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[Fix] Webhook dismissed not firing, and willDisplay when set from the dashboard #625

[Fix] Webhook dismissed not firing, and willDisplay when set from the dashboard

[Fix] Webhook dismissed not firing, and willDisplay when set from the dashboard #625

Triggered via pull request April 30, 2024 22:35
Status Success
Total duration 1m 18s


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1 error and 11 warnings
test: src/shared/services/OneSignalEvent.ts#L32
'env' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/setup-node@v3. For more information see:
test: src/core/caching/ModelCache.ts#L45
Unexpected any. Specify a different type
test: src/core/caching/OperationCache.ts#L10
Unexpected any. Specify a different type
test: src/core/caching/OperationCache.ts#L51
Unexpected any. Specify a different type
test: src/core/executors/ExecutorBase.ts#L97
Unexpected any. Specify a different type
test: src/core/executors/ExecutorBase.ts#L97
Unexpected any. Specify a different type
test: src/core/modelRepo/OSModel.ts#L57
Unexpected any. Specify a different type
test: src/core/modelRepo/OSModelUpdatedArgs.ts#L7
Unexpected any. Specify a different type
test: src/core/modelRepo/OSModelUpdatedArgs.ts#L8
Unexpected any. Specify a different type
test: src/core/models/CoreDeltas.ts#L12
Unexpected any. Specify a different type
test: src/core/models/CoreDeltas.ts#L13
Unexpected any. Specify a different type