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Use pants managed venv in Makefile #4850

Use pants managed venv in Makefile

Use pants managed venv in Makefile #4850

Workflow file for this run

name: CI
# only on merges to master branch
- master
# and version branches, which only include minor versions (eg: v3.4)
- v[0-9]+.[0-9]+
# also version tags, which include bugfix releases (eg: v3.4.0)
- v[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+
type: [opened, reopened, edited]
# Only for PRs targeting those branches
- master
- v[0-9]+.[0-9]+
# run every night at midnight
- cron: '0 0 * * *'
# TODO: Fix the required checks!
# When the pre_job triggers and skips builds, it prevents merging the PR because
# the required checks are reported as skipped instead of passed.
# Special job which automatically cancels old runs for the same branch, prevents runs for the
# same file set which has already passed, etc.
name: Skip Duplicate Jobs Pre Job
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
should_skip: ${{ steps.skip_check.outputs.should_skip }}
- id: skip_check
uses: fkirc/skip-duplicate-actions@4c656bbdb6906310fa6213604828008bc28fe55d # v3.3.0
cancel_others: 'true'
github_token: ${{ github.token }}
# Lint checks which don't depend on any service containes, etc. to be running.
needs: pre_job
if: false # generally won't work w/ pants venv
# NOTE: We always want to run job on master since we run some additional checks there (code
# coverage, etc)
# if: ${{ needs.pre_job.outputs.should_skip != 'true' || github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' }}
name: '${{ }} - Python ${{ matrix.python-version-short }}'
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
fail-fast: false
# NOTE: To speed the CI run, we split unit and integration tests into multiple jobs where
# each job runs subset of tests.
# NOTE: We need to use full Python version as part of Python deps cache key otherwise
# setup virtualenv step will fail.
- name: 'Lint Checks (black, flake8, etc.)'
task: 'ci-checks'
python-version-short: '3.8'
python-version: '3.8.10'
- name: 'Compile (pip deps, pylint, etc.)'
task: 'ci-compile'
python-version-short: '3.8'
python-version: '3.8.10'
- name: 'Lint Checks (black, flake8, etc.)'
task: 'ci-checks'
python-version-short: '3.9'
python-version: '3.9.14'
- name: 'Compile (pip deps, pylint, etc.)'
task: 'ci-compile'
python-version-short: '3.9'
python-version: '3.9.14'
# the python binary used by the Makefile
PYTHON_VERSION: 'python${{ matrix.python-version-short }}'
TASK: '${{ matrix.task }}'
COLUMNS: '120'
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
# a test uses a submodule, and pants needs access to it to calculate deps.
submodules: 'true'
- name: Custom Environment Setup
run: |
- name: 'Set up Python (${{ matrix.python-version }})'
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: '${{ matrix.python-version }}'
#- name: Cache Python Dependencies
# uses: actions/cache@v4
# with:
# path: |
# ~/.cache/pip
# virtualenv
# ~/virtualenv
# # TODO: maybe make the virtualenv a partial cache to exclude st2*?
# # !virtualenv/lib/python*/site-packages/st2*
# # !virtualenv/bin/st2*
# key: ${{ runner.os }}-v5-python-${{ matrix.python-version }}-${{ hashFiles('requirements.txt', 'test-requirements.txt', 'lockfiles/*.lock') }}
