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Step 1:

If this is your very first run, you must first call ./automate in the project's rootdir.

Pro tip: In the project's rootdir: Click on the address bar and type powershell to open a ps console at the current dir

When you get to the first prompt, Skip initializing? press n for NO, then y for YES to run the script. init.bat will go over the different directories and will call 'npm i', respectively

Step 2:

On the first run you must SKIP BOTH next skip prompts, ie: Skip both Outputs and React build, since those depend on resources that are not yet created, therefore the outputs.json files would be empty and no integration would occur!

Step 3:

Dont worry about errors or misbehavior right now, you have to rerun the script without skipping the prompts. But first! Prepare the lambda layers: mongodb-layer and users-node-modules! To do that, from the project's rootdir, call in powershell:

  • ./users/prepare-layer.bat
  • ./Scraper-layered/mongodb-layer/prepare-layer.bat
  • These will be automated as well... this is temporary!

Now rerun the script, SKIP initialization and do NOT skip the other two prompts, to NOT skip outputs and react build

Step 4:

Watch everything go up automatically, including, but not limited to:

    - Outputting outputs.json to different directories for automating some integrations between different parts

    - Automatically zip and upload:
            - New React builds based on changes to different core files

    - Applying changes to resources, based on changes to source code, ie:
            - New users lambda based on changes to different core files
            - New HTTPHandler lambda based on changes to different core files
            - New DAL lambda based on changes to different core files
            - New Scraper lambda based on changes to different core files
            - New Scraper-layered lambda based on changes to different core files
    *Automatically zipped and deployed*

    - Uploading a directory to S3 with correct metadata, ie: Correct Content-Types!!!!!!

    - Get AWS ECR credentials and login to docker, then build docker images and push them to ECR, ALL automatic!

    - Other stuff i forgot i packed in

Step 5:

After running ./automate twice, you should have all the cloud resources up and all the dependencies installed, also, the frontend should be built and hosted on S3 with a CloudFront distribution serving it.

Not only is it automatic it is also colorful and interactive!

Added a bunch of stuff, will update everything later.

All rights reserved to Vinny for being awesome!


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