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quickseries generates Python functions that perform fast vectorized power series approximations of mathematical functions. It can provide performance improvements ranging from ~3x (simple functions, no fiddling around with parameters) to ~100x (complicated functions, some parameter tuning).

quickseries is in beta; bug reports are appreciated.


quickseries is available on PyPi; install with pip install quickseries. It is also available on conda-forge; install with conda install quickseries --channel conda-forge.

The minimum supported version of Python is 3.11.

example of use

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from quickseries import quickseries

>>> bounds = (-np.pi, np.pi)
>>> approx = quickseries("sin(x)*cos(x)", point=0, nterms=12, bounds=bounds)
>>> x = np.linspace(*bounds, 100000)
>>> print(f"max error: {max(abs(np.sin(x) * np.cos(x) - approx(x)))}")
>>> print("original runtime:")
>>> %timeit np.sin(x) * np.cos(x)
>>> print("approx runtime:")
>>> %timeit approx(x)

max error: 0.0003270875375037813
original runtime:
968 µs ± 2.17 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1,000 loops each)
approx runtime:
325 µs ± 3.89 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1,000 loops each)

usage notes


  • The most important keyword arguments to quickseries are bounds, nterms, and point. bounds specifies the range (or ranges, for multivariate functions) of values across which to approximate the function. nterms specifies how many terms to use in the series expansion. point specifies the value (or values, for multivariate functions) about which to generate the series expansion. See "limitations" and "tips" below for examples and discussion.
  • quickseries() is capable of auto-jitting the functions it generates with numba. Pass the jit=True argument. numba is an optional dependency; install it with your preferred package manager.
  • quickseries.benchmark() offers an easy way to test the accuracy and efficiency of quickseries.quickseries()-generated functions.
  • By default, quickseries() caches the code it generates. If you wish to turn this behavior off, pass cache=False.
    • If you call quickseries() with the same arguments from separate modules, it will write separate caches for each module.
    • ipython/Jupyter shells/kernels all share one cache within the same user account.
    • quickseries() treats stdin or similar 'anonymous' invocation contexts like modules named "__quickseries_anonymous_caller_cache__" in the current working directory.
    • In this mode, quickseries() also caches any results of numba JIT compilation.
    • Caching is turned off by default for benchmark().
  • If you pass the precision argument to quickseries(), it will attempt to guarantee that the function it returns will not cast input values to bit widths greater than the value of precision. Legal values of precision are 16, 32, and 64. The returned function will not, however, attempt to reduce the precision of its arguments. For instance, quickseries("sin(x) + exp(x)", precision=32) will return a Python float if passed an float, and a np.float64 ndarray if passed a np.float64 ndarray. However, it will return a np.float32 ndarray if passed a np.float32 ndarray, which is not guaranteed without the precision=32 argument.

argument naming

  • Multivariate quickseries()-generated functions always map positional arguments to variables in the string representation of the input function in alphanumeric order. This is in order to maintain consistency between slightly different forms of the same expression.
    • Examples:
      • quickseries("cos(x) * sin(y)")(1, 2) approximates cos(1) * sin(2)
      • quickseries("sin(y) * cos(x)")(1, 2) also approximates cos(1) * sin(2)
      • quickseries("sin(x) * cos(y)")(1, 2) approximates sin(1) * cos(2)
    • Note that you can always determine the argument order of a quickseries()- generated function by using the help() builtin or inspect.getfullargspec(), examining the function's docstring, etc.
  • Most legal Python variable names are allowable names for free variables. Named mathematical functions and constants are the major exceptions.
    • Examples:
      • "ln(_)", "ln(One_kitty)", "ln(x0)", and "ln(ă)" will all work fine.
      • "ln(if)" and "ln(🔥)" will both fail, because if and 🔥 are not legal Python variable names.
      • "ln(gamma)" will fail, because quickseries() will interpret "gamma" as the gamma function.
      • "cos(x) * cos(pi * 2)" will succeed, but quickseries() will interpret it as "the cosine of a variable named 'x' times the cosine of two times the mathematical constant pi" -- in other words, as "cos(x)".


  • quickseries only works for functions ℝn🡒ℝ for finite n. In programming terms, this means it will only produce functions that accept a fixed number of floating-point or integer arguments (which may be 'arraylike' objects such as pandas Series or numpy ndarrays) and return a single floating-point value (or a 1-D floating-point array if passed arraylike arguments).
  • quickseries only works consistently on functions that are continuous and infinitely differentiable within the domain of interest. Specifically, they should not have singularities, discontinuities, or infinite / undefined values at point or within bounds. Failure cases differ:
    • quickseries will always fail on functions that are infinite/undefined at point, like quickseries("ln(x)", point=-1).
    • It will almost always fail on functions with a largeish interval of infinite/undefined values within bounds, such as quickseries("gamma(x + y)", bounds=((-1.1, 0), (0, 1)), point=(-0.5, 0)).
    • It will usually succeed but produce bad results on functions with singularities or point discontinuities within bounds or near point but not at point, such as quickseries("tan(x)", bounds=(1, 2)).
    • It will often succeed, but usually produce bad results, on univariate functions that are continuous but not differentiable at point, such as quickseries("abs(sin(x))", point=0). It will always fail on multivariate functions of this kind.
  • Functions given to quickseries must be expressed in strict closed form and include only finite terms. They cannot contain limits, integrals, derivatives, summations, continued fractions, etc.
  • quickseries is not guaranteed to work for all such functions.


