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Flow type linting rules for ESLint.


  1. Install ESLint.
  2. Install babel-eslint parser (ESLint parser does not support type annotations).
  3. Install eslint-plugin-flowtype plugin.
npm install eslint
npm install babel-eslint
npm install eslint-plugin-flowtype


  1. Set parser property to babel-eslint.
  2. Add plugins section and specify eslint-plugin-flowtype as a plugin.
  3. Enable rules.
  "parser": "babel-eslint",
  "plugins": [
  "rules": {
    "flowtype/define-flow-type": 1,
    "flowtype/require-parameter-type": 1,
    "flowtype/require-return-type": [
        "annotateUndefined": "never"
    "flowtype/space-after-type-colon": [
    "flowtype/space-before-type-colon": [
    "flowtype/type-id-match": [
    "flowtype/use-flow-type": 1,
    "flowtype/valid-syntax": 1
  "settings": {
    "flowtype": {
      "onlyFilesWithFlowAnnotation": false



When true, only checks files with a @flow annotation in the first comment.

  "settings": {
    "flowtype": {
      "onlyFilesWithFlowAnnotation": true



Marks Flow type identifiers as defined.

Used to suppress no-undef reporting of type identifiers.

The following patterns are not considered problems:

var a: AType
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2}

var a: AType; var b: AType
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2}

var a; (a: AType)
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2}

var a: AType<BType>
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2}

type A = AType
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2}

function f(a: AType) {}
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2}

function f(a: AType.a) {}
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2}

function f(a: AType.a.b) {}
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2}

function f(a): AType {}; var a: AType
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2}

function f(a): AType {}
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2}

class C { a: AType }
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2}

class C { a: AType.a }
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2}

class C { a: AType.a.b }
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2}

class C implements AType {}
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2}

interface AType {}
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2}

({ a: ({b() {}}: AType) })
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2}

type X = {Y<AType>(): BType}
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2}

interface AType<BType> {}
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2}

var a: AType
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2,"no-use-before-define":[2,"nofunc"]}

var a: AType; var b: AType
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2,"no-use-before-define":[2,"nofunc"]}

var a; (a: AType)
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2,"no-use-before-define":[2,"nofunc"]}

var a: AType<BType>
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2,"no-use-before-define":[2,"nofunc"]}

type A = AType
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2,"no-use-before-define":[2,"nofunc"]}

function f(a: AType) {}
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2,"no-use-before-define":[2,"nofunc"]}

function f(a: AType.a) {}
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2,"no-use-before-define":[2,"nofunc"]}

function f(a: AType.a.b) {}
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2,"no-use-before-define":[2,"nofunc"]}

function f(a): AType {}; var a: AType
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2,"no-use-before-define":[2,"nofunc"]}

function f(a): AType {}
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2,"no-use-before-define":[2,"nofunc"]}

class C { a: AType }
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2,"no-use-before-define":[2,"nofunc"]}

class C { a: AType.a }
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2,"no-use-before-define":[2,"nofunc"]}

class C { a: AType.a.b }
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2,"no-use-before-define":[2,"nofunc"]}

class C implements AType {}
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2,"no-use-before-define":[2,"nofunc"]}

interface AType {}
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2,"no-use-before-define":[2,"nofunc"]}

({ a: ({b() {}}: AType) })
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2,"no-use-before-define":[2,"nofunc"]}

type X = {Y<AType>(): BType}
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2,"no-use-before-define":[2,"nofunc"]}

interface AType<BType> {}
// Additional rules: {"no-undef":2,"no-use-before-define":[2,"nofunc"]}


Requires that all function parameters have type annotations.


You can skip all arrow functions by providing the excludeArrowFunctions option with true.

Alternatively, you can want to exclude only concise arrow functions (e.g. x => x * 2). Provide excludeArrowFunctions with expressionsOnly for this.

    "rules": {
        "flowtype/require-parameter-type": [
              "excludeArrowFunctions": true

    "rules": {
        "flowtype/require-parameter-type": [
              "excludeArrowFunctions": "expressionsOnly"

The following patterns are considered problems:

(foo) => {}
// Message: Missing "foo" parameter type annotation.

function x(foo) {}
// Message: Missing "foo" parameter type annotation.

// Options: [{"excludeArrowFunctions":true}]
function x(foo) {}
// Message: Missing "foo" parameter type annotation.

(foo = 'FOO') => {}
// Message: Missing "foo" parameter type annotation.

( => {}
// Message: Missing "foo" parameter type annotation.

({foo}) => {}
// Message: Missing "{foo}" parameter type annotation.

([foo]) => {}
// Message: Missing "[foo]" parameter type annotation.

({foo = 1} = {}) => {}
// Message: Missing "{foo = 1}" parameter type annotation.

