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My take on all the challenges of the Pro/g/ramming Challenges v4.0 board.


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Pro/g/ramming Challenges v4.0

Image showing all the 145 challenges Image source

This is my take on all the challenges of this image I found browsing the Internet. It seemed really interesting for me to try and beat some challenges and I decided to create this repo to write some code for those challenges. I will be solving them in no pre-defined order, with the languages I think fit the best for me.

Even though I have early access to the GitHub copilot, I will keep it disabled when solving these problems to practice my research and problem-solving skills

Here is my progress so far (tip: you can sort this list using GitHub sort content) :

Number Name Difficulty Progress Category
001 Download Manager ​🟨 Practical
002 Elastic Producer/Consumer Task Queue ​🟨 Practical
003 IRC Client ​🟨 Practical
004 Markov Chain Sentence Generator 🟩 ​✅ Practical
005 English Sentence Parser ​🟨 Practical
006 MIDI Player & Editor ​🟨 Practical
007 Stock Market Simulator (Yahoo! Data) ​🟨 Practical
008 Real Time Parametric/Graphic Equalizer (.wav files) ​​🟥 Practical
009 Graphing Calculator ​🟨 Practical
009 - Bonus Graphing the function's derivatives ​​🟥 Practical
010 To-Do List App (Web and/or CLI) 🟩 Practical
011 Verlet Integration (Verlet Cloth) ​​🟥 Practical
012 TCP/UDP Chat Server & Client ​🟨 Practical
013 Music Streaming ​​🟥 Practical
014 Shazam ​🟨 Practical
015 Chatbot (with conversation retention) 🟩 Practical
016 Curses Text Editor (Vim Keybindings) ​🟨 Practical
017 Paint Clone ​🟨 Practical
018 Image to ASCII Art 🟩 Practical
019 Booru (Image Board) Image Downloader ​🟨 Practical
020 Image Converter ​🟨 Practical
021 ID3 Reader ​🟨 Practical
022 Sound Synthesis (sine, square, sawtooth... waves) ​​🟥 Practical
022 - Bonus Real Time MIDI Playback (with custom instruments) ​​​🟪 Practical
023 C++ IDE Plugin for Sublime (or Atom) ​​🟥 Practical
024 Simple Version Control (checkout, commit...) ​🟨 Practical
025 Image board 🟩 Practical
026 Password Manager ​🟨 Practical
027 Torrent Client (CLI or GUI) ​​🟥 Practical
028 Booru Client ​​🟥 Practical
029 Key Press Bot ​🟨 Practical
030 IP or URL Obscurificator ​🟨 Practical
031 Radix Base Converter (Radix to Decimal) ​🟨 Practical
032 Chan Aggregator ​​🟥 Practical
032 - Bonus 4ChanX & Archiving functionalities ​​🟥 Practical
033 File Encrypter & Uploader ​🟨 Practical
034 Auto-Save Text Editor (with date in the filename) ​​🟥 Practical
035 HSV Color Representation 🟩 Practical
036 Window Manager ​🟨 Practical
037 Basic Rational Database Software ​​​🟪 Practical
038 Pixel Editor ​🟨 Practical
039 Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) ​🟨 Practical
040 Markdown (HTML and/or XML) ​🟨 Practical
041 IP Tracking Visualization ​🟨 Practical
042 Port Scanner 🟩 Practical
043 Old School Demo Effect (Plasma, Tunnel...) 🟩 Practical
044 FizzBuzz 🟩 ​✅ Algorithmic
044 - Bonus FizzBuzz written in Assembly ​🟨 Algorithmic
045 RPN Calculator 🟩 Algorithmic
046 Count occurrences of character (Unicode Support) 🟩 Algorithmic
047 Towers of Hanoi 🟩 Algorithmic
048 Music Visualizer ​🟨 Algorithmic
049 Unicode Converter (UTF-8, 16LE, 32LE & 32BE) ​🟨 Algorithmic
050 Calculate the first n digits of π (pi) 🟩 Algorithmic
051 Least Squares Fitting Algorithm ​🟨 Algorithmic
052 Find the best period for making most money in stocks 🟩 Algorithmic
053 Highest Prime Factor Calculator 🟩 Algorithmic
054 Hide & Extract Data in Images (Basic Steganography) ​🟨 Algorithmic
054 - Bonus Include .gif support for the Basic Steganography ​​🟥 Algorithmic
055 Web Page Crawler ​🟨 Algorithmic
056 Password Generator (with User Interaction) 🟩 Algorithmic
057 Vignére Cipher Encryption & Decryption ​🟨 Algorithmic
058 Game Of Life ​🟨 Algorithmic
059 Caesar Cipher Encryption & Decryption 🟩 Algorithmic
060 Dijkstra's Algorithm ​🟨 Algorithmic
061 ROT 13 Encryption & Decryption 🟩 Algorithmic
062 Display MBR Contents ​🟨 Algorithmic
063 Random Name Picker ​🟨 Algorithmic
064 Encrypt & Decrypt (from the collection) 🟩 Algorithmic
065 YouTube to MP3 Converter 🟩 Algorithmic
066 Text to Hexadecimal & Binary Converter 🟩 Algorithmic
067 Calculate the first 1000 digits of $\pi$ iteratively ​🟨 Algorithmic
068 Sierpinski Triangle 🟩 Algorithmic
069 Mandelbrot Set ​🟨 ​​✅ Algorithmic
