fewer standard components from your framework, this might actually be useful.

I chose to go with gin. We'll see how that turns out.

After finding chi, I decided to try that framework for my go-campaign-service, the other side of this example.

Implementation Experience with Gin

  • Easily supports Singleton Controller/Service/Repository by passing down the gin.Context
    • but this allows lower layers direct access to the web request/response, so it takes a little bit more discipline not to abuse this, compared to e.g. gorilla/mux handler functions and passing around a context.Context. Might want to wrap it to give access just to what should be available?
  • Has a good example for including static files in the binary
  • The pre-made request logging library does not retrieve its logger from the context but instead uses the global logger instance. This is nice and good, until you want to have your requestIds logged, too. Then you are stuck coding up your own request logger middleware again.
  • The pre-made gin requestId middleware is completely useless - it doesn't read an existing requestId from the relevant header, if present, but instead always generates a new requestId
  • The fact that gin insists on using its own context rather than the standard go context makes it harder to wire up a lot of standard middlewares such as for authentication.
  • Gin uses printf for debug mode logging instead of the provided logger. You can turn it off, thankfully.

In the end, the few lines of code saved are just not worth the additional hassle and complexities compared to Chi.

Implementation Experience with Chi

  • It's much more low level, for example I needed to write actual code to serve static files, see this example
  • Smaller binary, much smaller dependencies footprint
  • It relies on standard context, handler and middleware functions, fully compatible with golang's standard library. This makes it much easier to use third party middlewares.
  • Chi provides a number of pre-made middlewares. They have recently updated their documentation and the list is slowly growing. Besides, go-chi handlers are compatible with net/http, so a lot of third party middlewares will also work out of the box.

Chi will be the framework of choice for me for future microservices.

Fulfilling the Requirements

Requirement: Configuration

spf13/viper provides configuration file handling

  • get config from JSON, YAML, envfile, Java properties file, environment variables, command line flags, defaults
  • can live watch for changes (not needed here)
  • supports some remote key/value stores

spf13/pflag provides support for parsing GNU style command line flags.

If you need a more complex command line interface, take a look at spf13/cobra, which extends pflags.

And here we come to the first piece that seemed lacking a bit. In a Spring Boot web application I would only have to declare the @configuration classes with the fields I want, everything else is opinionated auto-setup with zero lines of boilerplate code.

What I would have wished for here is a library that sits on top of viper and pflag, and I just give it a set of hierarchical structs that represent my configuration (with possible default values coded right in, descriptions and optional overrides for naming in the various config formats as backtick metadata like yaml:"server" env:"CONFIG_SERVER") plus a list of profiles and associated configuration files to load, make a single setup call, and have all this set up for me.

Not to be misunderstood, I actually love that no auto-magic is happening. I have spent too much time hunting down bugs introduced by Spring auto discovery and its confusing precedence rules. With what I'm proposing, libraries could offer exported structs for their configuration (many already do), all I would need to do is reference these structs somewhere in my configuration, and hey, presto, you can set it all up from outside configuration, and then I just have to code up a single function that uses these values to configure each library.

Update: I have written such a library and called it go-autumn-config.

This library now even supports structured configuration values. See the README for an example how to use mitchellh/mapstructure to get the structured data out.

Update: I also found alexflint/go-arg, which provides a very lightweight solution if all you need are command line arguments and environment variables and need no support for yaml files.

Feature Toggles

If you just have a few feature toggles, using hot reloading of your configuration can be a way to distribute them via configuration changes. This quickly becomes unwieldy, though.

For more full-fledged solutions, see this overview article for available feature toggle solutions for golang.

Some of these solutions are commercial and either depend on a server you install or on some app hosted in the cloud. For an enterprise scenario, this could even be reasonable, depending on requirements.

