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compile vue template file specifically without .vue file

This module is inspired by vue-template-loader and vue-loader

You need to add vue-template-compiler into your (dev)dependencies, which is required to use inside. (Please make sure it has the same version with your vue version)

With this package/loader, you could specific your template, script, style out of .vue, what means you can write your template in a .pug or other template engine.

Of course, you should handler the template loader by yourself.

Why not .vue

.vue is a great file type, and I love it, but not every IDE supports it very well. :(

So I make a decision to separate the three parts of .vue into normal .html, .js, .css (or other similar types).

And also there is a problem with .vue. Parent component could not override style of children.

Why not template option

The template option requires Vue to compile it when app is running, what means you must use vue/dist/vue.common.js instead of vue.runtime.common.js(main field in package.json). Then your bundle size will be a bit larger and your app will be a bit slower than excluding the compiler and compiling it in advance.

That is what this module wants to do (same as the vue-loader).


If your are using pug, try to add a loader config as following:

  test: /\.pug$/,
  loader: `vue-template-es2015-loader!pug-html-loader?exports=false&pretty`,
  exclude: /node_modules/

As you see, you should transform the .pug template by using pug-html-loader first, then vue-template-es2015-loader will handler the transformation from static html template to compiled render functions.


The template file will be compiled to an function that can inject render function to a component options object which is a valid vue component already:

  render: <Function>,
  staticRenderFns: <Array<Function>>

Combine with styles and other options

// YourComponent.js

// You can also just import your style here when not using `css modules`
import classes from './index.styl'

export default require('./index.pug')({
  data() {
    return {
      // using css modules
  // `computed`, `methods` get here as normal

Hot Reload Enabled!

Pass a component object to the compiled function enables hot-reload of template, because it combines template and other vm options although it needs to be nested :(.

Ugly but useful :)

What's the difference with vue-template-loader

Actually they are very similar, but vue-template-es2015-loader helps you to handle img source path automatically, and transform the es2015 feature in template into es5 (Thanks to vue-template-es2015-compiler which uses buble to do that).

This loader will respect the option of vue-loader.

Finally, we can use vue template without .vue!

Please remember to handler the style files by yourself.