# # Don't use alternative key as if requirements.txt has altered we
# # don't want to retrieve previous cache
# #restore-keys: |
# # ${{ runner.os }}-v5-python-${{ matrix.python }}-
- name: Cache APT Dependencies
id: cache-apt-deps
uses: actions/cache@v4
path: |
key: ${{ runner.os }}-v8-apt-${{ hashFiles('scripts/github/apt-packages.txt') }}
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}-v8-apt-
- name: Install APT Depedencies
CACHE_HIT: ${{steps.cache-apt-deps.outputs.cache-hit}}
run: |
# install dev dependencies for Python YAML and LDAP packages
- name: Initialize Pants and its GHA caches
uses: pantsbuild/actions/init-pants@v6-scie-pants
# This action adds an env var to make pants use both & pants.toml.
# This action also creates 3 GHA caches (1 is optional).
# - `pants-setup` has the bootsrapped pants install
# - `pants-named-caches` has pip/wheel and PEX caches
# - `pants-lmdb-store` has the fine-grained process cache.
# If we ever use a remote cache, then we can drop this.
# Otherwise, we may need an additional workflow or job to delete old caches
# if they are not expiring fast enough, and we hit the GHA 10GB per repo max.
base-branch: master
# To ignore a bad cache, bump the cache* integer.
gha-cache-key: cache0
# This hash should include all of our lockfiles so that the pip/pex caches
# get invalidated on any transitive dependency update.
named-caches-hash: ${{ hashFiles('lockfiles/*.lock') }}
# enable the optional lmdb_store cache since we're not using remote caching.
cache-lmdb-store: 'true'
# install whatever version of python we need for our in-repo pants-plugins
setup-python-for-plugins: 'true'
- name: Install virtualenv
run: |
- name: Install requirements
run: |
- name: Print versions
run: |
- name: make
# use: script -e -c to print colors
timeout-minutes: 7
run: |
script -e -c "make ${TASK}"
- name: Nightly
# Run any additional nightly checks only as part of a nightly (cron) build
if: "${{ env.IS_NIGHTLY_BUILD == 'yes' }}"
run: |
./scripts/ci/ "${TASK}"
- name: Upload pants log
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
name: pants-log-py${{ matrix.python-version }}-nose-${{ matrix.nosetests_node_index }}
path: .pants.d/pants.log
if: always() # We want the log even on failures.
needs: pre_job
name: '${{ }} - Python ${{ matrix.python-version-short }}'
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
fail-fast: false
- name: 'Self-check on Python 3.8'
python-version-short: '3.8'
python-version: '3.8.14'
image: mongo:4.4
- 27017:27017
image: rabbitmq:3.8-management
options: >-
--name rabbitmq
- 5671:5671/tcp # AMQP SSL port
- 5672:5672/tcp # AMQP standard port
- 15672:15672/tcp # Management: HTTP, CLI
# the python binary used by the Makefile
PYTHON_VERSION: 'python${{ matrix.python-version-short }}'
# CI st2.conf (with ST2_CI_USER user instead of stanley)
ST2_CONF: 'conf/'
# Name of the user who is running the CI (on GitHub Actions this is 'runner')
ST2_CI_USER: 'runner'
# GitHub is juggling how to set vars for multiple shells. Protect our PATH assumptions.
PATH: /home/runner/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
# Space separated list of tests to be skipped if the self-check is running in GitHub Actions
TESTS_TO_SKIP: "tests.test_quickstart_rules tests.test_run_pack_tests_tool"
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
# a test uses a submodule, and pants needs access to it to calculate deps.
submodules: 'true'
- name: Custom Environment Setup
run: |
- name: 'Set up Python (${{ matrix.python-version }})'
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: '${{ matrix.python-version }}'
#- name: Cache Python Dependencies
# uses: actions/cache@v4
# with:
# path: |
# ~/.cache/pip
# virtualenv
# ~/virtualenv
# # TODO: maybe make the virtualenv a partial cache to exclude st2*?
# # !virtualenv/lib/python*/site-packages/st2*
# # !virtualenv/bin/st2*
# key: ${{ runner.os }}-v5-python-${{ matrix.python-version }}-${{ hashFiles('requirements.txt', 'test-requirements.txt', 'lockfiles/*.lock') }}
