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Building FireDBG

  1. Launch Docker

  2. Build the Docker image of the host OS

    # Run this command at the project root
    docker build --no-cache -t firedbg-ubuntu22.04 -f build/Dockerfile.ubuntu22.04 .
    # The general form
    docker build --no-cache -t firedbg-<OS_NAME> -f build/Dockerfile.<OS_NAME> .
  3. Run the Docker image we just built

    # Run this command at the project root
    docker run --name firedbg-ubuntu22.04 --rm -it -v $(pwd):/FireDBG.for.Rust firedbg-ubuntu22.04
    # The general form
    docker run --name firedbg-<OS_NAME> --rm -it -v $(pwd):/FireDBG.for.Rust firedbg-<OS_NAME>
  4. FireDBG requires codelldb binaries when building from source, the binaries should be placed under FireDBG.for.Rust/lldb directory

    # Download the `vsix` from GitHub
    curl -SfL "" -o "codelldb-x86_64-linux.vsix"
    # Unzip it
    unzip -q "codelldb-x86_64-linux.vsix" -d "codelldb-x86_64-linux"
    # Place the binaries under `FireDBG.for.Rust/lldb` directory
    mv "codelldb-x86_64-linux/extension/lldb" "FireDBG.for.Rust/lldb"
  5. Testing FireDBG debugger

    cd FireDBG.for.Rust/debugger
    cargo test
  6. Building FireDBG binaries

    cd FireDBG.for.Rust
    cargo build --manifest-path "command/Cargo.toml"
    cargo build --manifest-path "indexer/Cargo.toml"
    cargo build --manifest-path "debugger/Cargo.toml"
  7. Symbolic link the FireDBG binaries we just built

    ln -s "$PWD/target/debug/firedbg" ~/.cargo/bin/firedbg
    ln -s "$PWD/target/debug/firedbg-indexer" ~/.cargo/bin/firedbg-indexer
    ln -s "$PWD/target/debug/firedbg-debugger" ~/.cargo/bin/firedbg-debugger
    ln -s "$PWD/lldb" ~/.cargo/bin/firedbg-lib

    Then, we should able to use FireDBG CLI

    $ firedbg
     _____ _          ____  ____   ____
    |  ___(_)_ __ ___|  _ \| __ ) / ___|
    | |_  | | '__/ _ \ | | |  _ \| |  _
    |  _| | | | |  __/ |_| | |_) | |_| |
    |_|   |_|_|  \___|____/|____/ \____|
    Time Travel Visual Debugger for Rust