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Vinted - Rest API project

A project learning from Le Reacteur to rebuid the backend using REST API for Vinted, a website where we can buy, sell, or trade clothes, shoes and accessories !

The frontend connecting to this project.

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To keep "learning by doing" I also build some new route for User in order for them to update profile, delete the account, update the password and the possibility to Reset the password.

New additional route for User

/user/ (GET)

Get user

Headers Required Description
Bearer token Yes user token

/user/update (PUT)

Edit user

Body Type Required
username string No
avatar image No
newsletter boolean No

Headers Required Description
Bearer token Yes user token

/user/update-password (PUT)

Edit User Password

Body Type Required
oldPassword string Yes
newPassword string Yes

Headers Required Description
Bearer token Yes user token

/user/delete (DELETE)

Delete User

Headers Required Description
Bearer token Yes user token

Reset password route for User

/user/forgot-password (POST)

Request reset password

Body Type Required
email string Yes

/user/reset-password/:id/:token (GET)

This route can be used to check and validate before sending a reset password page to user.

Param Required Description
id Yes User id
token Yes User token

/user/reset-password/:id/:token (POST)

Reset user password

Body Type Required
password string Yes
confirmPassword string Yes

Param Required Description
id Yes User id
token Yes User token