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Repository files navigation


Albums app Used libraries & Components

Kotlin as the main language for development of this app; Clean code architecture has been used with domain, data & presentation layer. MVVM Design Pattern; Single Activity Architecture. SOLID Principles has been followed. Single source of truth. Dagger HILT for dependency Injection; View model and LiveData/Flow for communication between UI Component and data layer; Coroutines for async operations; Constraint layout for layout creation; Retrofit2 for network requests; Room Library; DataBinding Library for binding the View; Navigation Architecture Component/Navigation Host, Navigation Graph, NavigationController; DiffUtil, ListAdapter & RecyclerView; Mockito Library for Testing, Kotlin coroutines test, Google truth library for assertion Junit for testing. Espresso and Barista library used for UI testing.

Task Implemented to this project

Task0: Create a branch and run sample default project just to ensure emulator and initial project setup is successful.

Task 1:: Inside gradle file declare all the required dependencies to be used in this Project. for instance, retrofit dependency; Livedata, lifecycle, etc.

Task 2:: Create the Project structure following Clean Code architecture & MVVM pattern.[for instance, Domain layer; Data Layer; Presentation layer & further divide in to data(local/remote) - repository utility ui -viewmodel/fragment/feature -di (dagger hilt dependency injection) -base ]

Task 3: Create required Kotlin classes(data class) which will hold the Albums list(model classes).

Task 4:: Call the Api using retrofit and see result returning successfully.(use suspend func for coroutines)

Task 5:: Create Resource Sealed class inorder to handle the Success and Failure Response.

Task 7:: inside ViewModel we need to call the api via usecase(domain layer) and handle the stuff using Livedata/Flow.

Task8:: on UI Component/Activity/Fragment We need to follow Single Activity architecture.

Task9: So far only one fragment is cretaed as per requirement using Navigation Architecture component.

Task10: Implementation of Adapter using DiffUtil/RecyclerView.

Task12: Implement dataBinding for dataflow from viewmodel to UI & vice versa.

Task13: Implementation of Dagger HILT for dependency Injection.

Task14: Implement Room Library.

Task15: Unit testing for ViewModel class.

Task16: UI testing with espresso and barista

Task17: Check the code everything is fine and do the testing on device/emulator.

Manual Testing::

  1. List is populating in sorted format.
  2. in case of network issue, error will get prompted.


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