# restore-keys: |
# ${{ runner.os }}-python-${{ matrix.python }}-
- name: Cache APT Dependencies
id: cache-apt-deps
uses: actions/cache@v4
path: |
key: ${{ runner.os }}-v8-apt-${{ hashFiles('scripts/github/apt-packages.txt') }}
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}-v8-apt-
- name: Install APT Depedencies
CACHE_HIT: ${{steps.cache-apt-deps.outputs.cache-hit}}
run: |
cat /etc/environment
# install dev dependencies for Python YAML and LDAP packages
- name: Initialize Pants and its GHA caches
uses: pantsbuild/actions/init-pants@v6-scie-pants
# This action adds an env var to make pants use both & pants.toml.
# This action also creates 3 GHA caches (1 is optional).
# - `pants-setup` has the bootsrapped pants install
# - `pants-named-caches` has pip/wheel and PEX caches
# - `pants-lmdb-store` has the fine-grained process cache.
# If we ever use a remote cache, then we can drop this.
# Otherwise, we may need an additional workflow or job to delete old caches
# if they are not expiring fast enough, and we hit the GHA 10GB per repo max.
base-branch: master
# To ignore a bad cache, bump the cache* integer.
gha-cache-key: cache0
# This hash should include all of our lockfiles so that the pip/pex caches
# get invalidated on any transitive dependency update.
named-caches-hash: ${{ hashFiles('lockfiles/*.lock') }}
# enable the optional lmdb_store cache since we're not using remote caching.
cache-lmdb-store: 'true'
# install whatever version of python we need for our in-repo pants-plugins
setup-python-for-plugins: 'true'
- name: Install virtualenv
run: |
- name: Install requirements
run: |
- name: Run Redis Service Container
timeout-minutes: 2
run: |
docker run --rm --detach -p --name redis redis:latest
until [ "$(docker inspect -f {{.State.Running}} redis)" == "true" ]; do sleep 0.1; done
- name: Setup Tests
run: |
# prep a ci-specific dev conf file that uses runner instead of stanley
# this user is the username of the user in GitHub actions, used for SSH, etc during
# integration tests (important)
cp conf/ "${ST2_CONF}"
sed -i -e "s,/home/vagrant/.ssh/stanley_rsa,/home/stanley/.ssh/stanley_rsa," "${ST2_CONF}"
sudo -E ./scripts/ci/
- name: Permissions Workaround
run: |
sudo ST2_CI_REPO_PATH="${ST2_CI_REPO_PATH}" scripts/ci/
- name: Reconfigure RabbitMQ
# bitnami image allows (see bitnami/rabbitmq readme):
# Here we're copying a rabbitmq.config file which won't do anything.
# We need to switch to custom.conf or advanced.config.
timeout-minutes: 2 # may die if rabbitmq fails to start
run: |
- name: Print versions
run: |
- name: make
timeout-minutes: 14 # may die if rabbitmq fails to start
# use: script -e -c to print colors
run: |
script -e -c "make .ci-prepare-integration" && exit 0
- name: Extend the path for upcoming tasks
# pants uses PEP 660 editable wheels to add our code to the virtualenv.
# But PEP 660 editable wheels do not include 'scripts'.
# So, we need to include each bin dir in PATH instead of virtualenv/bin.
run: |
for component_bin in ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/st2*/bin; do
echo ${component_bin} | tee -a $GITHUB_PATH
echo ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/virtualenv/bin | tee -a $GITHUB_PATH
- name: Create symlinks to find the binaries when running st2 actions
# st2 is actually a console_script entry point, not just a 'script'
# so it IS included in the virtualenv. But, st2-run-pack-tests is not.
run: |
ln -s ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/virtualenv/bin/st2 /usr/local/bin/st2
ln -s ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/st2common/bin/st2-run-pack-tests /usr/local/bin/st2-run-pack-tests
# st2client already installed by pants in the virtualenv.
# - name: Install st2client
# timeout-minutes: 5
# run: |
# cd ./st2client
# pip3 install --upgrade pip
# python3 develop
- name: Run self-verification script
ST2_CONF: /home/runner/work/st2/st2/conf/
run: |
sudo -E ST2_AUTH_TOKEN=$(st2 auth testu -p 'testp' -t) PATH=${PATH} st2common/bin/st2-self-check
- name: Compress Service Logs Before upload
if: ${{ failure() }}
run: |
./tools/ stop # stop st2 before collecting logs
tar cvzpf logs.tar.gz logs/*
- name: Upload StackStorm services Logs
if: ${{ failure() }}
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: logs-py${{ matrix.python-version }}
path: logs.tar.gz
retention-days: 7
- name: Stop Redis Service Container
if: "${{ always() }}"
run: docker rm --force redis || true
- name: Upload pants log
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
name: pants-log-py${{ matrix.python-version }}-nose-${{ matrix.nosetests_node_index }}
path: .pants.d/pants.log
if: always() # We want the log even on failures.
