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Releases: Shaptic/Zenderer

Final Alpha Milestone

15 Oct 03:21
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Final Alpha Milestone Pre-release

A lot of new things are going on in this version, most notably the addition of a level editor, integration of a level-loading API, and a revamped collision detection system.

The level editor is built in Pygame+Tkinter, and exports a format compatible with the new zen::lvl::zLevelLoader API.

Here's a full changelog (from 71e3183):

  • Revamped collision detection system: collision state querying, proper
    detection on triangulated polygons, proper bounding boxes in entities.
  • Full support for concave polygons.
  • Fully-featured level editor with support for import/export, with a
    corresponding engine API to load the files.
  • Tons of minor bug fixes.
  • A major rendering bug fix that caused crashes and has gone unnoticed
    for some time.
  • General improvements in file parsing.
  • Full support for MinGW compilation on Windows.
  • Ambient lighting shader.
  • Stable animation API.
  • Documentation improvements and updates.

This release is set out to be the final major release, and I expect that Zenderer will enter beta very very soon.

Beta Release Near!

25 Sep 08:10
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Beta Release Near! Pre-release

A majority of the improvements in this release involved the collision system, and the animation API.

Now, the collision system is integrated into the polygon primitives, rather than within the entity. This makes different routines easily possible through inheritance, rather than zen::obj::zEntity attempting to cover all generic cases. There are still many kinks to work out and bugs to fix, and documentation to update, of course.

The animation API is still fairly fresh, and has basic functionality that has been essentially hacked together, but will be perfected throughout this major version.

I won't be updating the major revision number as changes to the animation API are made, simply because I am considering it to be in a very developmental stage, and expect there to be a lot of breaking changes.

I also hope to have 5.0.0-alpha be the final major alpha release, with the next stage progressing to 1.0.0-beta. I am beginning to develop a game using the engine internally, which means its nearing production quality.

The alpha has reached v3.0.

07 Sep 03:30
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Issues #12 and #14 are fixed. The engine has a much more stable and well-rounded feature set. Version 2.0.0-alpha didn't deserve a tag, since the only reason it was granted a major revision was due to adding a required parameter to a method (see commit 88f4de2).

Alpha Milestone Reached

30 Jul 02:07
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This is v1.0.0-alpha of Zenderer. All features requested in issues #1, #2, #3, #7, #8, and #10 have been implemented, tested, and released. Menus are buggy and were pushed in a rush to reach the deadline. Included are basic assets that are referenced in src/EngineTest.cpp.