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Climate Index Collection

Build Status codecov License:MIT Docker Image Version (latest by date) DOI

Collection of climate indices derived from climate model outputs.

Quickstart: Using the climate indices

The resulting climate-index time series are published to Zenodo under the DOI 10.5281/zenodo.7779883 and you can obtain the index timeseries by manually downloading the file climate_indices.csv from this dataset.

You can also use pooch to obtain the published index time series programmatically:

import pooch

climate_indices_file = pooch.retrieve(

With climate_indices_file containing the path to the CSV file either resulting from the code above or from manually setting it to the location of the manually downloaded data, we recommend using Pandas for reading the data:

import pandas as pd

climate_indices = pd.read_csv(climate_indices_file)

This results in a dataframe with the following structure:

       model  year  month   index                         long_name     value
0       FOCI     1      1  SAM_ZM  southern_annular_mode_zonal_mean -0.295492
1       FOCI     1      2  SAM_ZM  southern_annular_mode_zonal_mean  0.530890
2       FOCI     1      3  SAM_ZM  southern_annular_mode_zonal_mean  1.684005
3       FOCI     1      4  SAM_ZM  southern_annular_mode_zonal_mean  1.409169
4       FOCI     1      5  SAM_ZM  southern_annular_mode_zonal_mean  0.984511
...      ...   ...    ...     ...                               ...       ...
695647  CESM   999      8      NP                     north_pacific -0.210202
695648  CESM   999      9      NP                     north_pacific  0.206541
695649  CESM   999     10      NP                     north_pacific -0.331067
695650  CESM   999     11      NP                     north_pacific  0.487844
695651  CESM   999     12      NP                     north_pacific -0.782657

[695652 rows x 6 columns]

To apply statistics or to plot all indices, you can apply standard modifications provided by Pandas. Calculating, e.g., the standard deviation of all indices amounts to

print(climate_indices.groupby(["model", "index"])[["value"]].std())
model  index
CESM   AMO            0.109084
       ENSO_12        0.603481
       ENSO_3         0.881938
       ENSO_34        0.933544
       ENSO_4         0.909434
       NAO_PC         1.000042
       NAO_ST         1.554596
       NP             0.569459
       PDO_PC         1.000042
...    ...            ...
FOCI   AMO            0.128715
       ENSO_12        0.342368
       ENSO_3         0.600242
       ENSO_34        0.759405
       ENSO_4         0.923854
       NAO_PC         1.000042
       NAO_ST         1.459676
       NP             0.644014
       PDO_PC         1.000042
...    ...            ...
Name: value, dtype: float64

Quickstart: Reproducing the dataset

The Python package in this repository can be installed using pip:

$ python -m pip install git+

The data from which the indices have been calculated are published under the DOI 10.5281/zenodo.7060385. After downloading the data to, e.g., ./cicmod_data/, you can run the command line version of this package by

$ climate_index_collection_run --input-path ./cicmod_data/ --output-path .

which will create a file climate_indices.csv.

Please see either $ climate_index_collection_run --help on the command line, or the tutorial notebook in notebooks/Tutorial.ipynb for more details.


For now, we're developing in the Pangeo notebook container. More details:

To start a JupyterLab within this container, run

$ docker pull pangeo/pangeo-notebook:2022.07.27
$ docker run -p 8888:8888 --rm -it -v $PWD:/work -w /work pangeo/pangeo-notebook:2022.07.27 jupyter lab --ip=

and open the URL starting on

Then, open a Terminal within JupyterLab and run

$ python -m pip install -e .

to have a local editable installation of the package.

Container Image

There's a container image:

Use with Docker

You can use it wherever Docker is installed by running:

$ docker pull mlandthayen/climate_index_collection:<tag>
$ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/work -w /work mlandthayen/climate_index_collection:<tag> climate_index_collection_run --help

Here, <tag> can either be latest or a more specific tag.

Use with Singularity

You can use it wherever Singularity is installed by essentially running:

$ singularity pull --disable-cache --dir "${PWD}" docker://mlandthayen/climate_index_collection:<tag>
$ singularity run climate_index_collection_<tag>.sif climate_index_collection_run --help

Here, <tag> can either be latest or a more specific tag.

Note that for NESH, it's currently necessary to

  • specify the version of singularity to use, and
  • to make sure to bind mount various parts of the file system explicitly.

So the full call on NESH would look like:

$ module load singularity/3.5.2
$ singularity pull --disable-cache --dir "${PWD}" docker://mlandthayen/climate_index_collection:<tag>
$ singularity run -B /sfs -B /gxfs_work1 -B ${PWD}:/work --pwd /work climate_index_collection_<tag>.sif climate_index_collection_run --help

Release Procedure

A release will contain the specific version of the package (taken care of automatically) and the CSV file created with the full data.

  1. Draft a release: Go to and draft a new release (don't publish yet).

  2. Prepeare data: For the commit in main for which the release is planned, pull the container on NESH (see above) and run:

$ singularity run -B /sfs -B /gxfs_work1 -B ${PWD}:/work --pwd /work climate_index_collection_<tag>.sif climate_index_collection_run --input-path <path_to_full_data>
  1. Attach data: Attach the CSV file to the drafted release.

  2. Publish: By clicking on the Publish release button.

Project based on the cookiecutter science project template.