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SecretsManager (SM)

SM is an open-source self-hosted secrets manager with zero cost. The idea with SM is that it must be completely free of any cost, thus all resources as well as hosting is picked with that in mind.



Hosting your own SM


Deploy infrastructure

The script deploys the necessary AWS resources. The following resources will be deployed:

  • Cognito User Pool
  • Cognito Identity Pool
  • IAM role
  • IAM policy

A database is not needed as secrets will be stored encrypted in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store. Secrets are AES encrypted by the api before being stored in Parameter Store so that only the api that holds the encryption passphrase is able to decrypt them. All resources are within the AWS free tier.

In order to avoid latency, it's recommended to deploy the resources to us-east-1 since it's the default deployment region for Vercel and cannot be changed for hobby accounts. To deploy the resources, create an IAM user with programmatic access and with administrator access, then run the following command. Delete the user once the resources has been deployed. Take note of the output as it will be used as environment variables in the webb app.

AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=my-access-key \
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=my-secret-access-key \

The resources should now be created. By default users can not sign themselves up from your app, but you can create users from the AWS Management Console. This behavior can of course be changed to match your preferences, learn more about creating users and how to change this setting here.

The last step in this section is to unlock the authentication provider, Cognito User Pool, in the Cognito Identity Pool console. See the following procedure to do so

  1. Head over to the Cognito Identity Pool console and select the identity pool.
  2. In the top-right corner of the Dashboard page, choose Edit identity pool. The Edit identity pool page appears.
  3. Scroll down and choose Authentication providers to expand it.
  4. Choose the Cognito tab.
  5. Choose Unlock.
  6. Choose Save Changes.

Run web app locally before deploying (optional)

Run the web app locally to try it out and to make sure everything is set up correctly.

Copy env.local.example to .env.local and configure environment variables in that file

cp env.local.example .env.local

Install dependencies

yarn install

Run the web app locally

yarn run dev

Web app is available at localhost:3000

Swagger UI is available at localhost:3000/docs

Deploy web app

Install dependencies

yarn install

Login to your Vercel account

yarn run vercel login

Link your local directory to a Vercel Project. You can link to an existing project, or preferably create a new one.

yarn run vercel link

a project should now be seen in the Vercel dashboard. Before deploying, configure environment variables directly from the Project Settings. The necessary environment variables are found in .env.local.example file.


yarn run vercel deploy --prod

Migrating from other secrets managers

Simple bash scripts can be used to migrate secrets from other secrets managers to SM. Usually, secrets can be exported in CSV format, the following shows an example from LastPass


and the following bash script loops through the CSV entries and creates items in SM

#! /bin/bash

TOKEN=$MY_SM_TOKEN # set token as environment variable

while IFS="," read -r url username password totp extra name grouping fav
  curl "" \
  -H "content-type: application/json" \
  -H "authorization: $TOKEN" \
  --data-raw "{\"data\":{\"type\":\"logins\",\"attributes\":{\"title\":\"$name\",\"path\":\"/\",\"username\":\"$username\",\"secret\":\"$password\",\"note\":\"$name\"}}}"

done < <(tail -n +2 input.csv)