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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jan 4, 2020. It is now read-only.


Grey edited this page Oct 5, 2018 · 2 revisions

Branch Model

The project uses a Git Flow branching model.

The 3 main branches are:

  1. master Branch (acts more like a 'remote build')
  2. dev Branch (acts more like a traditional master)
  3. next Branch (actions more like a traditional develop)

Master Branch

Contains every build (deployment). Pushing/merging to master is never explicit. Instead, there are build/deploy scripts that are run from the dev branch.

Manual Deploys

npm run deploy


  • build the Vue bundle into the /dist folder
  • copy the CNAME and into the /dist folder
  • force push the master branch to contain only the contents of the /dist folder
  • cleanup afterwards

Travis Deploys

Continuous Integration is currently setup to deploy after successful builds run on the dev branch. In practice, this means that pull requests into dev with passing builds should fire a deploy.

The setup (found in .travis.yml) is as follows:

  • npm run build (buildes the Vue sources into /dist)
  • npm run copyreadme (copies the into the /dist folder)
  • push (From Travis build) onto master using an ENV variable $GITHUB_TOKEN
  • The setting fqdn will automatically create the CNAME file on the master branch


  • Future developers will have to generate their own personal access token to run from Travis. See here for details.
  • Automatic deploys only work for builds triggered onto the dev branch. You can use Travis CI on any other branch or in a PR without triggering deployment.

Dev Branch

Contains the most recent source code that was built and deployed. next should branch from here, and active development will continue until a release is near. release branches and hotfixes are the only merges into dev.

Next Branch

Contains active feature development. Once enough features/commits are acquired, draft a release branch. The release branch should be cleaned up (including history) and then merged into dev.