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A nodeJS blog engine pulling markdown content from a Github repository


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Memba Blog Engine

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A nodeJS blog engine pulling markdown content from a Github repository.


See a demo running at and

Why a new blog engine?

We needed a blog engine with:

  1. pages and blog posts,
  2. "integrated" with Kidoju (not easy to achieve with Wordpress, Ghost or Blogger),
  3. multi-user with live edit (which discarded the likes of Jekyll and Octopress).

and possibly the following nice-to-have:

  1. nodeJS tooling,
  2. docker microservices architecture,
  3. markdown sources,
  4. editing in Github.


We initially built a server-less single page HTML application (version 0.0.1) which would pull markdown from URLs (possibly from Github) and convert it inro HTML in the browser (client-side) but we realized that it was poorly indexed by search engines.

So we rearchitected the project to convert markdown into html server-side, dropping the SPA architecture.


This is a nodeJS + expressJS application which pulls markdown content from a Github repository.

Getting started

Clone the project, configure ./webapp/config/*.json files and run.


Before you get too excited please consider that this is 'work in progress' which has not even reached an 'alpha' stage.


You can help by testing and reporting defects, making suggestions or even better contributing code fixes and improvements. In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt. We have provided setup.cmd and make.cmd to this effect.

Release History

v0.0.1 - Server-less SPA architecture

v0.0.2 - Server-side ExpressJS + EJS templates


This code is bound to the GPL license considering the use of Telerik's Kendo UI framework. As far as Memba is concerned, this code is free to use for all types of applications.

Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Memba. All rights reserved.


A nodeJS blog engine pulling markdown content from a Github repository







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