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Releases: MushroomObserver/mushroom-observer

Rails 4.1 version of the code

16 Nov 01:00
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Merge pull request #195 from MushroomObserver/ror41

Ruby on Rails 4.1

Rails 4.0 version of the code

16 Nov 00:29
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Tagged in case something goes sideways with the Rails 4.1 deploy.

Assets pipeline

04 Feb 01:23
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Have nginx stop trying <request>.html and <request>/index.html.

Actively kick robots out of where they don't belong.

22 Jan 18:26
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Also some tweaks to ensure that robots are actually getting everwhere they should be able to get.

There is still some question in my mind about how google deals with external links to pages robots aren't allowed to crawl, e.g., Will google recognize that this is an alias of the canonical page If not, we may be losing some serious visibility. We may have to remove the restriction on "?" type requests from robots.txt.


Added site map and better robot control.

19 Jan 19:23
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Created script to automatically generate a site map and thorough robots.txt.

Also fixed at least one minor bug (in routes.rb).

Ruby 2.1.5 release

02 Jan 23:20
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Merge pull request #22 from mo-nathan/master

Update to ruby 2.1.5 with a bundle update

Performance improvements

02 Jan 20:03
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Implements significant improvements for both the name index page and the home page along with any other object image page that doesn't have a set of alphabetic links at the top of the page.

Added NamingController

15 Nov 13:18
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There is a small risk associated with this release since URLs like:

have turned into:

However, these URLs are only accessible to logged in users and there is no explicit 'show_naming' URL.

It should be easy to address this issue if it shows up in the routes.rb file, but since I think it's unnecessary I'm going to release it as it current is and monitor for real world failures.

Increased unicorn and nginx timeouts

16 Oct 18:56
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Increased unicorn and nginx timeouts

More ruby 2.1.3 tweaks

16 Oct 17:28
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Updated script/run_* and script/unicorn to rely on .ruby-version for their ruby version.