needs: pre_job
# NOTE: We always want to run job on master since we run some additional checks there (code
# coverage, etc)
# NB: disabled. See TODO above pre_job
# if: ${{ needs.pre_job.outputs.should_skip != 'true' || github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' }}
name: '${{ }} - Python ${{ matrix.python-version-short }}'
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
fail-fast: false
# NOTE: To speed the CI run, we split unit and integration tests into multiple jobs where
# each job runs subset of tests.
- name: 'Unit Tests (chunk 1)'
task: 'ci-unit'
nosetests_node_total: 2
nosetests_node_index: 0
python-version-short: '3.8'
python-version: '3.8.10'
- name: 'Unit Tests (chunk 2)'
task: 'ci-unit'
nosetests_node_total: 2
nosetests_node_index: 1
python-version-short: '3.8'
python-version: '3.8.10'
- name: 'Unit Tests (chunk 1)'
task: 'ci-unit'
nosetests_node_total: 2
nosetests_node_index: 0
python-version-short: '3.9'
python-version: '3.9.14'
- name: 'Unit Tests (chunk 2)'
task: 'ci-unit'
nosetests_node_total: 2
nosetests_node_index: 1
python-version-short: '3.9'
python-version: '3.9.14'
# This job is slow so we only run in on a daily basis
# - name: 'Micro Benchmarks'
# task: 'micro-benchmarks'
# python-version: '3.6.13'
# nosetests_node_total: 1
# nosetests_node_ index: 0
image: mongo:4.4
- 27017:27017
image: rabbitmq:3.8-management
options: >-
--name rabbitmq
- 5671:5671/tcp # AMQP SSL port
- 5672:5672/tcp # AMQP standard port
- 15672:15672/tcp # Management: HTTP, CLI
TASK: '${{ matrix.task }}'
PYTHON_VERSION_SHORT: '${{ matrix.python-version-short }}'
NODE_TOTAL: '${{ matrix.nosetests_node_total }}'
NODE_INDEX: '${{ matrix.nosetests_node_index }}'
# the python binary used by the Makefile
PYTHON_VERSION: 'python${{ matrix.python-version-short }}'
# We need to explicitly specify terminal width otherwise some CLI tests fail on container
# environments where small terminal size is used.
COLUMNS: '120'
# CI st2.conf (with ST2_CI_USER user instead of stanley)
ST2_CONF: 'conf/'
# Tell StackStorm that we are indeed in CI mode, previously we hard coded a Travis specific
# environment variable in our test code, making it a PITA when we switch CI providers.
# Now, we simply set this environment varible here in the CI portion of our testing and
# it avoids any CI provider type lock-in.
ST2_CI: 'true'
# Name of the user who is running the CI (on GitHub Actions this is 'runner')
ST2_CI_USER: 'runner'
# GitHub is juggling how to set vars for multiple shells. Protect our PATH assumptions.
PATH: /home/runner/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
# a test uses a submodule, and pants needs access to it to calculate deps.
submodules: 'true'
- name: Custom Environment Setup
run: |
- name: 'Set up Python (${{ matrix.python-version }})'
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: '${{ matrix.python-version }}'
#- name: Cache Python Dependencies
# uses: actions/cache@v4
# with:
# path: |
# ~/.cache/pip
# virtualenv
# ~/virtualenv
# # TODO: maybe make the virtualenv a partial cache to exclude st2*?
# # !virtualenv/lib/python*/site-packages/st2*
# # !virtualenv/bin/st2*
# key: ${{ runner.os }}-v5-python-${{ matrix.python-version }}-${{ hashFiles('requirements.txt', 'test-requirements.txt', 'lockfiles/*.lock') }}