I am particularly interested in free, open source solutions that also seem to be under active development. Two candidates I looked at:

  • Decider vsco/dcdr, MIT license, latest release recent. It is using a consul, etcd or Redis backend, and they are working on Zookeeper support. It supports audit trail functionality using a git repository, into which it will push your keyspace and all changes in JSON format. Comes with a CLI and statsd support.
  • Unleash/unleash, Apache 2 license, very active, released regularly. Client implementations exist for Java, Node.js, Go, Python, and more. Although there is a commercial, hosted version, it is free if you run your own server. Ready-made docker containers and good documentation is linked on github.

If this example weren't so basic that I really don't need a feature toggle library, I would try Unleash first. From the code examples, using it seems straightforward.

Requirement: API Docs

go-swagger/go-swagger provides Swagger / OpenAPI v3 integration.

  • can be used to generate stub code from swagger api description, but I prefer working the other way around to avoid hassles with code generators. So I like that this package can also generate a swagger specification from annotated code.
  • Note that this does not mean I do not follow api first principles, I just prototype my API in code form using types and interfaces in the api package, which I then implement. Much less chance of api docs and code deviating.

After a lot of fiddling and not getting it to work right, I found some articles that were very helpful:

Here's what I ended up doing:

In order to compile the swagger binary, run this command while inside your project's root directory

go install

Go now builds a binary called swagger and puts it in your $GOPATH/bin. You should now be able to call it, if you have correctly added your $GOPATH/bin to your PATH.

Now you can generate swagger.json:

swagger generate spec -o docs/swagger.json --scan-models

I have to say, the documentation for this is very cryptic. Also, I don't like that I seem to be forced to add extra data types just so I can document the response for a REST api using models. On the other hand I remember struggling with the documentation for SpringFox, too.

I like how the swagger spec is generated from godoc comments, which means I don't have to fire up the application and it can be easily checked in and served statically.

Statically serving swagger-ui

Serving the swagger ui with the swagger serve command didn't work due to some CORS issues on localhost, and besides we want the service to be able to serve swagger-ui and the generated json file anyway (though we'll have to remember to add security later).

So git clone somewhere and copy the LICENSE and the dist files over into third_party/swagger_ui, deleting the .map files to conserve space. Then add static serve directives for gin.

Statically serving swagger-ui, however, should really be available as a library that I can just reference. I won't mind having to add that one route in gin, though. Again this makes everything more explicit.

Also see how to embed static files in go app. I agree with the author's choice: shurcooL/vfsgen is the way to go.

Update: I have written a small library that does it out of the box: go-autumn-web-swagger-ui.

Requirement: Logging

Although there are many other choices, none of which looks bad, my most promising candidates offer a choice between a well aged solution with a stable api and a very current libary that seems to focus on doing exactly what I need:

  • sirupsen/logrus, MIT license, is in maintenance mode but actively maintained. This might actually be an advantage, as it promises a stable api. It has very nice support for JSON structured logging, basic setup can literally be done in a single line, but judging from some of the benchmarks, its performance is not the best.
  • rs/zerolog, MIT license, very active. This library is focused on JSON structured logging, but also has a developer console mode - just what we want. Context integration is built in if you use context.Context, including handling of context sensitive fields such as our desired RequestId.

I am going to use zerolog for this example, simply because reading the code examples I liked its interface with the chaining calls and the .Ctx() call, and it does many of the things I want to see by default.

As we are using gin.Context, we will have to implement a small middleware to place a context.Context in the Keys map of the gin context. This also nicely solves the problem of preventing lazy coders from accessing the http request/response in lower layers.

Integration with gin, so it uses zerolog, can be found in gin-contrib/logger.

Integration with chi was a little less straightforward, but I was able to figure out their logging middleware from looking at the code and implement a replacement logger.

One problem I faced in both cases was that the field names all had to be adjusted to match the ECS standard. Another thing that could be a ready-made library, really.

Update: I have started a library that configures ECS logging out of the box for zerolog, right now not all fields are configured: go-autumn-logging-zerolog.

