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Hills Carpal

Hill Carpal is an application to organise Hills Community Aids' programme to provide rides for seniors. It allows facilitators to recieve ride requests over the phone from riders and enter them into the system, and for drivers to find rides to give.


The app is a next.js monolith that uses mysql as a database. It also integrates with Auth0 for authentication.

Running locally

  1. Install
npm install
  1. First get a local db running, which is easiest with docker
docker run --name some-mysql -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=admin -d -v hillscarpaldb:/var/lib/mysql mysql:8.0
npm run create-db
npm run refresh-db

By default it will try to connect to a local mysql database with username root and password admin. If you want to change those configurations you can set as environment variable, for instance:

MYSQL_USER=myuser MYSQL_PW=myPassword MYSQL_HOST=myHost MYSQL_PORT=3316 MYSQL_DB=myDB npm run refresh-db

You might end up with an error "Client does not support authentication protocol" - to fix refer to

  1. Get the .env.local file that provides certain environment variables from @AlexGilleran. If you skip this step you'll get annoying error messages about a missing client secret.

  2. Run for development

npm run dev

It'll be available at http://localhost:3000.

  1. Huzzah!



This is automatically deployed to AWS now. Anything that's pushed to master goes to the training environment, anything pushed with a tag goes to the prod environment. You should be able to see the results of the builds on github.


If you need to make infra changes, you should be able to do so using the terraform files included in the repo - run

terraform init
terraform apply

You'll need an AWS CLI that's logged into the Hills Carpal AWS account.