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介绍 About

JiuLing.AutoUpgrade 是一个简单、易用的自动更新组件。
JiuLing.AutoUpgrade is a simple and easy-to-use automatic update component.

更新程序的核心程序是基于 .NET Framework 4.7 开发的 x64 格式的程序,所以使用此组件之前,请先确保客户端环境能够运行该程序。
The core program is developed using .NET Framework 4.7 (x64). Before using this component, make sure the client can run the program.

特点:相比较普通的自动更新程序,JiuLing.AutoUpgrade 自身也可以完成自更新操作。
Features: The component can complete self-update.

支持 HttpFtp 两种更新方式,更新包仅支持 .zip 压缩包。组件运行后,会去服务端下载自动更新的压缩包,完成后关闭主程序,将压缩包的内容解压后复制到程序根目录。
Supports Http and Ftp. The update package only supports .zip compressed packages. After the component is run, it will go to the server to download the updated compressed package. After completion, close the main program, decompress the contents of the compressed package and copy to the program root directory.

**If the minimum version is specified and the main program version is lower than the minimum version, the automatic update program will not be allowed to skip this update. If the automatic update program is closed directly without updating, the main program will also be closed. **


安装 Install

使用 Getting Started

  1. 导入命名空间 Import namespace
using JiuLing.AutoUpgrade.Shell;
  1. 创建更新 Create app
var app = AutoUpgradeFactory.Create();
  1. 选择更新方式 Config update Type
//Http 方式更新

//Ftp 方式更新
app.UseFtpMode("upgradePath", "userName", "password");
  1. 启动 Do update
// or
await app.RunAsync();



更新信息需要返回如下格式的 json 内容。
Update information needs to return json content in the following format.

    "SignType":"签名方式(支持 MD5 和 SHA1 两种方式)",
    "CreateTime":"2022-01-16 12:12:12",

高级设置 Advanced Config

  • 设置图标
  • Set icon
    app.SetUpgrade(config =>
        config.IconPath = "icon.ico";
        // or
        config.IconPath = @"C:\icon.ico";
  • 检查更新时的请求超时时间(默认 5 秒)
  • Request timeout when checking for updates (default: 5 seconds)
    app.SetUpgrade(config =>
        config.TimeoutSecond = 60;
  • 是否在后台进行更新检查(默认为否)
  • Whether to check for updates in the background (default: false)
    app.SetUpgrade(config =>
        config.IsBackgroundCheck = true;
  • 对下载的文件启用签名校验(默认为不启用),支持 MD5SHA1 两种方式。
  • Enable signature verification, supporting both MD5 and SHA1 methods.
    app.SetUpgrade(config =>
        config.IsCheckSign = true;
  • 设置主题(默认为跟随操作系统),支持设置“浅色主题”和“深色主题”。
  • Set the dark theme (default: follow the operating system).
    app.SetUpgrade(config =>
        config.Theme = Shared.ThemeEnum.System;
        // config.Theme = Shared.ThemeEnum.Light;
        // config.Theme = Shared.ThemeEnum.Dark;
  • 设置多语言(默认为中文)(目前仅支持中文、英文)。
  • Globalization (default: zh) (Only supports zh、en)
    app.SetUpgrade(config =>
        config.Lang = "zh";
        // config.Lang = "en";


  ├─JiuLing.AutoUpgrade             核心程序
  ├─JiuLing.AutoUpgrade.Shell       启动程序,用来启动核心更新程序  
  │  └─Resources                    通过动态资源的形式加载核心程序,使得核心程序可以实现自身更新。项目编译前,会先从Librarys.tmp文件夹拷贝核心程序
  │     └─JiuLing.AutoUpgrade.exe
  ├─JiuLing.AutoUpgrade.Shared      核心程序和启动程序所共享的代码片段
  ├─JiuLing.AutoUpgrade.Test        测试程序
  │  ├─JiuLing.AutoUpgrade.Test.csproj
  │  ├─
  │  └─测试环境配置说明.txt
  ├─Librarys.tmp                    临时目录,核心程序编译完成后将自身发布到该目录
  │  └─JiuLing.AutoUpgrade.exe
  └─JiuLing.AutoUpgrade.sln         项目解决方案


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