// @flow
(foo) => {}
// Message: Missing "foo" parameter type annotation.

// Options: [{"excludeArrowFunctions":"expressionsOnly"}]
(foo) => {}
// Message: Missing "foo" parameter type annotation.

// Options: [{"excludeArrowFunctions":"expressionsOnly"}]
function x(foo) {}
// Message: Missing "foo" parameter type annotation.

The following patterns are not considered problems:

(foo: string) => {}

(foo: string = 'FOO') => {}

( string) => {}

({foo}: {foo: string}) => {}

([foo]: Array) => {}

(foo) => {}

// Options: [{"excludeArrowFunctions":true}]
(foo) => {}

// Options: [{"excludeArrowFunctions":"expressionsOnly"}]
(foo) => 3


Requires that functions have return type annotation.


You can skip all arrow functions by providing the excludeArrowFunctions option with true.

Alternatively, you can want to exclude only concise arrow function (e.g. () => 2). Provide excludeArrowFunctions with expressionsOnly for this.

    "rules": {
        "flowtype/require-return-type": [
              "excludeArrowFunctions": true

    "rules": {
        "flowtype/require-return-type": [
              "excludeArrowFunctions": "expressionsOnly"

The following patterns are considered problems:

(foo) => { return "foo"; }
// Message: Missing return type annotation.

// Options: ["always"]
(foo) => { return "foo"; }
// Message: Missing return type annotation.

// Options: ["always"]
(foo) => "foo"
// Message: Missing return type annotation.

(foo) => ({})
// Message: Missing return type annotation.

(foo): undefined => { return; }
// Message: Must not annotate undefined return type.

(foo): void => { return; }
// Message: Must not annotate undefined return type.

(foo): undefined => { return undefined; }
// Message: Must not annotate undefined return type.

(foo): void => { return void 0; }
// Message: Must not annotate undefined return type.

// Options: ["always",{"annotateUndefined":"never"}]
(foo): undefined => { return; }
// Message: Must not annotate undefined return type.

// Options: ["always",{"annotateUndefined":"never"}]
(foo): void => { return; }
// Message: Must not annotate undefined return type.

// Options: ["always",{"annotateUndefined":"always"}]
(foo) => { return; }
// Message: Must annotate undefined return type.

// Options: ["always",{"annotateUndefined":"never"}]
(foo): undefined => { return undefined; }
// Message: Must not annotate undefined return type.

// Options: ["always",{"annotateUndefined":"always"}]
(foo) => { return undefined; }
// Message: Must annotate undefined return type.

// Options: ["always",{"annotateUndefined":"always"}]
(foo) => { return void 0; }
// Message: Must annotate undefined return type.

// @flow
(foo) => { return 1; }
// Message: Missing return type annotation.

// Options: ["always",{"annotateUndefined":"always"}]
// @flow
 (foo) => { return undefined; }
// Message: Must annotate undefined return type.

// Options: ["always"]
async () => { return 2; }
// Message: Missing return type annotation.

// Options: ["always",{"annotateUndefined":"always"}]
async () => {}
// Message: Missing return type annotation.

// Options: ["always",{"annotateUndefined":"always"}]
async function x() {}
// Message: Missing return type annotation.

// Options: ["always"]
async () => { return; }
// Message: Missing return type annotation.

// Options: ["always"]
function* x() {}
// Message: Missing return type annotation.

// Options: ["always",{"excludeArrowFunctions":"expressionsOnly"}]
() => { return 3; }
// Message: Missing return type annotation.

// Options: ["always",{"excludeArrowFunctions":"expressionsOnly"}]
async () => { return 4; }
// Message: Missing return type annotation.

The following patterns are not considered problems:

(foo): string => {}

// Options: ["always"]
(foo): string => {}

(foo) => { return; }

(foo): Object => ( {} )

(foo) => { return undefined; }

(foo) => { return void 0; }

// Options: ["always",{"annotateUndefined":"always"}]
(foo): undefined => { return; }

// Options: ["always",{"annotateUndefined":"always"}]
(foo): void => { return; }

// Options: ["always",{"annotateUndefined":"never"}]
(foo) => { return; }

// Options: ["always",{"annotateUndefined":"never"}]
(foo) => { return undefined; }

// Options: ["always",{"annotateUndefined":"never"}]
(foo) => { return void 0; }

// Options: ["always",{"annotateUndefined":"always"}]
(foo): undefined => { return undefined; }

// Options: ["always",{"annotateUndefined":"always"}]
(foo): void => { return void 0; }

// Options: ["always"]
(foo) => { return 1; }

// Options: ["always",{"annotateUndefined":"always"}]
(foo) => { return undefined; }

// Options: ["always",{"annotateUndefined":"always"}]
async function doThing(): Promise<void> {}