  • Narrowing bounds will tend to make the approximation more accurate within those bounds. In the example at the top of this README, setting bounds to (-1, 1) provides ~20x greater accuracy within the (-1, 1) interval (with the downside that the resulting approximation will get pretty bad past about +/-pi/2).
  • Like many optimizers, quickseries() tends to be much more effective closer to 0 and when its input arguments have similar orders of magnitude. If it is practical to shift/squeeze your data towards 0, you may be able to get more use out of quickseries. One of the biggest reasons for this is that high-order polynomials are more numerically stable with smaller input values.
    • Functions with a pole at 0 can of course present an exception to this rule. It will still generally be better to keep their input values small.
  • Increasing nterms will tend to make the approximation slower but more accurate. In the example above, increasing nterms to 14 provides ~20x greater accuracy but makes the approximation ~20% slower.
    • This tends to have diminishing returns. In the example above, increasing nterms to 30 provides no meaningful increase in accuracy over nterms=14, but makes the approximation slower than np.sin(x) * np.cos(x).
    • Setting nterms too high can also cause the approximation algorithm to fail entirely.
  • For most functions, placing point in the middle of bounds will produce the best results, and if you don't pass point at all, quickseries defaults to placing it in the middle of bounds.
  • The location of accuracy/performance "sweet spots" in the parameter space depends on the function and the approximation bounds. If you want to seriously optimize a particular function in a particular interval, you will need to play around with these parameters.
  • The speedup (or lack thereof) that a quickseries()-generated approximation provides can vary greatly in different operating environments and on different processors.
    • It can also vary depending on the length of the input arguments. It generally provides most benefit on arrays with tens or hundreds of thousands of elements, although this again varies depending on operating environment, the particular approximated function, etc.
  • In general, quickseries provides more performance benefits for more 'complicated' input functions. This is due to the implicit 'simplification' offered by the power series expansion.
  • It is often difficult to generate a polynomial approximation that remains good across a wide range of input values. In some cases, it may be useful to generate different functions for different parts of your code, or even to perform piecewise operations with multiple functions (although this of course adds complexity and overhead).
  • By default, if you pass a simple polynomial expression to quickseries() (e.g. "x**4 + 2 * x**3"), it does not actually generate an approximation, but instead simply attempts to rewrite it in a more efficient form.
    • nterms, bounds, and point are ignored in this "rewrite" mode.
    • This type of quickseries()-generated function should produce the same results as any other Python function that straightforwardly implements a form of the input polynomial (down to floating-point error).
    • This can produce surprising speedups even in simple cases -- for example, quickseries("x**4") is ~20x faster than lambda x: x ** 4 on some numpy arrays.
    • If you want quickseries() to actually create an approximation of a simple polynomial, pass approx_poly=True.
      • When approximating a polynomial, there is generally no good reason to set nterms > that polynomial's order. If you do, the function quickseries() generates will typically be very similar to a simple rewrite of the input polynomial, but with slightly worse performance and accuracy.
      • quickseries may fail to approximate some low-order polynomials.
      • The results of polynomial approximation will often be boring with bounds near 0, because most polynomials are approximated well near 0 by their lower-order terms.
        • For instance, quickseries("x**8 + 2 * x ** 3 + 5 * x + 10" nterms=4, bounds=(-0.5, 0.5), approx_poly=True) will produce a function that almost exactly just computes 2 * x ** 3 + 5 * x + 10.
  • In many, but not all, cases, jit=True will provide a significant performance improvement, sometimes by an order of magnitude. It also permits calling quickseries-generated functions from within other numba-compiled functions.
    • Note that some functions may not be compatible with numba.
  • quickseries tends to be most effective on univariate functions, mostly because the number of terms in a function's power expansion increases geometrically with its number of free parameters.
  • Functions generated by quickseries() may in some cases be less space/memory-efficient even if they are more time/compute-efficient.
  • By default, quickseries takes the analytic series expansion of the input function as a strong suggestion rather than the last word on the topic, and performs a numerical optimization step to improve its goodness of fit across bounds. There are good reasons you might not want it to do this, though -- for instance, if your input arguments are always going to be quite close to point, messing with the analytic series expansion may be wasteful or even counterproductive. If you don't want it to do this, pass fit_series_expansion=False. In this case, quickseries ignores the bounds argument, except to infer a value for point if you do not specify one.
    • In some cases, this optimization step can become numerically unstable. In these cases, you may wish to experiment with constraining it rather than turning it off completely. You can do this by passing bound_series_fit=True.
  • By default, the functions that quickseries generates precompute all repeated exponents in the generated polynomial. This is a space-for-time trade, and may not always be desirable (or even effective). You can turn this off by passing prefactor=False.
    • If jit=True, quickseries does not do this by default. The numba compiler implicitly performs a similar optimization, and computing these terms explicitly tends to be counterproductive. If you want quickseries to do it anyway, you can pass prefactor=True.
  • Specifying precision can lead to significant speedups and memory usage improvements.
  • Many libraries and formats do not support the "half-float" values generated by quickseries when passed precision=16.


quickseries has a few simple tests. You can run them by executing pytest in the repository's root directory. More comprehensive test coverage is planned.