# # Don't use alternative key as if requirements.txt has altered we
# # don't want to retrieve previous cache
# #restore-keys: |
# # ${{ runner.os }}-v5-python-${{ matrix.python }}-
- name: Cache APT Dependencies
id: cache-apt-deps
uses: actions/cache@v4
path: |
key: ${{ runner.os }}-v8-apt-${{ hashFiles('scripts/github/apt-packages.txt') }}
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}-v8-apt-
- name: Install APT Depedencies
CACHE_HIT: ${{steps.cache-apt-deps.outputs.cache-hit}}
run: |
# install dev dependencies for Python YAML and LDAP packages
- name: Initialize Pants and its GHA caches
uses: pantsbuild/actions/init-pants@v6-scie-pants
# This action adds an env var to make pants use both & pants.toml.
# This action also creates 3 GHA caches (1 is optional).
# - `pants-setup` has the bootsrapped pants install
# - `pants-named-caches` has pip/wheel and PEX caches
# - `pants-lmdb-store` has the fine-grained process cache.
# If we ever use a remote cache, then we can drop this.
# Otherwise, we may need an additional workflow or job to delete old caches
# if they are not expiring fast enough, and we hit the GHA 10GB per repo max.
base-branch: master
# To ignore a bad cache, bump the cache* integer.
gha-cache-key: cache0
# This hash should include all of our lockfiles so that the pip/pex caches
# get invalidated on any transitive dependency update.
named-caches-hash: ${{ hashFiles('lockfiles/*.lock') }}
# enable the optional lmdb_store cache since we're not using remote caching.
cache-lmdb-store: 'true'
# install whatever version of python we need for our in-repo pants-plugins
setup-python-for-plugins: 'true'
- name: Install virtualenv
run: |
- name: Install requirements
run: |
- name: Setup Tests
run: |
# prep a ci-specific dev conf file that uses runner instead of stanley
# this user is the username of the user in GitHub actions, used for SSH, etc during
# integration tests (important)
cp conf/ "${ST2_CONF}" ; sed -i -e "s/stanley/${ST2_CI_USER}/" "${ST2_CONF}"
sudo -E ./scripts/ci/
- name: Permissions Workaround
run: |
echo "$ST2_CI_REPO_PATH"
sudo ST2_CI_REPO_PATH="${ST2_CI_REPO_PATH}" scripts/ci/
- name: Reconfigure RabbitMQ
if: "${{ env.TASK == 'ci-unit' || env.TASK == 'ci-integration' }}"
# bitnami image allows (see bitnami/rabbitmq readme):
# Here we're copying a rabbitmq.config file which won't do anything.
# We need to switch to custom.conf or advanced.config.
timeout-minutes: 2 # may die if rabbitmq fails to start
run: |
- name: Print versions
run: |
- name: make
# use: script -e -c to print colors
# TODO: Use dynamic timeout value based on the branch - for master we
# need to use timeout x2 due to coverage overhead
# timeout-minutes: 8
timeout-minutes: 19
run: |
script -e -c "make ${TASK}"
- name: Nightly
# Run any additional nightly checks only as part of a nightly (cron) build
if: "${{ env.IS_NIGHTLY_BUILD == 'yes' }}"
run: |
./scripts/ci/ "${TASK}"
- name: Codecov
# NOTE: We only generate and submit coverage report for master and version branches and only when the build succeeds (default on GitHub Actions, this was not the case on Travis so we had to explicitly check success)
if: "${{ success() && (env.ENABLE_COVERAGE == 'yes') && (env.PYTHON_VERSION_SHORT == '3.8')}}"
run: |
- name: Upload pants log
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
name: pants-log-py${{ matrix.python-version }}-nose-${{ matrix.nosetests_node_index }}
path: .pants.d/pants.log
if: always() # We want the log even on failures.
needs: pre_job
# NOTE: We always want to run job on master since we run some additional checks there (code
# coverage, etc)
# if: ${{ needs.pre_job.outputs.should_skip != 'true' || github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' }}
name: '${{ }} - Python ${{ matrix.python-version-short }}'
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
fail-fast: false
# NOTE: To speed the CI run, we split unit and integration tests into multiple jobs where
# each job runs subset of tests.
# We run pack tests here since they rely on some integration tests set
# up (aka stanley user being present, etc.)
- name: 'Pack Tests'
task: 'ci-packs-tests'
nosetests_node_total: 1
nosetests_node_index: 0
python-version-short: '3.8'
python-version: '3.8.10'
- name: 'Integration Tests (chunk 1)'
task: 'ci-integration'
nosetests_node_total: 2
nosetests_node_index: 0
python-version-short: '3.8'
python-version: '3.8.10'
- name: 'Integration Tests (chunk 2)'
task: 'ci-integration'
nosetests_node_total: 2
nosetests_node_index: 1
python-version-short: '3.8'
python-version: '3.8.10'
- name: 'Pack Tests'
task: 'ci-packs-tests'
nosetests_node_total: 1
nosetests_node_index: 0
python-version-short: '3.9'
python-version: '3.9.14'
- name: 'Integration Tests (chunk 1)'
task: 'ci-integration'
nosetests_node_total: 2
nosetests_node_index: 0
python-version-short: '3.9'
python-version: '3.9.14'
- name: 'Integration Tests (chunk 2)'
task: 'ci-integration'
nosetests_node_total: 2
nosetests_node_index: 1
python-version-short: '3.9'
python-version: '3.9.14'
