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PARCC Partnership Resource Center


cd docroot drush si -y prc_profile drush fra -y --force drush mi —-all drush vocimp ../terms/lr_subjects_hier.csv tree --vocabulary_target=existing --vocabulary_id=10 drush php-eval 'node_access_rebuild();'

Now set your admin password and log in... drush upwd admin --password="yourpassword" or... drush uli

Development Installation

For a development instance, the longer Standards migration can be shortened. Execute ./ Then set an admin password: drush upwd admin --password=admin

Additional Software Requirements

You'll need:

  • Composer
  • Selenium Server (downloaded here: )
  • Firefox 34 (As of this writing, FF35 does not work correctly with Selenium). Turn off automatic updates, otherwise FF will upgrade itself when you start it back up.
  • PHP 5.5
  • drush

Server Permissions for Tika Execution

To ensure that Apache can execute Tika, run the following: setsebool -P httpd_execmem 1 setsebool -P allow_httpd_mod_auth_pam 1

grant sudo access to sys_ptrace grant sudo access to netlink_audit_s

Server Permissions for Sending Email

setsebool –P httpd_can_sendmail 1

When Terms Change

When taxnomy terms change, check the following:

  • Content type: Assessment Field: Assessment Type Default Value: Custom Assessment

  • Assessments view Terms allowed: Custom Assessment PARCC-Released Practice Assessment

SSO Local Config

Get a PRC instance running locally at http://parcc-prc.dd:8083 (annoying, I know - more info in the comments in config/

Copy the 'Enable environment specific integrations settings file' block from default.settings.php and add to your local settings.php

With SSO enabled, you can bypass SSO login using the following path: /user/local-login

SSO Link URL Changes

In the file: /var/www/simplesamlphp/modules/themeparcc/themes/parcc/core/loginuserpass.php

Change lines 65 and 66 to point the hrefs to the right base PRC url.

REST User For Automated Testing

The prc_adp module creates a user that is used by behat tests for validating REST functionality. In order to take advantage of this, the following line needs to be added to the settings.php file:

$conf['adp_user_default_pass'] = 'password';

You may change 'password' to whatever you wish. Also make sure the value in settings.php is the same as for the behat.yml custom parameter.

Syncing Critical Tables With Production

The script will require a file called crit-tables.sql. To create this file, download a copy of the production database, import into mysql (in the example that follows we use a database called prc_prod), and run the following command in the PRC repository root directory to export the sql file.

sudo mysqldump prc_prod role taxonomy_term_data taxonomy_term_hierarchy taxonomy_vocabulary > crit-tables.sql

By doing this we can be sure that references in features to terms and roles will match production. It is recommended that the crit-tables.sql file be re-created whenever roles or terms referenced by features are added to production.


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  • Gherkin 3.7%
  • SourcePawn 2.5%
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