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rehype plugin to merge stacked codeblocks into one, tabbed instance.

Codeblock with tabs


This package is ESM only: Node 12+ is needed to use it and it must be imported instead of required.


npm install --dev rehype-tabular-code


yarn add -D rehype-tabular-code


With the following markdown, in a file called

```typescript tab="Example 1"
const doesPinappleGoOnPizza = false;

```ts tab="Example 2"
const foo = "bar";

and this pipeline in a file called example.js:

import fs from 'fs'
import { unified } from 'unified'
import remarkParse from 'remark-parse'
import remarkRehype from 'remark-rehype'
import rehypeTabularCode from 'rehype-tabular-code'
import rehypeStringify from 'rehype-stringify'

const mdbuf = fs.readFileSync('')(async function main() {
  const html = await unified()
    .use(rehypeTabularCode, {
      tagNames: {
        contentContainer: 'section',
      classNames: {
        tab: 'code-tab',

Running node example.js yields:

<div class="tabular-code">
  <ul class="tabular-code-tabs">
    <li class="code-tab active-tab">Example 1</li>
    <li class="code-tab">Example 2</li>

  <section class="tabular-code-content">
      <pre><code class="language-ts"> ... code content ... </code></pre>
    <div class="hidden">
      <pre><code class="language-ts"> ... code content ... </code></pre>


This package exports no identifiers. The default export is rehypeTabularCode.

unified().use(rehypeTabularCode[, options])

Merge already parsed and stacked codeblocks into one tabbed container.


This option can be used in order override the default classnames set by the plugin.

/** Used to modify the classname of each part of the tabular codeblock */
classNames: {
  /** The classname(s) used for the wrapping container that wraps all tabs and content
   * @default "tabular-code"
  container?: string | string[]
  /** The classname(s) used for the wrapping container that wraps all tabs
   * @default "tabular-code-tabs"
  tabContainer?: string | string[]
  /** The classname(s) used for the element containing the tab title
   * @default "tabular-code-tab"
  tab?: string | string[]
  /** The classname(s) used for the element containing the FIRST tab title
   * @default "active-tab"
  activeTab?: string
  /** The classname(s) used for the container that wraps all content
   * @default "tabular-code-content"
  contentContainer?: string | string[]
  /** The classname(s) used for the element that wraps each codeblock
   * @default undefined
  content?: string | string[]

This option can be used in order override the default tagnames set by the plugin.

/** Used to define the HTML elements to be used by each part of the tabular codeblock */
tagNames: {
  /** The tagname used for the wrapping container that wraps all tabs and content
   * @default "div"
  container?: string
  /** The tagname used for the wrapping container that wraps all tabs
   * @default "ul"
  tabContainer?: string
  /** The tagname used for the element containing the tab title
   * @default "li"
  tab?: string
  /** The tagname used for the container that wraps all content
   * @default "div"
  contentContainer?: string
  /** The tagname used for the element that wraps each codeblock
   * @default "div"
  content?: string


Use of rehype-tabular-code can open you up to a cross-site scripting (XSS) attack if you pass user provided content in properties or content.

Always be wary of user input and use rehype-sanitize.



See in rehypejs/.github for ways to get started. See for ways to get help.

This project has a [code of conduct][coc]. By interacting with this repository, organization, or community you agree to abide by its terms.


MIT © Malte Hallström