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Database (table) introduction

This hook takes care of everything you need with database and currently it works with MySQL database. With the use of PDO communication, it will lower the threat of SQL-injection to almost zero.

Configuration and Installation


For each table you have to create a Class extends from Table class.

use miladm\table\Table;

class User extends Table {


there are abstract methods you have to config as below

method description
connection here we register the database connection and configurations
tableName the name of current table in string
class User extends Table {
	public function connection() {
		return new MainConnection;

	public function tableName() {
		return 'user';

setup actions before using the table

there's a method called init to setup actions before using this table;

	public function init()
		$this->leftJoin( .... );

Connection Class

use miladm\table\Connection;

class MainConnection extends Connection
    public $host = "";
    public $databaseName = "sample";
    public $user = 'root';
    public $password = 'root';

here's the structure of creating connection and to assign a table to a connection

class User extends Table {

	public function connection() {
		return new MainConnection;


NOTE: by default the key name is id so if it's the same with your table key name you don't have to set it.

set default Key

    public function key()
        return 'id';

you can change 'id' as you wish and your database structure is.


To create the query you need to create a function of your table then create the query.

$userTable = new user;
$userTable->select();// this will select all records from user table

// equal Query : SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE 1

query methods

method parameters description
trace state(boolean) will return the query string and won't run query just to trace
safeMode state(boolean)
query query:string, data?:optional you can run query directly into table
insert data:array insert data into table
where condition: string\array set condition for current query (update or delete)
delete delete current query (condition required)
select columnList:array\string selects from table
count returns number of results
orderDesc column:string\array setup desc order
order column:string\array, asc?:boolean setup order of current query
group column:string acts as group by query
having condition: string\array acts as having query
limit count:int, startPoint?:int make limitation for query and you can do pagination
fetchArray fetch the results as array
checkIfFetchArray returns boolean if we are expecting array
fetchObject fetch results as object
checkIfFetchObject return boolean if we are expecting object as result
name return this table name
as name:string set a secondary name for table as alias
coverName name:string works the same as as method
join table:Table, mapping?:array join this table to other table returns Table object with join
leftJoin table:Table, mapping?:array left join table to other table returns Table object with leftjoin
init_join table:Table, mapping?:array do join effect current object
init_leftJoin table:Table, mapping?:array do left join effect current object
getRelation return relation object of current object

Results data object

If you fetch data as object there will be some features assigned to result data object.

update data

you can update data of current result and call ->save() on results data object and update will happen on database.

$UserModel = new User();
$userData = $userModel->where(['id' => 1])->select();
echo $userData[0]->name; // its alex for example
$userData[0]->name = 'jack'; // variable updated but not saved on database
$userData[0]->save(); // now the change has updated the database


documentation is in progress but code talks itself. checkout the code for more.


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