// Options: ["always",{"annotateUndefined":"always"}]
function* doThing(): Generator<number, void, void> { yield 2; }

async (foo): Promise<number> => { return 3; }

// Options: ["always",{"excludeArrowFunctions":true}]
() => 3

// Options: ["always",{"excludeArrowFunctions":true}]
() => { return 4; }

// Options: ["always",{"excludeArrowFunctions":true}]
() => undefined

// Options: ["always",{"annotateUndefined":"always","excludeArrowFunctions":true}]
() => undefined

// Options: ["always",{"annotateUndefined":"always","excludeArrowFunctions":true}]
() => { return undefined; }

// Options: ["always",{"excludeArrowFunctions":"expressionsOnly"}]
() => 3

// Options: ["always",{"excludeArrowFunctions":"expressionsOnly"}]
async () => 3


Makes sure that files have a valid @flow annotation. It will report annotations with typos (such as // @floww) or not placed at the top of the file, and optionaly missing annotations.


By default, this rule won't complain if there is no @flow annotation at all in the file. Passing a "always" option reports files missing those annotations as well.

    "rules": {
        "flowtype/require-valid-file-annotation": [

The following patterns are considered problems:

;// @flow
// Message: Flow file annotation not at the top of the file.

// @flow
// Message: Flow file annotation not at the top of the file.

// @Flow
// Message: Malformed flow file annotation.

// @floweeeeeee
// Message: Malformed flow file annotation.

// @NoFlow
// Message: Malformed flow file annotation.

// @nofloweeeeeee
// Message: Malformed flow file annotation.

// Options: ["always"]
// Message: Flow file annotation is missing.

The following patterns are not considered problems:


// @flow



/* foo @flow bar */

// @flow

// @flow
// @FLow

// @noflow

// Options: ["always"]


The --fix option on the command line automatically fixes problems reported by this rule.

Enforces consistent spacing after the type annotation colon.

This rule takes one argument. If it is 'always' then a problem is raised when there is no space after the type annotation colon. If it is 'never' then a problem is raised when there is a space after the type annotation colon. The default value is 'always'.

The following patterns are considered problems:

// Options: ["never"]
(foo: string) => {}
// Message: There must be no space after "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

// Options: ["always"]
(foo:  string) => {}
// Message: There must be 1 space after "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

// Options: ["always"]
(foo:(() => void)) => {}
// Message: There must be a space after "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

// Options: ["never"]
(foo: (() => void)) => {}
// Message: There must be no space after "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

// Options: ["always"]
(foo:  (() => void)) => {}
// Message: There must be 1 space after "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

({ lorem, ipsum, dolor } :   SomeType) => {}
// Message: There must be 1 space after "{ lorem, ipsum, dolor }" parameter type annotation colon.

(foo:{ a: string, b: number }) => {}
// Message: There must be a space after "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

({ a, b } :{ a: string, b: number }) => {}
// Message: There must be a space after "{ a, b }" parameter type annotation colon.

([ a, b ] :string[]) => {}
// Message: There must be a space after "[ a, b ]" parameter type annotation colon.

(i?:number) => {}
// Message: There must be a space after "i" parameter type annotation colon.

(i?:  number) => {}
// Message: There must be 1 space after "i" parameter type annotation colon.

// Options: ["never"]
(i?: number) => {}
// Message: There must be no space after "i" parameter type annotation colon.

// Options: ["always"]
():Object => {}
// Message: There must be a space after return type colon.

// Options: ["never"]
(): Object => {}
// Message: There must be no space after return type colon.

// Options: ["always"]
():  Object => {}
// Message: There must be 1 space after return type colon.

// Options: ["always"]
():(() => void) => {}
// Message: There must be a space after return type colon.

// Options: ["never"]
(): (() => void) => {}
// Message: There must be no space after return type colon.

// Options: ["always"]
():  (() => void) => {}
// Message: There must be 1 space after return type colon.

// Options: ["never"]
export default function (foo: string) {}
// Message: There must be no space after "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

// Options: ["never"]
function foo (foo: string) {}
// Message: There must be no space after "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

// Options: ["always"]
(foo:string) => {}
// Message: There must be a space after "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

function foo (foo:string) {}
// Message: There must be a space after "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

async function foo({ lorem, ipsum, dolor }:SomeType) {}
// Message: There must be a space after "{ lorem, ipsum, dolor }" parameter type annotation colon.

function x(i?:number) {}
// Message: There must be a space after "i" parameter type annotation colon.

function x(i?:  number) {}
// Message: There must be 1 space after "i" parameter type annotation colon.

