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ppinette edited this page May 27, 2012 · 4 revisions

Google Summer of Code 2012 Ideas

"All Hands" Tasks (good for beginners)

Focused tasks (require specific knowledge or context)

  • Add pyramid_simpleform-like capabilities to Deform.
  • X-platform (Win/UNIX/py2/py3/pypy) session storage
  • Make it easier to debug i18n problems
  • Fix tox to cope with the ability to test distributions that have namespace package dependencies (e..g. "transaction").
  • allow better extension support for debugtoolbar
  • web-enabled interactive debugger ala pdb as toolbar extension (pie in sky)
  • pretty up debugger toolbar
  • add warning messages to old versions of documentation and link to latest release
  • factor mako and chameleon templating bindings into external packages (Carlos and Reed did some of this at PyCon 2012).
  • pycco style tutorial
  • refactor zilch (use debugtoolbar exc collecting instead of weberror), and more flexible storage/result interface, more 'deployable-ready' with pyramid apps
  • extensible pyramid dashboard app for apps needing an admin UI (error reporters, cache viewers, job runners, etc.)
  • generate colander/deform schemas from sqlalchemy models (admin interface)
  • debugtoolbar bug fixing
  • monitor ajax requests through debugtoolbar

Real-time web tasks

  • Refactor pyramid_socketio to work with the latest gevent-socketio
  • Unit tests to pyramid_socketio
  • Selenium tests for the pyramid_socketio demos
  • Tutorials and Screencasts with pyramid_socketio