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Commitizen friendly

Provides extensible base eslint configuration. There are 4 variants;


npm install @noaignite-dk/eslint-config --save-dev


yarn add @noaignite-dk/eslint-config --dev


Use this configuration if your project uses JavaScript.


In your project's .eslintrc.js, add the following:

/** @type {import('eslint').Linter.Config} */
module.exports = {
	extends: ['@noaignite-dk/eslint-config'],


Use this configuration if your project uses TypeScript.


Create an eslint specific tsconfig file (tsconfig.eslint.json) with the following contents:

	"extends": "./tsconfig.json",
	"compilerOptions": {
		"allowJs": true,
		"checkJs": false,
	"include": [
	"exclude": ["node_modules"]

Then, in your project's .eslintrc.js, add the following:

/** @type {import('eslint').Linter.Config} */
module.exports = {
	extends: ['@noaignite-dk/eslint-config/typescript'],
	parserOptions: {
		project: require.resolve('./tsconfig.eslint.json'),


Use this configuration if your project uses React + Typescript.


Create an eslint specific tsconfig file (tsconfig.eslint.json) with the following contents:

	"extends": "./tsconfig.json",
	"compilerOptions": {
		"allowJs": true,
		"checkJs": false,
	"include": [
	"exclude": ["node_modules"]

Then, in your project's .eslintrc.js, add the following:

/** @type {import('eslint').Linter.Config} */
module.exports = {
	extends: ['@noaignite-dk/eslint-config/react'],
	parserOptions: {
		project: require.resolve('./tsconfig.eslint.json'),


Use this configuration if your project uses Next.js + Typescript.


Create an eslint specific tsconfig file (tsconfig.eslint.json) with the following contents:

	"extends": "./tsconfig.json",
	"compilerOptions": {
		"allowJs": true,
		"checkJs": false,
	"include": [
	"exclude": ["node_modules"]

Then, in your project's .eslintrc.js, add the following:

/** @type {import('eslint').Linter.Config} */
module.exports = {
	extends: ['@noaignite-dk/eslint-config/next'],
	parserOptions: {
		project: require.resolve('./tsconfig.eslint.json'),

If Next.js isn't installed in your root directory (such as a monorepo) rootDir must be configured in .eslintrc.js:

/** @type {import('eslint').Linter.Config} */
module.exports = {
	extends: ['@noaignite-dk/eslint-config/next'],
	settings: {
		next: {
			rootDir: "packages/my-app/"
		'import/resolver': {
			typescript: {
				project: require.resolve('./tsconfig.eslint.json'),
	parserOptions: {
		project: require.resolve('./tsconfig.eslint.json'),


Use this configuration to add sorting for your project.


Create an eslint specific tsconfig file (tsconfig.eslint.json) with the following contents:

	"extends": "./tsconfig.json",
	"compilerOptions": {
		"allowJs": true,
		"checkJs": false,
	"include": [
	"exclude": ["node_modules"]

Then, in your project's .eslintrc.js, add the following:

/** @type {import('eslint').Linter.Config} */
module.exports = {
	extends: ['@noaignite-dk/eslint-config/import'],

Common errors

1. Unable to resolve path to module '@alias/file'. eslint(import/no-unresolved)

This error typically occurs when eslint-import-resolver-typescript cannot resolve the correct tsconfig.json or a baseUrl is missing.


  1. Make sure a baseUrl is set:


  "compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": "."
  1. Try explicitly passing the tsconfig to the resolver:


module.exports = {
	// [...]
	settings: {
		'import/resolver': {
			typescript: {
				project: require.resolve('./tsconfig.eslint.json'),
	parserOptions: {
		project: require.resolve('./tsconfig.eslint.json'),


Install all necessary development dependencies by running npm install --dev