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March 8, 2022: This project has been moved to Sage-Bionetworks/challenge-registry.

Sage Bionetworks library for Angular

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Library of reusable Angular artifacts used in Sage Bionetworks projects


This repository provides a library of reusable code that defines components, services, and other Angular artifacts (pipes, directives, and so on) that are imported into projects developed by Sage Bionetworks.

This repository includes a multi-project workspace that supports the development of the library @sage-bionetworks/sage-angular. The two projects included are:

  • sage-angular: the library @sage-bionetworks/sage-angular.
  • sage-angular-demo: a demo app used to showcase the content of the library.


Version Demo app Storybook
2.0.0 Demo app Storybook
Edge Demo app Storybook


npm install @sage-bionetworks/sage-angular --save

Import the styles and themes of the library in your main styles.scss:

@import '@sage-bionetworks/sage-angular/src/styles';
@import '@sage-bionetworks/sage-angular/src/lib-theme';

// Include material core styles.
@include mat-core();

@include angular-material-theme($theme);
@include sage-angular-theme($theme);

Import the image assets of the library in your angular.json:

"assets": [
    "glob": "**/*.@(svg)",
    "input": "sage-angular/dist/sage-angular/src/assets/images",
    "output": "images"

Development server

Run npm ci to install the npm dependencies of this project.

Run npm run start for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Code scaffolding

The library sage-angular is split into multiple features that include each a subentry to improve tree shaking and thus the performance of SPAs. As a convention, the content of a feature folder should stay as flat as possible and thus avoid sub-folders. An example of this approach is provided by the library Angular Material.

Adding a library feature

We use the Angular schematic ng-samurai to add new feature to the library. The command below will perform the following actions:

  • Create a new folder with the provided name
  • Create a (module, component, index.ts, public-api.ts, package.json)
  • Export the module and the component from the public-api.ts
ng g ng-samurai:generate-subentry --project sage-angular feature-a

Options can be passed to the command to disable the generation of certain types of artifacts like --gc false to disable the generation of the default component. Alternatively, remove the artifacts that are not needed after the generation of the feature.

The file projects/sage-angular/src/public-apis.ts lists the features that are available to consumer applications. Add the line export * from '@sage-bionetworks/sage-angular/src/lib/feature-a'; to export the feature.

Adding artifacts to a feature

The command ng generate <artifact> or ng g <artifact> generates a new Angular artifact where <artifact> takes a value in directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module. The option --project <project> specifies the project the artifact should be added to.

For example, run this command to add a service to the feature feature-a:

ng generate service --project sage-angular feature-a/feature-a

Run this command to add a component to the feature feature-a:

ng generate component --project sage-angular feature-a/feature-a

This library is configured to add the prefix sage- to the selector of components generated via ng generate component. For example, the selector of the component feature-a is sage-feature-a and this component will be imported in an HTML document with <sage-feature-a></sage-feature-a>.

The entry point file public-api.ts of the feature must include all the artifacts that are offered by the feature. The entry point file must be updated manually when adding or removing artifacts to a feature.

Adding artifacts to the demo app

Run this command to add a module:

ng g m --project sage-angular-demo module-x

Run this command to add a component to the module module-x:

ng g c --project sage-angular-demo module-x/component-x

Running lint checks

Run npm run lint to execute the lint checks via TSLint.


Run npm run build to build the library. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the --prod flag for a production build. Run npm run build:demo to build the demo app.

Running unit tests

Run npm run test to execute the unit tests via Karma.

Running end-to-end tests

Run npm run e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor.


Apache License 2.0