// Options: ["never"]
function x(i?: number) {}
// Message: There must be no space after "i" parameter type annotation colon.

type X = (foo:number) => string
// Message: There must be a space after "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

// Options: ["never"]
type X = (foo: number) => string
// Message: There must be no space after "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

type X = (foo:  number) => string
// Message: There must be 1 space after "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

type X = (foo:?number) => string
// Message: There must be a space after "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

type X = (foo:(number)) => string
// Message: There must be a space after "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

type X = (foo:((number))) => string
// Message: There must be a space after "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

type X = (foo:  ((number))) => string
// Message: There must be 1 space after "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

// Options: ["never"]
type X = (foo: ((number))) => string
// Message: There must be no space after "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

type X = (foo:?(number)) => string
// Message: There must be a space after "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

type TArrayPredicate = (el: T, i?:number) => boolean
// Message: There must be a space after "i" parameter type annotation colon.

type TArrayPredicate = (el: T, i?:  number) => boolean
// Message: There must be 1 space after "i" parameter type annotation colon.

// Options: ["never"]
type TArrayPredicate = (el:T, i?: number) => boolean
// Message: There must be no space after "i" parameter type annotation colon.

class X { foo:string }
// Message: There must be a space after "foo" class property type annotation colon.

// Options: ["never"]
class X { foo: string }
// Message: There must be no space after "foo" class property type annotation colon.

class X { foo:?string }
// Message: There must be a space after "foo" class property type annotation colon.

// Options: ["never"]
class X { foo: ?string }
// Message: There must be no space after "foo" class property type annotation colon.

class X { static foo:number }
// Message: There must be a space after "foo" class property type annotation colon.

// Options: ["never"]
class X { static foo: number }
// Message: There must be no space after "foo" class property type annotation colon.

class X { static foo :number }
// Message: There must be a space after "foo" class property type annotation colon.

// Options: ["never"]
class X { static foo : number }
// Message: There must be no space after "foo" class property type annotation colon.

declare class X { static foo:number }
// Message: There must be a space after "foo" type annotation colon.

// Options: ["never"]
declare class X { static foo: number }
// Message: There must be no space after "foo" type annotation colon.

declare class X { static foo :number }
// Message: There must be a space after "foo" type annotation colon.

// Options: ["never"]
declare class X { static foo : number }
// Message: There must be no space after "foo" type annotation colon.

type X = { foo:string }
// Message: There must be a space after "foo" type annotation colon.

// Options: ["always"]
type X = { foo:string }
// Message: There must be a space after "foo" type annotation colon.

// Options: ["never"]
type X = { foo: string }
// Message: There must be no space after "foo" type annotation colon.

type X = { foo:  string }
// Message: There must be 1 space after "foo" type annotation colon.

type X = { foo?:string }
// Message: There must be a space after "foo" type annotation colon.

// Options: ["never"]
type X = { foo?: string }
// Message: There must be no space after "foo" type annotation colon.

type X = { foo?:?string }
// Message: There must be a space after "foo" type annotation colon.

type X = { foo?:  ?string }
// Message: There must be 1 space after "foo" type annotation colon.

type Foo = { barType:(string | () => void) }
// Message: There must be a space after "barType" type annotation colon.

type Foo = { barType:(((string | () => void))) }
// Message: There must be a space after "barType" type annotation colon.

// Options: ["never"]
type Foo = { barType: (string | () => void) }
// Message: There must be no space after "barType" type annotation colon.

type Foo = { barType:  (string | () => void) }
// Message: There must be 1 space after "barType" type annotation colon.

type Foo = { barType:  ((string | () => void)) }
// Message: There must be 1 space after "barType" type annotation colon.

type X = { get:() => A; }
// Message: There must be a space after "get" type annotation colon.

type X = { get:<X>() => A; }
// Message: There must be a space after "get" type annotation colon.

// Options: ["never"]
type X = { get: () => A; }
// Message: There must be no space after "get" type annotation colon.

// Options: ["never"]
type X = { get: <X>() => A; }
// Message: There must be no space after "get" type annotation colon.

type X = { get:  () => A; }
// Message: There must be 1 space after "get" type annotation colon.

type X = { get:  <X>() => A; }
// Message: There must be 1 space after "get" type annotation colon.