Requirement: Tracing

The chi framework comes with a standard middleware that will parse a X-Request-Id header if present, or otherwise populate the context with a random string. This is set up by registering the middleware function:

server := chi.NewRouter()

You can also change the header it will use:

middleware.RequestIDHeader = "X-B3-TraceId"

Now all you need to do is extract the string from the context and place it in the header again when making an outgoing request.

There are both advantages and disadvantages to including the request id on external calls.

The chi implementation cooperates with Spring Cloud Sleuth if you change the name of the header as shown above, which is conveniently exposed for just this purpose.

I have implemented a few lines of middleware to always add the request id header to the response.

_I am not particularly happy with the way the request id is constructed in this middleware. It constructs it from the hostname followed by a counter. While fine for logging, if a bit lengthy, this becomes a problem when you wish to expose the request id to end users or api clients in error messages and responses.

  • It exposes your internal host names. If your service runs in a kubernetes pod in production, then this isn't much of an issue, though.
  • It is prone to errors when receiving support requests. End users may misread the number and you have no way to validate it. For these reasons, I prefer the request id to be made up of a random hex string of, say, 8 or 12 characters (depending on throughput). The code is easily adapted, of course._

Another available tracing middleware for chi is go-chi/httptracer, which integrates OpenTracing via opentracing/opentracing-go.

This implementation is not compatible with the default configuration of Spring Cloud Sleuth, so I have not included it, but if Sleuth/Zipkin compatibility is not an issue, you get much more detailed tracing, including spans for concurrent invocations.

Although gin pretends to support request ids, I could not find a ready-made implementation that really did what's needed. I was pretty disappointed when I found out that gin's requestId middleware always creates a new request id for each request instead of taking it from the request header if one is already present. No distributed tracing for you I guess, just request logging. Instead you are treated to a statistical discussion of the probability of collisions in the comments...

Requirement: Monitoring

Liveness and Readiness Probes

With our simple services, liveness and readiness probes can both be provided by the same very simple health endpoint.

Go services start very fast and if configured correctly they will almost immediately be fully available, so this is not an uncommon approach. In a real-world scenario it would probably be a good idea to check the database connection pool for an abundance of error states before reporting healthy.

Prometheus Integration

There are two general ways to interact with Prometheus, either you let Prometheus pull metrics from you (providing a metrics endpoint, usually on a separate port that is not exposed), or you regularly push your metrics to Prometheus.

Pull Implementation

Following this guide, we have implemented the standard /metrics endpoint on a separate port in go-campaign-service/web/metricsserver.go using's promhttp.Handler() ready-made handler function.

Note how we use a goroutine to start the http server, as http.ListenAndServe() never returns. We have not secured this endpoint in this example, but adding that would be trivial, just add the relevant middleware.

The guide also describes how to add custom counters, as it is this only exposes the default metrics. Also take a look at 766b/chi-prometheus for a basic middleware for the chi framework that gives you request metrics.

A single histogram for response times is probably too coarse grained, so in a real-world situation I would probably adapt this code for our needs.

Push Implementation

If you wish to go with the push model, there is a ready-made libary called armon/go-metrics.

See internal/repository/metricspush/setup.go for the very simple setup, and internal/service/emailsrv/emailsrv.go for a one-liner that times execution.

Requirement: Persistence

For relational databases, jinzhu/gorm is the go-to object relational mapper. It includes direct support for mysql. Oracle support is only available in a fork, currently still being worked on, and has some limitations.

Further options for nosql or high throughput situations exist, such as, but for our purposes, gorm is just fine.

See go-campaign-service for further details and an example, as this service does not need any persistence.

Also read production ready connection pooling in go.

We have implemented a very basic in-memory persistence option, not at all optimized for performance, which can be used to demo the service and run some of the lower level tests. For any more complex situations, a real in-memory-database such as hashicorp/go-memdb should be considered.

