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Crev Identity

Laurence Armstrong edited this page Mar 31, 2020 · 1 revision

Notes on Native crev identity URL:

By default the latest (by proof timestamp) repo url is used. And other ones are a fallback, also if someone else reported them. So that every time you trust someone, you advertise their repo url, but ultimately their own, self-reported, latest known repo-url should be used. So if you would like to change your repo url, you should change it locally, then sign some proof, publish to both new and old, then publish that, and it will circulate between people. Eventually, you can just get rid of the old repo. The url is not entirely part of the ID. It's more of a "advisory" - "for more updates, try this url". The philosophy here is focused on proof as a document. It is supposed to be simple and unassuming. The exact logic how to use the data from proofs can change, and evolve. Quite possible that eventually proofs would be circulated mostly some other way, because downloading them from thousands of peers in your extended WoT might be too slow. There might be aggregators, filters, caches, etc. Some the structure of the repo itself is mostly a convention for humans conveniance. cargo-crev just clones the whole repo, and then recursively checks all the files.

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