The following patterns are not considered problems:

(foo) => {}

(foo: string) => {}

(foo: (string|number)) => {}

// Options: ["never"]
(foo:string) => {}

// Options: ["always"]
(foo: string) => {}

// Options: ["never"]
(foo:(() => void)) => {}

// Options: ["always"]
(foo: (() => void)) => {}

({ lorem, ipsum, dolor }: SomeType) => {}

(foo: { a: string, b: number }) => {}

({ a, b }: ?{ a: string, b: number }) => {}

([ a, b ]: string[]) => {}

(i?: number) => {}

// Options: ["never"]
(i?:number) => {}

// Options: ["never"]
():Object => {}

// Options: ["always"]
(): Object => {}

// Options: ["never"]
():(number | string) => {}

// Options: ["always"]
(): (number | string) => {}

// Options: ["never"]
():number|string => {}

// Options: ["always"]
(): number|string => {}

// Options: ["never"]
():(() => void) => {}

// Options: ["always"]
(): (() => void) => {}

// Options: ["never"]
():( () => void ) => {}

// Options: ["always"]
(): ( () => void ) => {}

(): { a: number, b: string } => {}

// Options: ["never"]
() :{ a:number, b:string } => {}

function x(foo: string) {}

class Foo { constructor(foo: string) {} }

// Options: ["never"]
function x(foo:string) {}

// Options: ["never"]
class Foo { constructor(foo:string) {} }

async function foo({ lorem, ipsum, dolor }: SomeType) {}

function x({ a, b }: { a: string, b: number }) {}

function x(i?: number) {}

// Options: ["never"]
function x(i?:number) {}

type X = (foo: number) => string;

type X = (foo : number) => string;

type X = (foo: ?number) => string;

type X = (foo? : ?number) => string;

type X = (foo: ?{ x: number }) => string;

// Options: ["never"]
type X = (foo:number) => string;

// Options: ["never"]
type X = (foo:?{ x:number }) => string;

type X = (foo: (number)) => string

type X = (foo: ((number))) => string

// Options: ["never"]
type X = (foo:((number))) => string

type X = ?(foo: ((number))) => string

// Options: ["never"]
type X = ?(foo:((number))) => string

type TArrayPredicate = (el: T, i?: number) => boolean

// Options: ["never"]
type TArrayPredicate = (el:T, i?:number) => boolean

class Foo { bar }

class Foo { bar = 3 }

class Foo { bar: string }

class Foo { bar: ?string }

// Options: ["never"]
class Foo { bar:string }

// Options: ["never"]
class Foo { bar:?string }

class X { static foo : number }

// Options: ["never"]
class X { static foo :number }

declare class X { static foo : number }

// Options: ["never"]
declare class X { static foo :number }

type X = { foo: string }

// Options: ["never"]
type X = { foo:string }

type X = { foo?: string }

type X = { foo?: ?string }

// Options: ["never"]
type X = { foo?:?string }

type Foo = { barType: (string | () => void) }

type Foo = { barType: ((string | () => void)) }

// Options: ["never"]
type Foo = { barType:(string | () => void) }

// Options: ["never"]
type Foo = { barType:((string | () => void)) }

type X = { get(): A; }

type X = { get<X>(): A; }

// Options: ["never"]
type X = { get(): A; }

// Options: ["never"]
type X = { get<X>(): A; }

type X = { get: () => A; }

type X = { get: <X>() => A; }

// Options: ["never"]
type X = { get:() => A; }

// Options: ["never"]
type X = { get:<X>() => A; }


The --fix option on the command line automatically fixes problems reported by this rule.

Enforces consistent spacing before the type annotation colon.

This rule takes one argument. If it is 'always' then a problem is raised when there is no space before the type annotation colon. If it is 'never' then a problem is raised when there is a space before the type annotation colon. The default value is 'never'.

The following patterns are considered problems:

// Options: ["never"]
(foo : string) => {}
// Message: There must be no space before "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

// Options: ["never"]
(foo ? : string) => {}
// Message: There must be no space before "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

// Options: ["always"]
(foo: string) => {}
// Message: There must be a space before "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

// Options: ["always"]
(foo  : string) => {}
// Message: There must be 1 space before "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

// Options: ["always"]
(foo?: string) => {}
// Message: There must be a space before "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

// Options: ["always"]
(foo ?  : string) => {}
// Message: There must be 1 space before "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

// Options: ["always"]
(foo  ?: string) => {}
// Message: There must be a space before "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

({ lorem, ipsum, dolor } : SomeType) => {}
// Message: There must be no space before "{ lorem, ipsum, dolor }" parameter type annotation colon.

(foo : { a: string, b: number }) => {}
// Message: There must be no space before "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

({ a, b } : { a: string, b: number }) => {}
// Message: There must be no space before "{ a, b }" parameter type annotation colon.

