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Building a Full Stack Learn Opus app similar to Medium with Spring Boot, Spring Security, JWT, React and Ant Design

App Screenshot

Steps to Setup the Spring Boot Back end app (lernopus-app-server)

  1. Clone the application

    git clone
    cd lernopus-app-server
  2. Create MySQL database

    create database lernopus-dev
  3. Change MySQL username and password as per your MySQL installation

    • open src/main/resources/ file.

    • change spring.datasource.username and spring.datasource.password properties as per your mysql installation

  4. Run the app

    You can run the spring boot app by typing the following command -

    mvn spring-boot:run

    The server will start on port 1010.

    You can also package the application in the form of a jar file and then run it like so -

    mvn package
    java -jar target/lernopus-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  5. Default Roles

    The spring boot app uses role based authorization powered by spring security. To add the default roles in the database, I have added sql queries in src/main/resources/ folder. These sql queries are meant for default table creation and configuration data. Spring boot will automatically execute this script on startup -

    Please Read :

    1. src/main/resources/db/migration/V1_schema.sql
    2. src/main/resources/db/migration/V1_default_roles.sql
    3. src/main/resources/data.sql

Steps to Setup the React Front end app (lernopus-app-client)

First go to the lernopus-app-client folder -

cd lernopus-app-client

Then type the following command to install the dependencies and start the application -

npm install && npm start

The front-end server will start on port 3000.


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