image: mongo:4.4
- 27017:27017
# In GHA, these services are started first before the code is checked out.
# We use bitnami images to facilitate reconfiguring RabbitMQ during ci-integration tests.
# We rely on custom config and SSL certs that are in the repo.
# Many images require config in env vars (which we can't change during the test job)
# or they require config in entrypoint args (which we can't override for GHA services)
# bitnami builds ways to get config files from mounted volumes.
image: bitnami/rabbitmq:3.8
- /home/runner/rabbitmq_conf:/bitnami/conf # RABBITMQ_MOUNTED_CONF_DIR
# tell bitnami/rabbitmq to enable this by default
RABBITMQ_PLUGINS: rabbitmq_management
# These are strictly docker options, not entrypoint args (GHA restriction)
options: >-
--name rabbitmq
# These 6 ports are exposed by bitnami/rabbitmq (see
# host_port:container_port/protocol
- 5671:5671/tcp # AMQP SSL port
- 5672:5672/tcp # AMQP standard port
- 15672:15672/tcp # Management: HTTP, CLI
#- 15671:15671/tcp # Management: SSL port
#- 25672:25672/tcp # inter-node or CLI
#- 4369:4369/tcp # epmd
# Used for the coordination backend for integration tests
# NOTE: To speed things up, we only start redis for integration tests
# where it's needed
# redis:
# # Docker Hub image
# image: redis
# # Set health checks to wait until redis has started
# options: >-
# --name "redis"
# --health-cmd "redis-cli ping"
# --health-interval 10s
# --health-timeout 5s
# --health-retries 5
# ports:
# - 6379:6379/tcp
TASK: '${{ matrix.task }}'
PYTHON_VERSION_SHORT: '${{ matrix.python-version-short }}'
NODE_TOTAL: '${{ matrix.nosetests_node_total }}'
NODE_INDEX: '${{ matrix.nosetests_node_index }}'
# the python binary used by the Makefile
PYTHON_VERSION: 'python${{ matrix.python-version-short }}'
# We need to explicitly specify terminal width otherwise some CLI tests fail on container
# environments where small terminal size is used.
COLUMNS: '120'
# CI st2.conf (with ST2_CI_USER user instead of stanley)
ST2_CONF: 'conf/'
# Tell StackStorm that we are indeed in CI mode, previously we hard coded a Travis specific
# environment variable in our test code, making it a PITA when we switch CI providers.
# Now, we simply set this environment varible here in the CI portion of our testing and
# it avoids any CI provider type lock-in.
ST2_CI: 'true'
# Name of the user who is running the CI (on GitHub Actions this is 'runner')
ST2_CI_USER: 'runner'
# GitHub is juggling how to set vars for multiple shells. Protect our PATH assumptions.
PATH: /home/runner/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
# a test uses a submodule, and pants needs access to it to calculate deps.
submodules: 'true'
- name: Custom Environment Setup
run: |
- name: 'Set up Python (${{ matrix.python-version }})'
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: '${{ matrix.python-version }}'
#- name: Cache Python Dependencies
# uses: actions/cache@v4
# with:
# path: |
# ~/.cache/pip
# virtualenv
# ~/virtualenv
# # TODO: maybe make the virtualenv a partial cache to exclude st2*?
# # !virtualenv/lib/python*/site-packages/st2*
# # !virtualenv/bin/st2*
# key: ${{ runner.os }}-v5-python-${{ matrix.python-version }}-${{ hashFiles('requirements.txt', 'test-requirements.txt', 'lockfiles/*.lock') }}