([ a, b ] : string[]) => {}
// Message: There must be no space before "[ a, b ]" parameter type annotation colon.

function x(foo : string) {}
// Message: There must be no space before "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

// Options: ["always"]
function x(foo: string) {}
// Message: There must be a space before "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

var x = function (foo : string) {}
// Message: There must be no space before "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

// Options: ["always"]
var x = function (foo: string) {}
// Message: There must be a space before "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

class Foo { constructor(foo : string ) {} }
// Message: There must be no space before "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

// Options: ["always"]
class Foo { constructor(foo: string ) {} }
// Message: There must be a space before "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

async function foo({ lorem, ipsum, dolor } : SomeType) {}
// Message: There must be no space before "{ lorem, ipsum, dolor }" parameter type annotation colon.

type X = (foo :string) => string;
// Message: There must be no space before "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

// Options: ["always"]
type X = (foo:string) => string;
// Message: There must be a space before "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

// Options: ["always"]
type X = (foo  :string) => string;
// Message: There must be 1 space before "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

type X = (foo? :string) => string;
// Message: There must be no space before "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

type X = (foo?     :string) => string;
// Message: There must be no space before "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

// Options: ["always"]
type X = (foo?:string) => string;
// Message: There must be a space before "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

type X = (foo? :?string) => string;
// Message: There must be no space before "foo" parameter type annotation colon.

class X { foo :string }
// Message: There must be no space before "foo" class property type annotation colon.

// Options: ["always"]
class X { foo: string }
// Message: There must be a space before "foo" class property type annotation colon.

class X { foo :?string }
// Message: There must be no space before "foo" class property type annotation colon.

// Options: ["always"]
class X { foo: ?string }
// Message: There must be a space before "foo" class property type annotation colon.

class X { static foo : number }
// Message: There must be no space before "foo" class property type annotation colon.

class X { static foo :number }
// Message: There must be no space before "foo" class property type annotation colon.

// Options: ["always"]
class X { static foo: number }
// Message: There must be a space before "foo" class property type annotation colon.

// Options: ["always"]
class X { static foo:number }
// Message: There must be a space before "foo" class property type annotation colon.

declare class Foo { static bar :number; }
// Message: There must be no space before "bar" type annotation colon.

declare class Foo { static bar : number; }
// Message: There must be no space before "bar" type annotation colon.

// Options: ["always"]
declare class Foo { static bar:number; }
// Message: There must be a space before "bar" type annotation colon.

// Options: ["always"]
declare class Foo { static bar: number; }
// Message: There must be a space before "bar" type annotation colon.

type X = { foo : string }
// Message: There must be no space before "foo" type annotation colon.

// Options: ["never"]
type X = { foo : string }
// Message: There must be no space before "foo" type annotation colon.

// Options: ["always"]
type X = { foo: string }
// Message: There must be a space before "foo" type annotation colon.

// Options: ["always"]
type X = { foo  : string }
// Message: There must be 1 space before "foo" type annotation colon.

type X = { foo? : string }
// Message: There must be no space before "foo" type annotation colon.

// Options: ["always"]
type X = { foo?: string }
// Message: There must be a space before "foo" type annotation colon.

// Options: ["always"]
type X = { foo?  : string }
// Message: There must be 1 space before "foo" type annotation colon.

// Options: ["always"]
type X = { foo   ?: string }
// Message: There must be a space before "foo" type annotation colon.

The following patterns are not considered problems:

(foo) => {}

(foo: string) => {}

(foo?: string) => {}

(foo ?: string) => {}

// Options: ["never"]
(foo: string) => {}

// Options: ["always"]
(foo : string) => {}

// Options: ["always"]
(foo? : string) => {}

// Options: ["always"]
(foo ? : string) => {}

// Options: ["always"]
(foo  ? : string) => {}

({ lorem, ipsum, dolor }: SomeType) => {}

(foo: { a: string, b: number }) => {}

({ a, b }: ?{ a: string, b: number }) => {}

(): { a: number, b: string } => {}

// Options: ["always"]
() : { a : number, b : string } => {}

([ a, b ]: string[]) => {}

function x(foo: string) {}

// Options: ["always"]
function x(foo : string) {}

var x = function (foo: string) {}

// Options: ["always"]
var x = function (foo : string) {}

class X { foo({ bar }: Props = this.props) {} }

class Foo { constructor(foo: string ) {} }

// Options: ["always"]
class Foo { constructor(foo : string ) {} }

async function foo({ lorem, ipsum, dolor }: SomeType) {}

function x({ a, b }: { a: string, b: number }) {}

type X = (foo:string) => number;

type X = (foo: string) => number;

type X = (foo: ?string) => number;

type X = (foo?: string) => number;

type X = (foo?: ?string) => number;

type X = (foo   ?: string) => number;

// Options: ["always"]
type X = (foo? : string) => number

// Options: ["always"]
type X = (foo? : ?string) => number

class Foo { bar }

class Foo { bar = 3 }

class Foo { bar: string }

class Foo { bar: ?string }

class Foo { bar:?string }

// Options: ["always"]
class Foo { bar : string }

class X { static foo:number }

class X { static foo: number }

// Options: ["always"]
class X { static foo :number }

// Options: ["always"]
class X { static foo : number }

declare class Foo { static bar:number; }

// Options: ["always"]
declare class Foo { static bar :number; }

declare class Foo { static bar: number; }

// Options: ["always"]
declare class Foo { static bar : number; }

type X = { foo: string }

// Options: ["always"]
type X = { foo : string }

type X = { foo?: string }

type X = { foo   ?: string }

// Options: ["always"]
type X = { foo? : string }


The --fix option on the command line automatically fixes problems reported by this rule.

