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Project Boilerplate Setup

A package to automate the boring bits when setting up a new project


This project will:

  1. Initialise git if it hasn't already been initialised

  2. Try to parse a package.json and determine the setup from this

  3. If a package.json can't be found or this program encounters an error while trying to parse it, it will default to configuring a typescript project

    Currently the only framework supported is Svelte

  4. Install Eslint

    Currently the only eslint configurations this will install are:

    1. Create a configured .eslintrc.js
  5. Install Prettier

    1. Create a configured .prettierrc
  6. Add a lint & lint fix script to the package.json

  7. Install husky

    1. Create a pre-commit hook to run linting
    2. Create a pre-push hook to run tests
  8. Install Jest

    1. Create a configured jest.config.js
    2. Add linting support for Jest
    3. Add a test & coverage command to the package.json
    4. Create a src/tests/unit directory
    5. Create a src/tests/integration directory
  9. Create ignore files

    1. .eslintignore
    2. .gitignore
    3. .prettierignore
  10. Create Github Actions:

    1. Build
    2. Code Coverage
    3. Lint
    4. Test
  11. Create project shields:

    If a git remote is detected owner and repository placeholders will be replaced with respective values

    1. "\/<REPOSITORY>?logo=codeclimate&logoWidth=20"
    2. "\/<REPOSITORY>?logo=codeclimate&logoWidth=20"
    3. "\/<REPOSITORY>/master?logo=codefactor&logoWidth=20"
    4. "\/<REPOSITORY>?logo=snyk&logoWidth=20"
    5. "\/<REPOSITORY>?logo=github&logoWidth=20"
    6. "\/<REPOSITORY>?logo=github&logoWidth=20"
    7. "\/<REPOSITORY>?logo=github&logoWidth=20"
    8. "\/<REPOSITORY>?logo=github&logoWidth=20"
    9. "\/<REPOSITORY>?logo=coveralls&logoWidth=20"
    10. "\_<REPOSITORY>&metric=alert_status"
    11. Shields for each github action
  12. Create a list of TODOs

    These TODOs are generally additional setup which is required for the shields

  13. Create a template README

  14. Perform cleanup removing the setup directory

If svelte has been detected in the package.json, this will also:

  1. Install playwright
    1. Install playwright dependencies for Chromium, Firefox & Webkit
    2. Create a configured playwright.config.ts
    3. Add a test:e2e script to the package.json
    4. Add a test:e2e:headless script to the package.json
    5. Create a src/tests/e2e directory
  2. Create a Github Action to run e2e tests
  3. Install stylelint
    1. Create a configured .stylelint.rc.json
  4. Add the following shields
    1. ""
    2. ""
    3. ""
    4. ""
    5. ""

Getting Started


  • Node v14 or greater
  • Npm version 7 or greater
  • Unix based system
  • Have a node project initialised, e.g. npm init

Executing program

Clone this repository into a directory named setup:

npx degit  setup --force

Go to setup

cd setup

Install dependencies

npm i

Go back to parent directory

cd ..

Run the setup script

npx ts-node setup/src/index.ts


  • When TypeScript support for ES Modules isn't behind an experimental flag compile and publish this package to the npm registry
  • Create a prompt mode of this program which will let a user decide yes/no for each step & define any packages to be installed


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