070 OpenAI Gym Project ​​🟥 Artificial Intelligence
071 AI for Rogue-likes ​🟨 Artificial Intelligence
072 Sudoku or n-Puzzle Solver using A* algorithm ​🟨 Artificial Intelligence
073 Connect-4 AI Player using Alpha-Beta Pruning ​🟨 Artificial Intelligence
074 Basic Neural Network 🟩 Artificial Intelligence
075 Real Neural Network ​🟨 Artificial Intelligence
076 Convolutional Neural Network (using TensorFlow, e.g.) ​🟨 Artificial Intelligence
077 Convolutional Neural Network (from scratch) ​​🟥 Artificial Intelligence
078 "Hello World" on a Virtual Machine ​🟨 Compiler/Interpreter/Debugger
079 Basic Bootloader (with extended file system) ​​​🟪 Compiler/Interpreter/Debugger
080 Terminal Shell (Executable Binaries, Pipe System...) ​🟨 Compiler/Interpreter/Debugger
080 - Bonus Terminal Shell but GUI ​​🟥 Compiler/Interpreter/Debugger
081 HTML & JavaScript Debugger ​🟨 Compiler/Interpreter/Debugger
082 Interpreted LISP-Like Programming Language ​🟨 Compiler/Interpreter/Debugger
083 Application capable of mounting File systems (FUSE) ​​🟥 Compiler/Interpreter/Debugger
084 UART Game in Assembly ​🟨 Compiler/Interpreter/Debugger
085 Colored Pong Game as a UEFI file ​​🟥 Compiler/Interpreter/Debugger
086 Designing an Esoteric Language ​​🟥 Compiler/Interpreter/Debugger
087 C Compiler ​​🟥 Compiler/Interpreter/Debugger
088 Turing Machine Simulator ​​🟥 Compiler/Interpreter/Debugger
089 Read, Evaluate, Print Loop using a compiled language ​​🟥 Compiler/Interpreter/Debugger
090 Static Website Generator (Template to HTML & CSS) ​🟨 Compiler/Interpreter/Debugger
091 Chirp-8 Emulator ​🟨 Emulation/Modeling
091 - Bonus 1 Chirp-8 Emulator with Cached Interpreter ​​🟥 Emulation/Modeling
091 - Bonus 2 Chirp-8 Emulator with Dynamic Recompiler ​​🟥 Emulation/Modeling
092 Double Pendulum Simulation ​🟨 Emulation/Modeling
093 Constructive Solid Geometry ​🟨 Emulation/Modeling
094 Ray Tracer ​​🟥 Emulation/Modeling
095 Real-Time Fast Fourier Transform Spectrum Visualizer ​​🟥 Emulation/Modeling
096 Complimentary Color Generator based on an Input Color 🟩 Emulation/Modeling
097 5-Color Scheme Generator from any input image ​🟨 Emulation/Modeling
098 General Lambert's-Problem Solver 🚀 ​​​🟪 Emulation/Modeling
099 TI-86 Emulator ​​🟥 Emulation/Modeling
099 - Bonus TI-86 Emulator with Option to Create Programs ​​🟥 Emulation/Modeling
100 N-Body Simulator with Merging Particles ​🟨 Emulation/Modeling
101 Eulerian Path 🟩 Emulation/Modeling
102 Spinning 3D Cube 🟩 Emulation/Modeling
103 Cellular Textures 🟩 Emulation/Modeling
104 Knight's Tour ​🟨 Games
105 Monster Raising and/or Breeding Simulator ​​🟥 Games
106 Tetris ​🟨 Games
107 Snake 🟩 Games
108 Pipe Dreams ​🟨 Games
109 Pac-Man, with Different Behaviors for each Ghosts ​🟨 Games
110 Dragon Quest (Basic RPG Engine) ​​🟥 Games
111 Rock Paper Scissors 🟩 Games
112 First-Person Engine in OpenGL ​​🟥 Games
112 - Bonus First-Person Engine in OpenGL, with VR support ​​​🟪 Games
113 Shuffle a Deck of Cards, with visuals ​🟨 Games
114 Simulation of a Game of Tag (with Multi-Agent System) ​🟨 Games
115 Wolfenstein Clone (FPS, 2D that appears to be 3D) ​​🟥 Games
116 Scorched Earth Clone ​🟨 Games
117 Minesweeper Clone ​🟨 Games
118 Audio/Visual 64Kb Demonstration ​🟨 Games
119 Sudoku ​🟨 Games
120 Danmaku (Bullet Hell) Engine ​​🟥 Games
121 Roguelike Engine (Dungeon Generator) ​​🟥 Games
122 Game Engine in Unity 🟩 Games
123 Yahtzee 🟩 Games
124 Oil Panic 🟩 Games
125 Chess ​🟨 Games
126 Go (no AI) ​​🟥 Games
127 Connect-4 🟩 Games
128 Mastermind ​🟨 Games
129 Missile Command Game ​🟨 Games
130 Tron ​🟨 Games
131 Breakout ​🟨 Games
132 Simon 🟩 Games
133 LISP Interpreter ​​🟥 Compiler/Interpreter/Debugger
134 Ulam Spiral 🟩 Algorithmic
135 Bellman-Ford Simulation (at least 5 Vertices) ​🟨 Practical
136 Matrix Arithmetic ​🟨 Practical
137 File Compression Utility ​🟨 Practical
138 PDF Tagger 🟩 Practical
139 Nonogram Generator & Solver ​​🟥 Practical
140 Calculate Dot & Cross Product of 2 Vectors ​🟨 Practical
141 Bismuth Fractal ​🟨 Practical
142 Seam Carving ​🟨 Practical
143 Bayesian Filter ​🟨 Practical
144 WMS Viewer (not Web-Based) ​​🟥 Practical
145 ASCII Digital Clock 🟩 Emulation/Modeling

Order of Projects

This is the list of projects in the order I completed/started them :

  1. n°44 - FizzBuzz
  2. n°4 - Markov Chain Sentence Generator
  3. n°69 - Mandelbrot Set


My take on all the challenges of the Pro/g/ramming Challenges v4.0 board.





