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The Corporations Behind Climate Change

Seven simple demands to hold fossil fuel companies accountable.

Local Setup

To run the article locally, make sure you have NodeJS and NPM installed. Then clone or download this repository. The main file is index.idyll, this file defines the article using Idyll markdown.

Installing dependencies

  1. Install local dependencies: npm install

Running local dev server

  1. Run npm start in the root of this project.

Data Notes

Here are notes on reproducing the data pipeline for the article.

National emissions data

Original data source: CDIAC

Raw data file: data/nation.1751_2016.csv

Aggregated by country in Excel: data/national-emissions.csv

IMPORTANT NOTE: CDIAC data is in units MtC. CAI data is in MtCO2. Multiply by 3.67 to convert from MtC to MtCO2, according to and

Corporate emissions data

Original data source: "sum ranking" Excel file from Richard Heede / CAI

Extracted Scope 1 emissions column into data/entity-emissions.csv