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📋 GitHub Action that post comment on a GitHub Issue or Pull Request


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Create Comment

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A GitHub Action that post comment on a GitHub Issue or Pull Request. If the same content is posted before, this action will delete the existing one and post a new one.

This action extract the number from an issue or a pull request which has triggered this by default. You don't need to specify the issue number by ${{ github.event.issue.number }} or ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }} if you want to post to its issue or pull request.


      - name: Create Comment
        uses: KeisukeYamashita/create-comment@v1
          number: 1
          comment: Comment for Issue or GitHub Pull Request

Post a comment and close the previous same comment

This is just an example to show one way in which this action can be used.

on: pull_request
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Post comment
        uses: KeisukeYamashita/create-comment@v1
          comment: |
            Issue title must start with 'ABC-'.
            Auto-closing this issue.

Action inputs

Name Description Default
check-only-first-line If true, If the first line is same, it is considered to be the same post. It works when unique is true. false
comment Comment to post. - (Required)
unique If true, existing comment with same body will be deleted. true
number The number of the issue to post. github.event.issue.number
repository The GitHub repository containing the issue or pr. Current repository
token GITHUB_TOKEN or a repo scoped PAT. GITHUB_TOKEN

Action outputs

Name Description
deleted-comment If there was existing same comments or not that was deleted
deleted-comment-id The deleted comment ID
comment-id The posted comment ID
match-first-line If match first line or not

Accessing issues in other repositories

You can close issues in another repository by using a PAT instead of GITHUB_TOKEN. The user associated with the PAT must have write access to the repository.


I've derived the design for this action from @peter-evans's GitHub Actions. Thanks to @perter-evans and the contributors for all the hard work and sharing it as an opensource project.
