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EC2 container for Housing Finance Services "Charges Import" Nightly Process.

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EC2 container for Housing Finance System "Charges Import" Nightly Process.

The code of this nightly process was moved from the Housing Finance Interim API application where it was previously running as a cron-triggered AWS Step Function (each step AWS Lambda hosted). The code had to be moved due to running into 15 minute AWS Lambda processing timeout limits. The timeout issue is resolved by changing the way-of-hosting of the application to an AWS Fargate EC2 instance (no execution time limit), which gets triggered via the same cron expression.

The code was moved as is with minor tweaks to the Use Case return types & logging, which were AWS Lambda and AWS Step Function specific. This moved part of the interim API had absolutely no tests to it, therefore there were none to be moved. This is technical debt, which will be addressed as part of technical debt backlog.

Pipeline and Infrastructure

AWS Infrastructure

The infrastructure for this application is defined within the MTFH Finance Infrastructure repository, where its code specifically was brought it by this PR.

CI/CD pipeline

The deployment bit of this repository's pipeline merely builds & deploys the application's docker image to the relevant AWS ECR repository. Each image is deployed as 'latest', making the previous image version lose its 'latest' tag.

The EC2 Task definition within the AWS is configured to point to the 'latest' image within an ECR. Therefore upon the Task (based on the Task definition) getting created due to the cron trigger, the Task should be always pointing to the latest ECR image.

The main branch represents the development environment, while the release branch is for staging and production environments. The release to production environment is behind the manual 'permit' button that appears after deployment to staging is complete. The release to development is also behind the manual approval, because not all changes pushed to main always require a deployment.


This application is supposed to run as docker container.

  1. Create a copy of .env.sample and then populated with the required values.
    cp .env.sample .env
  2. If you intend to run the application in non-local mode (you set the ENVIRONMENT to any environment other than 'local'), you will need to add in the AWS programmatic access credentials into your .env file for the application to be able to access the AWS SSM Parameter Store and AWS SNS Topic for sending email alerts. Plus, you want to set the SNS_TOPC_ARN if you intend to test email alerts.
  3. Build and run the application docker container using a Makefile
    make run


At the time of writing, the tests image of this application does not depend on any external dependencies like another database image, but this may change going forward.

To run the application tests, run:

make test

Until a better clean up process is introduced, you may need to occassionally clean up your docker images on your host machine manually.


The application depends on:

  • Docker - the application is intended to be run as a docker container.
  • Housing Interim API SQL database - all the operations are done against this database.
  • AWS SNS Topic - (see infrastructure) for sending out emails notifications upon application failure. (This is disabled by default for the local run)
  • AWS SSM Parameter Store - The application is configured to pick up all of the environment variables (except the ENVIRONMENT and SNS_TOPIC_ARN) from the parameter store. This simplifies the new financial years preparation (updating CHARGES_BATCH_YEARS) and the updating of other environment variables by omitting the need to re-deploy anything. (This is also disabled by default for the local run)

Nightly run

This process is only 1 part of the entire nightly run. The rest of the process parts are deployed as part of the Housing Finance Interim API application. See more information about the nightly run within these diagrams link. (The nighly run timeline overview diagram is called: "HFS Batch")


EC2 container for Housing Finance Services "Charges Import" Nightly Process.






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