# # Don't use alternative key as if requirements.txt has altered we
# # don't want to retrieve previous cache
# #restore-keys: |
# # ${{ runner.os }}-v5-python-${{ matrix.python }}-
- name: Cache APT Dependencies
id: cache-apt-deps
uses: actions/cache@v4
path: |
key: ${{ runner.os }}-v8-apt-${{ hashFiles('scripts/github/apt-packages.txt') }}
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}-v8-apt-
- name: Install APT Depedencies
CACHE_HIT: ${{steps.cache-apt-deps.outputs.cache-hit}}
run: |
# install dev dependencies for Python YAML and LDAP packages
- name: Initialize Pants and its GHA caches
uses: pantsbuild/actions/init-pants@v6-scie-pants
# This action adds an env var to make pants use both & pants.toml.
# This action also creates 3 GHA caches (1 is optional).
# - `pants-setup` has the bootsrapped pants install
# - `pants-named-caches` has pip/wheel and PEX caches
# - `pants-lmdb-store` has the fine-grained process cache.
# If we ever use a remote cache, then we can drop this.
# Otherwise, we may need an additional workflow or job to delete old caches
# if they are not expiring fast enough, and we hit the GHA 10GB per repo max.
base-branch: master
# To ignore a bad cache, bump the cache* integer.
gha-cache-key: cache0
# This hash should include all of our lockfiles so that the pip/pex caches
# get invalidated on any transitive dependency update.
named-caches-hash: ${{ hashFiles('lockfiles/*.lock') }}
# enable the optional lmdb_store cache since we're not using remote caching.
cache-lmdb-store: 'true'
# install whatever version of python we need for our in-repo pants-plugins
setup-python-for-plugins: 'true'
- name: Install virtualenv
run: |
- name: Install requirements
run: |
- name: Setup Integration Tests
run: |
# prep a ci-specific dev conf file that uses runner instead of stanley
# this user is the username of the user in GitHub actions, used for SSH, etc during
# integration tests (important)
cp conf/ "${ST2_CONF}" ; sed -i -e "s/stanley/${ST2_CI_USER}/" "${ST2_CONF}"
sudo -E ./scripts/ci/
- name: Run Redis Service Container
timeout-minutes: 2
run: |
docker run --rm --detach -p --name redis redis:latest
until [ "$(docker inspect -f {{.State.Running}} redis)" == "true" ]; do sleep 0.1; done
- name: Permissions Workaround
run: |
echo "$ST2_CI_REPO_PATH"
sudo ST2_CI_REPO_PATH="${ST2_CI_REPO_PATH}" scripts/ci/
- name: Reconfigure RabbitMQ
# bitnami image allows (see bitnami/rabbitmq readme):
# Here we're copying a rabbitmq.config file which won't do anything.
# We need to switch to custom.conf or advanced.config.
timeout-minutes: 2 # may die if rabbitmq fails to start
run: |
- name: Print versions
run: |
- name: make
#timeout-minutes: 7
# TODO: Use dynamic timeout value based on the branch - for master we
# need to use timeout x2 due to coverage overhead
timeout-minutes: 14 # may die if rabbitmq fails to start
# use: script -e -c to print colors
run: |
script -e -c "make ${TASK}" && exit 0
- name: Codecov
# NOTE: We only generate and submit coverage report for master and version branches and only when the build succeeds (default on GitHub Actions, this was not the case on Travis so we had to explicitly check success)
if: "${{ success() && (env.ENABLE_COVERAGE == 'yes') && (env.TASK == 'ci-integration') && (env.PYTHON_VERSION_SHORT == '3.8')}}"
run: |
- name: Compress Service Logs Before upload
if: ${{ failure() && env.TASK == 'ci-integration' }}
run: |
./tools/ stop # stop st2 before collecting logs
tar cvzpf logs.tar.gz logs/*
- name: Upload StackStorm services Logs
if: ${{ failure() && env.TASK == 'ci-integration' }}
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: logs-py${{ matrix.python-version }}-nose-${{ matrix.nosetests_node_index }}
path: logs.tar.gz
retention-days: 7
- name: Stop Redis Service Container
if: "${{ always() }}"
run: docker rm --force redis || true
- name: Upload pants log
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
name: pants-log-py${{ matrix.python-version }}-nose-${{ matrix.nosetests_node_index }}
path: .pants.d/pants.log
if: always() # We want the log even on failures.
name: Slack notification for failed master builds
- lint-checks
- unit-tests
- integration-tests
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
- name: Workflow conclusion
# this step creates an environment variable WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION and is the most reliable way to check the status of previous jobs
uses: technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v2
- name: CI Run Failure Slack Notification
if: ${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION == 'failure' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' }}
uses: voxmedia/github-action-slack-notify-build@v1
channel: development
status: FAILED
color: danger
# If your GitHub Actions job is failing and you need to debug it, by default there is
# no way to SSH into the container.
# The step below can be uncommeted and will stop here and allow you to SSH in.
# When this step is reached, simply refresh the GitHub Actions output for this build
# and this SSH command will be printed every 5 seconds to the output.
# Once you are done debugging in your SSH session, simply: touch /continue
# and this will continue the build.
# - name: Setup tmate session for debugging failed jobs (allows SSH into the container)
# uses: mxschmitt/action-tmate@v3
# if: "${{ failure() }}"