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Highly-interactive concept map of learning theories

CI Pipeline - DEVELOPMENT CI/CD Pipeline - RELEASE Dev Pipeline - Deploy to Azure Web App Service


With Docker-compose

IDEALS uses Rails + Docker for fast development. Make a change in your file and instantaneously see your updates!

Open your favourite Terminal and run these commands.

git clone
cd ideals
docker-compose -f up --build

Without Docker-compose


Make sure you have installed all of the following prerequisites on your development machine:

git clone
cd ideals/app
bundle install
yarn install
bundle exec rails server -b

If you encounter issues related to webpack compilation when working with nodejs, it could be due to using an outdated version of nodejs. Specifically, you may get an error related to a missing 'manifest.json' file or a similar issue. This error is caused by webpack silently failing with code: 'ERR_OSSL_EVP_UNSUPPORTED'. To fix this issue, you should make sure to use the latest LTS version of nodejs. You can check the current LTS version on the official nodejs website. If you are using an older version, update it to the latest LTS version. Additionally, you may need to set the following command in your terminal:

export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider

Note: If image loading is not working, install libvps library in your system


In order to conduct automated feature testing within the developed system, a Selenium WebDriver has been employed in conjunction with the Cucumber testing framework. The Selenium WebDriver utilizes Google Chrome as the browser for executing test cases. Consequently, it is imperative that users ensure the presence of Google Chrome on their systems prior to initiating the test suite.

cd ideals/app
bundle install
yarn install

Local Deployment with Docker Compose

Start the Server

git clone
cd ideals
docker-compose -f docker-compose.local.yml up --build

Create the Database

docker-compose -f docker-compose.local.yml exec db psql -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE ideals;"

Import the Backup Data

docker-compose -f exec db psql -U postgres -d ideals -f backups/dump_19-04-2023_06_36_25.sql

Some Useful Command for troubleshoot

To see all the docker container

docker ps -all

To remove one docker container (It is useful when you having issues to start the server, try to remove the old containers and run start server command again)

docker rm ideals_app_1

To backup the data

docker-compose -f exec db pg_dump -U postgres -d ideals > backups/backup.sql

⚠️ Remember to run backup command from time to time