On mysql, life is good. Everything is just as easy as it is with Spring Data, only with better performance and less memory footprint. On the other hand, Oracle support would need some contributor work.

Requirement: Messaging

A good introduction to Kafka in golang is Getting Started with Kafka in Golang.

Microservices with kafka and google protobuf has some brief code snippets, part 2 contains some tips for performance optimization

Although I have not had a chance to try kafka with golang, [segmentio/kafka-go( looks like the most promising candidate. The documentation lists the advantages over other approaches:

  • pure golang
  • compat with 0.10.1-2.1.0+
  • active development
TODO implement Kafka integration example

Other promising libraries I found for Kafka integration:

TODO evaluate these

Requirement: Resilience

Resilience for Outgoing Requests - Circuit Breaker and Timeouts

Go Microservices blog series, part 11 - hystrix and resilience

Don't use go's default http client - the main point being, it has no timeout.

A rant that nevertheless has useful tips - but most of the points of criticism regarding the http client would have been completely solved by using hystrix.

I have implemented a small utility package that demonstrates how to use afex/hystrix-go and the standard http client safely, providing both a circuit breaker and a timeout. I have opted not to implement a retry mechanism for this example. See the downstreamcall package in go-campaign-service. This also adds the request id to any outgoing requests.

Resilience for Incoming Requests - Timeouts

Among other things, So you want to expose Go on the Internet mentions the need to configure request timeouts to allow recovery from overload or even a DOS attack.

srv := &http.Server{
    ReadTimeout:  5 * time.Second,
    WriteTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
    IdleTimeout:  120 * time.Second,
    // TLSConfig:    tlsConfig,
    Addr:         address,
    Handler:      serveMux,

Unfortunately, with the gin framework this is made needlessly hard, because the ListenAndServe call is hidden inside gin's Run() method, which you will have to duplicate.

Other than the http server timeouts, chi also comes with a middleware that sets up a timeout on the context, calling ctx.Done() and returning http status 504 to the caller. This will not abort processing the request unless you also regularly check the timeout channel set up on the context provided with the http request in long running operations.

func ErrIfTimeout(ctx context.Context) error {
    select {
        case <-ctx.Done():
            return errors.New("operation timed out") 
            return nil

This will only work if you take care that there is a timeout on every blocking operation (within reason). For http requests, see the section about circuit breakers. Also remember to configure timeouts for your database operations (can usually be done at the connection level) and for things such as messaging.

Resilience for Incoming Requests - Throttling and DoS protection

The chi framework offers middleware that can limit the amount of concurrently processed requests. This can help mitigate some overload situations and allow you to open upstream circuit breakers early, but for any serious DoS attack, this will not really help you. DoS protection needs to be put in place before the requests even reach your service instance.

For this reason, I have opted to omit throttling from this example.

Requirement: Security

Authentication and Authorization

There are ready-made libraries for handling and validating JWTs in golang, but the most complete and well-documented solution seem to be the MIT licensed open source client libraries provided by auth0. These also help you avoid a number of security pitfalls, like the infamous symmetric cipher key attack that many implementations used to be vulnerable to.

We used auth0/go-jwt-middleware. With both the chi and gin frameworks, you need to write a small amount of code to wrap their functions. The token is placed in the context in both raw and decoded form, so it becomes easy for handler functions to check claims to assert the user is logged in, or has a specific role, or for outgoing calls to include the Authorization header.

Note that you will have to take care yourself not to include it on external calls, lest you expose a valid token to a third party.

TODO implement a token passthrough whitelist

in httpcall.go in campaign-service only forward authentication if url is in an address whitelist
Identity Providers in Golang

One neat thing we came across while researching this subject was dex, a full fledged OIDC / Oauth2 provider written in go with pluggable connectors written and supported by the coreos team, which even includes an OpenShift connector and an LDAP connector for easy federation.

Another similar project is hydra, an identity provider written in go.