Enforces consistent spacing before the opening < of generic type annotation parameters.

This rule takes one argument. If it is 'never' then a problem is raised when there is a space before the <. If it is 'always' then a problem is raised when there is no space before the <.

The default value is 'never'.

The following patterns are considered problems:

type X = Promise <string>
// Message: There must be no space before "Promise" generic type annotation bracket

// Options: ["never"]
type X = Promise <string>
// Message: There must be no space before "Promise" generic type annotation bracket

type X = Promise  <string>
// Message: There must be no space before "Promise" generic type annotation bracket

// Options: ["always"]
type X = Promise<string>
// Message: There must be a space before "Promise" generic type annotation bracket

// Options: ["always"]
type X = Promise  <string>
// Message: There must be one space before "Promise" generic type annotation bracket

The following patterns are not considered problems:

type X = Promise<string>

// Options: ["always"]
type X = Promise <string>


The --fix option on the command line automatically fixes problems reported by this rule.

Enforces consistent spacing around union and intersection type separators (| and &).

This rule takes one argument. If it is 'always' then a problem is raised when there is no space around the separator. If it is 'never' then a problem is raised when there is a space around the separator.

The default value is 'always'.

The following patterns are considered problems:

type X = string| number;
// Message: There must be a space before union type annotation separator

// Options: ["always"]
type X = string| number;
// Message: There must be a space before union type annotation separator

type X = string |number;
// Message: There must be a space after union type annotation separator

type X = string|number;
// Message: There must be a space before union type annotation separator
// Message: There must be a space after union type annotation separator

type X = {x: string}|{y: number};
// Message: There must be a space before union type annotation separator
// Message: There must be a space after union type annotation separator

type X = string | number |boolean;
// Message: There must be a space after union type annotation separator

type X = string|number|boolean;
// Message: There must be a space before union type annotation separator
// Message: There must be a space after union type annotation separator
// Message: There must be a space before union type annotation separator
// Message: There must be a space after union type annotation separator

type X = (string)| number;
// Message: There must be a space before union type annotation separator

type X = ((string))|(number | foo);
// Message: There must be a space before union type annotation separator
// Message: There must be a space after union type annotation separator

// Options: ["never"]
type X = string |number;
// Message: There must be no space before union type annotation separator

// Options: ["never"]
type X = string| number;
// Message: There must be no space after union type annotation separator

type X = string& number;
// Message: There must be a space before intersection type annotation separator

// Options: ["always"]
type X = string& number;
// Message: There must be a space before intersection type annotation separator

type X = string &number;
// Message: There must be a space after intersection type annotation separator

type X = {x: string}&{y: number};
// Message: There must be a space before intersection type annotation separator
// Message: There must be a space after intersection type annotation separator

type X = string&number;
// Message: There must be a space before intersection type annotation separator
// Message: There must be a space after intersection type annotation separator

type X = string & number &boolean;
// Message: There must be a space after intersection type annotation separator

type X = string&number&boolean;
// Message: There must be a space before intersection type annotation separator
// Message: There must be a space after intersection type annotation separator
// Message: There must be a space before intersection type annotation separator
// Message: There must be a space after intersection type annotation separator

type X = (string)& number;
// Message: There must be a space before intersection type annotation separator

type X = ((string))&(number & foo);
// Message: There must be a space before intersection type annotation separator
// Message: There must be a space after intersection type annotation separator

// Options: ["never"]
type X = string &number;
// Message: There must be no space before intersection type annotation separator

// Options: ["never"]
type X = string& number;
// Message: There must be no space after intersection type annotation separator

The following patterns are not considered problems:

type X = string | number;

type X = string | number | boolean;

type X = (string) | number;

type X = ((string)) | (number | foo);

// Options: ["never"]
type X = string|number

type X =
| string
| number

function x() {
type X =
| string
| number

type X = string & number;

type X = string & number & boolean;

type X = (string) & number;

type X = ((string)) & (number & foo);

// Options: ["never"]
type X = string&number

type X =
& string
& number

function x() {
type X =
& string
& number


The --fix option on the command line automatically fixes problems reported by this rule.

Enforces consistent spacing within generic type annotation parameters.

This rule takes one argument. If it is 'never' then a problem is raised when there is a space surrounding the generic type parameters. If it is 'always' then a problem is raised when there is no space surrounding the generic type parameters.