Security Acceptance and Contract Tests

It is good practice to cover both incoming and outgoing requests with security related tests.

We have implemented a few examples of how to cover incoming requests with acceptance tests that make sure

  • no access is granted if no Authorization header is provided
  • invalid header values, invalid/expired tokens, or tokens that do not have the necessary claims do not grant access
  • valid tokens grant access

In a real world scenario the exposed amount of data might depend on properties of the token, this should also be tested.

See the acceptance tests for the campaign controller of go-campaign-service for an example.

In order to assure that outgoing requests to third party systems do not forward the oauth token, and in order to test our assumptions about the interface offered by the third party system, we should write contract tests that only have a consumer side.

As we do not make requests to third parties in our contrived example, we have omitted this, but it works exactly as described in the readme for go-campaign-service, only that instead of testing for the presence of the authorization header, you test for its absence.

TLS Termination

In our scenario, TLS termination is provided by a load balancer or by HAProxy.

If you wish to directly expose golang, So you want to expose Go on the Internet is a must-read.

Requirement: Testing

This service comes with unit, acceptance, and consumer driven contract tests.

You can run all of these on the command line:

go test ./...

In order for the contract tests to work, you will need to perform some additional installation.

Unit Tests

In go, unit tests reside in the package directory, in files called *_test.go.

Go executes tests in parallel goroutines, one per package by default. If you keep your packages reasonably small, this leads to fast test execution while allowing you to set up mock implementation on a per-package basis.

Note how I have wrapped calls to log.Fatal() or os.Exit() in function pointers kept in public vars. This allows me to simply swap the function pointers for test runs and obtain full code coverage except for the actual failFunction. This is a common pattern used by e.g. pflag and viper, as well as many logging packages I've looked at.


There are libraries for mocking that use code generators triggered by build stage comments, but I usually just write my own mocks in testing code. If all components are specified as interfaces which are then implemented in a package, writing mocks can be assisted by the IDE so much that I don't bother with specialized mocking packages.

GoMock seems the be most common mock code generator if you find you are spending too much time maintaining your mocks. It's a code generator that can automatically implement interfaces.

h2non/gock is a library for mocking outgoing http connections. In my example I have so few of those, and they are all calls between services, that I have stuck with pact based consumer driven contract tests. If you have complex interactions that are hard to represent in the static pact scripts, this might be a good solution.

Acceptance Tests

I place acceptance tests under test/acceptance, and possibly use sub-packages if specific interface implementation mocks are needed (a package cannot provide two implementations of the same interface). I have adopted the convention of calling files *_acc_test.go if they contain actual acceptance tests.

Use the built-in httptest package for starting up the service for tests.

hashicorp/go-memdb provides an in-memory database. In order to avoid the dependency on a real database on developer machines, I often just include it among the available database at run-time, and make the selection a configuration switch.

smartystreets/goconvey provides a convenient library for writing your acceptance tests BDD-style (given/when/then) including in-browser reports.

See the acceptance tests for the campaign controller of go-campaign-service for an example, including some example security tests that make sure unauthorized/unauthenticated access does not work.

There are, however, some downsides to using goconvey. For one thing, go does not have test dependencies, so any dependency you pull in for testing ends up increasing the size of your binary. If you do not really need the reports, or if the service you are writing is especially security critical and you wish to minimize code footprint, it may be better to just implement a few small logging functions as I have done in this service in the docs package, see docs/testdocs.go.

See the acceptance tests for the service startup of this service for an example of this hand-coded alternative approach.

Consumer Driven Contract Tests

This microservice uses pact-go for contract tests.

This is the producer side, see test/contract/producer/sendmail_ctr_test.go for the implementation.

Detailed documentation including setup instructions and some conceptual remarks can be found in the readme for go-campaign-service

Docker build

TODO finalize Dockerfile in go-campaign-service

TODO document details of the docker build


golang enterprise microservices example part 1








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