The default value is 'never'.

The following patterns are considered problems:

type X = Promise< string>
// Message: There must be no space at start of "Promise" generic type annotation

// Options: ["never"]
type X = Promise<  string>
// Message: There must be no space at start of "Promise" generic type annotation

type X = FooBar<string >
// Message: There must be no space at end of "FooBar" generic type annotation

type X = Promise< string >
// Message: There must be no space at start of "Promise" generic type annotation
// Message: There must be no space at end of "Promise" generic type annotation

type X = Promise< (foo), bar, (((baz))) >
// Message: There must be no space at start of "Promise" generic type annotation
// Message: There must be no space at end of "Promise" generic type annotation

// Options: ["always"]
type X = Promise<string >
// Message: There must be a space at start of "Promise" generic type annotation

// Options: ["always"]
type X = FooBar< string>
// Message: There must be a space at end of "FooBar" generic type annotation

// Options: ["always"]
type X = Promise<string>
// Message: There must be a space at start of "Promise" generic type annotation
// Message: There must be a space at end of "Promise" generic type annotation

// Options: ["always"]
type X = Promise<(foo), bar, (((baz)))>
// Message: There must be a space at start of "Promise" generic type annotation
// Message: There must be a space at end of "Promise" generic type annotation

// Options: ["always"]
type X = FooBar<  string >
// Message: There must be one space at start of "FooBar" generic type annotation

// Options: ["always"]
type X = FooBar< string  >
// Message: There must be one space at end of "FooBar" generic type annotation

// Options: ["always"]
type X = Promise<  (foo), bar, (((baz)))  >
// Message: There must be one space at start of "Promise" generic type annotation
// Message: There must be one space at end of "Promise" generic type annotation

The following patterns are not considered problems:

type X = Promise<string>

type X = Promise<(string)>

type X = Promise<(foo), bar, (((baz)))>

// Options: ["always"]
type X = Promise< string >

// Options: ["always"]
type X = Promise< (string) >

// Options: ["always"]
type X = Promise< (foo), bar, (((baz))) >


Enforces a consistent naming pattern for type aliases.


This rule needs a text RegExp to operate with Its signature is as follows:

    "rules": {
        "flowtype/type-id-match": [

'^([A-Z][a-z0-9]+)+Type$' is the default pattern.

The following patterns are considered problems:

type foo = {};
// Message: Type identifier 'foo' does not match pattern '/^([A-Z][a-z0-9]+)+Type$/'.

// Options: ["^foo$"]
type FooType = {};
// Message: Type identifier 'FooType' does not match pattern '/^foo$/'.

The following patterns are not considered problems:

type FooType = {};

// Options: ["^foo$"]
type foo = {};


Marks Flow type alias declarations as used.

Used to suppress no-unused-vars errors that are triggered by type aliases.

The following patterns are not considered problems:

declare class A {}
// Additional rules: {"no-unused-vars":1}

declare function A(): Y
// Additional rules: {"no-unused-vars":1}

declare module A {}
// Additional rules: {"no-unused-vars":1}

declare module A { declare var a: Y }
// Additional rules: {"no-unused-vars":1}

declare var A: Y
// Additional rules: {"no-unused-vars":1}

import type A from "a"; (function<T: A>(): T {})
// Additional rules: {"no-unused-vars":1}

(function<T: A>(): T {}); import type A from "a"
// Additional rules: {"no-unused-vars":1}

import type {A} from "a"; (function<T: A>(): T {})
// Additional rules: {"no-unused-vars":1}

(function<T: A>(): T {}); import type {A} from "a"
// Additional rules: {"no-unused-vars":1}

(function<T: A>(): T {}); import type {a as A} from "a"
// Additional rules: {"no-unused-vars":1}

type A = {}; function x<Y: A>(i: Y) { i }; x()
// Additional rules: {"no-unused-vars":1}

function x<Y: A>(i: Y) { i }; type A = {}; x()
// Additional rules: {"no-unused-vars":1}

type A = {}; function x<Y: A.B.C>(i: Y) { i }; x()
// Additional rules: {"no-unused-vars":1}

function x<Y: A.B.C>(i: Y) { i }; type A = {}; x()
// Additional rules: {"no-unused-vars":1}


Checks for simple Flow syntax errors.

The following patterns are considered problems:

function x(foo = "1": string) {}
// Message: "foo" parameter type annotation must be placed on left-hand side of assignment.

function x(foo = bar(): Type, baz = []: []) {}
// Message: "foo" parameter type annotation must be placed on left-hand side of assignment.
// Message: "baz" parameter type annotation must be placed on left-hand side of assignment.

The following patterns are not considered problems:

function x(foo: string = "1") {}

function x(foo: Type = bar()) {}


Flow type linting rules for ESLint.







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